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天津外国语大学赵彦春教授用时3年英文还原中国传统经典神作《三字经》。翻译讲究音、形、义三方面完美神译原作。网友称为史上最美汉英翻译。唐朝的统治近三百年,总共传了二十位皇帝。唐哀帝被朱全忠篡位,建立了梁朝,唐朝从此灭亡。为和南北朝时期的梁相区别,历史上称为后梁。The Tang Dynasty reigned for nearly three hundred years, with twenty emperors in all. Emperor Tang-Ai was usurped by Zhu Quanzhong, who founded the Liang Dynasty, termed the Latter Liang to be distinguished from the earlier Liang. 后梁之后或期间,还有后唐、后晋、后汉和后周,这段时间历史上称作五代。After and concurrent with the Latter Liang, there were the Latter Tang, the Latter Jin, the Latter Han, and the Latter Zhough, and this period is called the Five Dynasties.
Emperors counted eighteen.赵匡胤接受了后周“禅让”的帝位,建立了宋朝。宋朝相传了十八个皇帝之后,北方的少数民族南下侵扰,结果又成了南北混战的局面。Zhao Kuangyin, accepting the demised throne of the Latter Zhough, founded the Song Dynasty. At the eighteenth emperor's reign, the ethnics from the north invaded the land, hence scuffles between the north and the south.北方的辽人、金人和蒙古人都建立了国家,自称皇帝,最后蒙古人灭了金朝和宋朝,建立了元朝,重又统一了中国。
Liao, Jin, and Mongols in the north established their polities and their chieftains claimed to be emperors. In the end, the Mongols annulled Jin and Song and set up the Yuan Dynasty, hence the reunification of China.
The Yuan Dynasty had a territory larger than any other previous dynasties. However, it lasted only ninety years before it was overthrown by a peasant uprising.
元朝末年,明太祖朱元璋起义,最后推翻元朝统治,建立大明,国号洪武。他自己当上了皇帝,定都在金陵。At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang's peasant uprising overthrew the reign of the Mongolian Empire. Zhu founded the Ming Dynasty, coronated himself as its first emperor, with its capital seated in Nanking.