Love English 2 助大家快乐学英语!
When you read, you should contemplate. Only when you are devoted to this can you learn well.
从前,孔子是个十分好学的人,当时鲁国有一位神童名叫项橐,孔子就曾向他学习。像孔子这样伟大的圣贤,尚不忘勤学,何况我们普通人呢? Confucius was a good learner. Once he met a prodigy called Xiang Tuo in the Luh State and consulted him. Even a sage like Confucius was so intent on his studies, shouldn't we follow suit?宋朝宰相赵普,尽管身居要职,天天还手不释卷地阅读论语。Zhao Puh, the famous premier of the Song Dynasty, studied the Analects intensively everyday although he was in such a high position.西汉时路温舒把文字抄在蒲草上阅读。公孙弘将春秋刻在竹子削成的竹片上。他们两人都很穷,买不起书,但还不忘勤奋学习。 In the Western Han Dynasty, Lu Wenshu copied words on cattail tips for reading, and Gongsun Hong carved the Spring 'nd Autumn on bamboo slips. They, both poor, couldn't afford to buy books, but they pressed on to study.晋朝时的孙敬和战国时的苏秦都发奋读书。为了不犯困,一个把头发悬挂在屋梁上,一个用锥子刺自己的大腿。Sun Jing in the Jin Dynasty and Soo Qin in the Warring State period were serious with their study, one keeping his hair hung from a beam, another needling his thigh lest they should feel sleepy. 晋朝时车胤读书时把萤火虫放在纱袋里采光照明,还有一位叫孙光的则以雪的反光来看书。他们的生活条件如此艰苦却能持之以恒地读书。Che Yin in the Jin Dynasty kept fireworms in a gauze bag, and Sun Guang made use of the reflection from snow to have light for their reading. They could carry on with their study even in such unfavorable conditions.