

NUBS China 宁诺商学院 2024-03-12

  My UNNC Story

Two years ago, after studying and working in New Zealand for seven years, Shujing Wen decided to return to China. However, she was a little apprehensive at the time because she had been away from China for so long. Two years later, not only did she successfully graduate from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China with a Master's degree in Finance and Investment (Professional Accounting), but she also got a job offer from KPMG a year before graduation.

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闻姝婧 Shujing Wen


MSc Finance and Investment (Professional Accounting), Class of 2023


Studied at the University of Auckland, New Zealand













通过诺丁汉大学商学院(中国)的校企合作项目,闻姝婧作为实习生进入了杭州毕马威会计师事务所,“我觉得我是很幸运的,因为我们项目组的氛围很好,日常的工作虽略有一点难度和挑战性,但只有这样我的每一步路才都能走得更扎实。” 这次实习,不仅让闻姝婧第一次步入国内职场,而且还全面地接触了会计业务,锻炼了她在真实工作环境下的会计技巧










不要只埋头苦干,要更外向一些。虽然我们中国人骨子里会比较含蓄,但还是要多去跟老师维持好的关系,也要多和同学们积极讨论交流。” 在总结自己的学习体会时,闻姝婧说,宁肯当那个“显眼包”,也不要做“低头党”。


Shujing Wen: I'm ready for a new adventure

Two years ago, after studying and working in New Zealand for seven years, Shujing Wen decided to return to China. However, she was a little apprehensive at the time because she had been away from China for so long. Two years later, not only did she successfully graduate from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) with a Master's degree in Finance and Investment (Professional Accounting), but she also got a job offer from KPMG a year before graduation.

Shujing studied at the University of Auckland, the highest-ranked university in New Zealand, and after graduating, she chose to stay and work in the country. Then, in 2021, she decided to return to China due to various factors such as the pandemic.

Considering that she had been away from China's environment for so long, Shujing came up with the idea of first doing a master's degree as a transition. "The domestic job market is too 'rolled up', and I felt that I still needed to improve my competitiveness, plus I hadn't been in the country for a long time, so I wanted to have a transition by studying for a master's degree first. At that time, I also considered a lot of universities, but in the end, I still felt that UNNC was the most suitable," she explained.

Although she is a native of Ningbo, it was not until registration day that Shujing set foot on UNNC's campus for the first time. Recalling her first impression of the university, she said it had more of a campus atmosphere, "Oakland University is not walled, but consists of several buildings scattered around the city. UNNC is a whole, so it's more of an oasis."

Shujing studied Accounting as an undergraduate and worked as an accountant in New Zealand after graduation, and she also continued her studies to obtain the ACCA qualification. So compared to some students without any accounting-related experience, she encountered fewer challenges and less pressure during her studies at UNNC.

In addition to the enhancement of her professional knowledge and qualities, another signaficant gain for Shujing during her master's programme was that she took her first step in the domestic job market through the opportunities provided by UNNC.

"I think I've adapted quite well after returning to China and UNNC's Professional Accounting programme helped me a lot," she said.

UNNC's Professional Accounting programme offers students the opportunity to spend nine weeks out of a year as interns at leading accounting firms in the industry, including KPMG, PwC, LIC, Moore Global, Ernst & Young and many more.

Through UNNC's business school, NUBS China, and its university-enterprise cooperation project, Shujing entered KPMG Hangzhou as an intern. "I think I was very lucky because the atmosphere of our project team was very good, and although the daily work was a little difficult and challenging, I felt that in this way, I could take every step in a very solid way." This internship not only allowed Shujing to step into the domestic workplace for the first time, but it also provided her with comprehensive exposure to accounting operations and honed her accounting skills in a real-world setting.

At the end of her first year at graduate school, because of the excellent performance of her first internship, Shujing was recommended by her manager to KPMG Ningbo and successfully received a full-time job offer. During her second year of graduate school, she entered the Ningbo office as an intern to become acquainted with her workmates and experience the new work environment. She expressed, "I'm especially glad to have had such an experience advance, which allowed me to familiarise myself with some of the tasks that I will be taking over."

Shujing said she prefers the fast-paced work environment in China compared to the slow pace of work in New Zealand. "Work and life in New Zealand is laid-back but a bit too comfortable, and I often felt like I entered retirement in advance. On the contrary, in China, I can learn a lot from dealing with diverse situations and grow up quickly."

During her graduate studies at UNNC, Shujing was fortunate to have met many excellent teachers who are always patient in giving advice on both study and career development. For example, some teachers have rich work experience in accounting, so they can give a lot of practical advice, which was very rewarding for Shujing.

"The rich practical experience of teachers will make the examples they give very striking, especially for those students who have not been exposed to the real workplace. Although I have worked before, I didn't have any work experience in China, so it also gave me some insight into the domestic workplace."

At UNNC, Shujing also met a group of like-minded classmates, which helped her to build up the connections she lacked because she hadn't studied and worked in China before. Although her classmates were all a bit younger than her, it didn't stop her from mingling with them.

Going from abroad to China, from the workplace back to university, Shujing seized the opportunities brought by this change of identity to enjoy her exceptional student life at UNNC, "As someone who has already stepped into the workplace, returning to campus life once again was also a chance to give myself a breather."

The first thing that Shujing mentions about her study life at UNNC is the library. "I especially enjoyed the study atmosphere of the library," she reminisced. Lawn picnics on campus in front of the clock tower also bring her a lot of good memories and enjoying the sunshine with her friends when the weather was nice was her favorite way to decompress.

"Don't just bury your head in the sand, be more outgoing. Although we Chinese can be more subtle, we still need to go out and maintain good relationships with our teachers, as well as have more positive discussions and exchanges with our classmates," she advised. Summarising her own experience of learning, Shujing said that she would rather be "eye-catching" than "head down at the party".

Whether she studied and worked in New Zealand for seven years, or returned to China and chose to study at UNNC, she has always had clear goals and has been actively working toward them. Although the domestic job market is very competitive, Shujing is now ready. She has completely lost the apprehension she had when she first came back to China two years ago and is full of anticipation for the future development and opportunities available in the domestic workplace.

NUBS China



赵烨琦的跨境商业之旅: 从景德镇陶瓷到小米生态链品牌




李赟聪: 种一棵树最好的时机是十年前, 其次是当下

文字:于卓君,JW | 图片:闻姝婧


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