
【 惠书文|艺评】李勇·20年代:从记忆碎片到一粒尘埃

AnArtSpace 一甸艺术 2022-09-20

 艺术家 李勇 





From a fragment of memory to a speck of dust


【 文 / 惠书文 】
Article/Hui Shuwen


©Artist·Li Young,Blackboard B,2020,Oil on canvas,150x120cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《黑板B》,150x120cm,布面油画,2020.

Memory, is our experience of things to remember, maintain, reappearance or recognition, but also a particle of dust can flash or disappear at any time. When we are in different environmental states in different Spaces, some fragments in individual memory are presented as static images and dynamic images at the same time. The linear trend of progression above and below moves slowly, and the radian trend of frequency becomes an important text information to judge the image freeze.

©Artist·Li Young,NO.2020FG,2020,Oil on canvas,150x135cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《NO.2020FG》,150x135cm,布面油画,2020.


©Artist·Li Young,Spring,2020,Oil on canvas,120x120cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《春天》,120x120cm,布面油画,2020.

Disorder, disorder, and even heterotopia are still the main language features of li yong's new works. The images in the picture tend to be all kinds of abstract symbols, which means the more perceptual daub temperament after the concrete image is deconstructed. The freedom of the brushwork is light and bounces, and the rhythm of its direction controls both the meaning of writing. The color of the color is different and the pigment thickness of each other before and after contrast, the distribution of color gamut seems to have the attitude of "follow one's inclinations"; The elements of modeling language are simplified, and the appearance beyond the image is initially seen. Juxtaposition of a strong and loose image jumps out of the visual sensory error of close viewing.

©Artist·Li Young,Village E,2020,Oil on canvas,60x60cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《村子E》,60x60cm,布面油画,2020.


©Artist·Li Young,Village D,2020,Oil on canvas,40x30cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《村子D》,40x30cm,布面油画,2020.

For what the artist li yong experienced in real life, we can get a glimpse of the image prototype in his memory from his works "village" series. Taking "village D" as the starting point of the clue, two canvases are divided horizontally, and the color blocks and shapes between the surface and the inside are set off against each other. More than the center of the dark yellow line as the junction point, reflecting the shadow of the image below. A few beige blocks in the flash place, and 3 to 4 dark green stripe color blocks, interactive echo upper right side of the clown character: wear the dress that has pink to act the role of dress, the look in the eyes of melancholy dim cherish, slightly inclined body... Calm and steady above the yellow line, or recall a haunting image from the past.

©Artist·Li Young,Blackboard A,2020,Oil on canvas,120x100cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《黑板A》,120x100cm,布面油画,2020.


©Artist·Li Young,NO.2020B,2020,Oil on canvas,150x120cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《NO.2020B》,150x120cm,布面油画,2020.

Works that continue this series include name codes: D, E, F, G, H... "M" and "blackboard B" are similar to films after the intensity exposure, which are "pale" and stable, reflecting the visual appearance in the space, and also refining the language scratch of the object image we observed from the side. Through the artist li yong shape, the memory of another type of latent mirage will gradually become clear, and from cold to warm tonal change, is not only a real state of mood performance artist li yong, or from his mind deep thoughts and again by contrast to the original environment, and they reflect the simple sense of temperature in different season and life symptoms.

©Artist·Li Young,Village F,2020,Oil on canvas,60x60cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《村子F》,60x60cm,布面油画,2020.


©Artist·Li Young,Distressed,2020,Oil on canvas,40x40cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《忧伤》,40x40cm,布面油画,2020.

The change and transfer of the living environment accelerated the artist li yong's reflection and keen sense of smell on the inner life of the surrounding objects and images, just like the things and materials we encounter in each time period. With the passage of time and the transformation of energy, they eventually become a grain of dust and meet us again in the unknown space.

©Artist·Li Young,A sad clown,2020,Oil on canvas,40x40cm.Copyright 2020 Li Yong Studio. 版权所有:李勇,《忧伤的小丑》,40x40cm,布面油画,2020.

◐    关于艺术家·李勇

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2019李勇个展    黑夜中的仪式     艺术外滩浦西馆     上海

2019李勇个展    生活一场马戏     六公里美术馆      西安

2019李勇个展    看不见的烦恼     崔振宽美术馆    西安

2016李勇个展    798桥舍画廊      北京 


2019图像的租赁  艺术外滩开馆展   艺术外滩浦西馆   上海

2019猎质 历史的个体症状 西安当代艺术展     崔振宽美术馆    西安

2019无问东西 中法当代艺术邀请展   艺术外滩   上海

2019 花桥国际当代艺术展    花桥美术馆     桂林

2018 “意识·自觉”2018FFA年度展   FFA当代艺术中心    南京

2018抽象北京新抽象艺术展     恩来美术馆   北京

2018古城新脉城墙之外—2018西安当代艺术展      西安美术馆   西安

◐    关于策展人·惠书文
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惠书文|Hui Shuwen

独立策展人、艺术写作者。CONUTER-FEIT 猎质当代艺术双年展品牌创办人,猎质当代艺术展总策展人。Rainbow box project发起人,An Art Space策展人。主要从事中国当代艺术史论研究与写作、当代艺术批评实践、展览策划及独立艺术空间的创建与运营等工作。

主要讲座与艺术项目包括:清华大学美术学院(惠书文:猎质行动——青年策展实践与思考);鲁迅美术学院(惠书文:策展年记——关于艺术家的成长与自我塑造);西南大学美术学院·学术讲座(惠书文:行动中的猎质——策展实践与思考);中国当代艺术权力资本与市场·学术论坛(论坛主持:惠书文);《2020 我们如何面对今天的艺术?》艺术项目总策划;中国商丘抽象国际邀请展联合策展人,首届夜郎谷现场艺术周学术观察。



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