
2月17/18日多伦多王弋文教授谈 “畅销的性学:科学,色情和20世纪初的中国媒体市场”- 云里国际学术前沿讲座之二

云里峰主 云里阅天下 2022-03-21


本期推送一个本公号自己组织的云端讲座通知,题目为“畅销的性学:科学,色情和20世纪初的中国媒体市场”,主讲人为多伦多大学Yvon Wang(王弋文)教授。王教授将谈他2021年刚出版的英文专著Reinventing Licentiousness重建淫穢:色情出版與現代中國。讲座时间为美东时间2月17日晚7点/北京时间2月18日早8点开始。



Sexology Sells: Science, Porn, and Turn of the Century Chinese Media Markets





7 p.m., Feb. 17, 2022, Eastern Time (i.e., 8 am Feb. 18, 2022, Beijing time)


Zoom conference, preregistration required at the following link 有兴趣的读者请使用一下链接提前注册,以便收到会议链接和密码: http://t.cn/A6x2Uchg(此前已经注册过本系列上次张萌教授讲座的朋友,不用再次注册,可使用上次的会议链接和密码登陆本次Zoom讲座)。



Dr. Yvon Wang 王弋文教授,Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Toronto 多伦多大学历史系副教授


Sexology Sells: Science, Porn, and Turn of the Century Chinese Media Markets 



Dr. Katherine Carlitz, University of Pittsburgh (retired); 

Dr. Jeremy Tai, McGill University


Dr. Ying Zhang, Department of History, Ohio State University

Speaker's Bio/主讲人简介

王弋文博士現任多倫多大學歷史系副教授,2014於斯坦福大學歷史系獲取博士學位,2008年畢業於普里斯頓大學歷史專業,補修東亞研究與創意寫作。他主要研究中國晚帝國時期與近現代史。具體而言,性與性別研究,大眾媒體,基層文化,和日常生活研究均屬最為我關注的題目。他第一部專著《重建淫穢:色情出版與現代中國》在2021年春季經康奈爾大學出版社出版。2022年內,Palgrave Macmillan將出版是他與上海大學的徐有威教授合作完成的英譯“小三線”軍事工業項目口述史集成。他與南方科技大學的王春英教授關於大躍進年代的“灰色市場”微歷史論文也會在近期於Modern China面世。他目前在展開中國晚帝國時期以降的自殺的文化社會史研究。王老师出生在北京海淀區,後生長於亞特蘭大郊外。

Yvon Wang is currently Associate Professor of History at the University of Toronto, St. George. He earned his Ph.D.  in 2014 from the History Department at Stanford University and his B.A. in History with minors in East Asian Studies and Creative Writing from Princeton University in 2008. His first monograph, Reinventing Licentiousness: Pornography and Modern China was Cornell University Press in 2021. A volume of translated oral histories from the "Small Third Front" military-industrial projects during Mao Zedong's rule, co-authored with Xu Youwei (Shanghai U), is forthcoming with Palgrave-MacMillan. A local study of "gray" markets during the Great Leap Forward co-authored with Wang Chunying (Southern U. of Science and Technology) is forthcoming in Modern China. Other publications run the gamut from gender and sexuality and material culture to food and popular media—from late imperial through twentieth-century China, as well as in a broader world-historical perspective. He is currently working on a new project about the history of suicide. He was born in the Haidian district of Beijing and raised outside Atlanta, Georgia.

Professor Wang's New Book Cover and Abstract 新书封面和摘要

  • Abstract of Yvon Wang’s new book, Reinventing Licentiousness, published in 2021 / 王弋文教授2021年新书《重建淫穢》的摘要

    本書指出清末民初一段被忽視的代表性歷史──在那個時代,老舊的、階級制的淫亂觀念,被新的色情產業 取而代之。運用前人未發掘的資料──從警方檔案、調查報告到短暫存在的文件與照片《重建淫穢:色情出版與現代中國》認為中國 色情出版品代表了權力與慾望的獨特架構,既反映也形塑歷史進程。一方面,色情出版品從帝制晚期以降呈現歡愉的民主化,並開啟了新的慾望想像空間。另一方面,對其定義與控管的持續論爭,顯示前現代文化政治的管制作法以及早期現代文化市場的流行商品,如何勾勒出全球化世界。


    Reinventing Licentiousness draws on previously untapped archives—ranging from police archives and surveys to ephemeral texts and pictures—to argue that pornography in China represents a unique configuration of power and desire that both reflects and shapes historical processes. On the one hand, since the late imperial period, pornography has democratized pleasure in China and opened up new possibilities of imagining desire. On the other, ongoing controversies over its definition and control show how the regulatory ideas of premodern cultural politics and the popular products of early modern cultural markets have contoured the globalized world.

    Reinventing Licentiousness emphasizes the material factors, particularly at the grassroots level of consumption and trade, that governed "proper" sexual desire and led to ideological shifts around the definition of pornography. By linking the past to the present and beyond, this social and intellectual history showcases circulated pornographic material as a motor for cultural change. 

    Cheating slightly, here is a translated version from a FB group dedicated to new books about Sinology.

Commentators’ Bios / 评议人简介

Katherine Carlitz

Katherine Carlitz received her doctorate in Chinese literature from the University of Chicago in 1978, with a dissertation on the vernacular novel Jin ping mei. She later broadened her research to study the representation of law in Ming dynasty literature, and the cult of women's chastity and fidelity in late imperial and early Republican China.  She is the author of The Rhetoric of Jin ping mei, co-editor of Writing and Law in Late Imperial China (with Robert Hegel), and translation collaborator of The Flower Princess=Di Nv Hua: a Cantonese Opera by Tong Dik Sang (Bell Yung, chief translator).  Her published articles focus on Ming dynasty fiction, biography, and gender studies.  She retired from the University of Pittsburgh, where she was Assistant Director for Academic Affairs at the Pitt Asian Studies Center, in 2016.  She remains a Center Associate.

Jeremy Tai

Jeremy Tai is assistant professor of modern Chinese history at McGill University. He received his Ph.D. in History at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2015. He is currently completing a book manuscript that examines how the history of Xi’an has been shaped over the past century by state programs of redistribution that channeled investment, industry, and population from coastal to inland China in moments of territorial and capitalist crisis. His second project considers socialist critiques of racial capitalism and their legacies in contemporary China.

Moderator / 主持人简介

Ying Zhang (PhD in History and Women’s Studies, University of Michigan) is currently Associate Professor of the History Department at Ohio State University. Her research interests focus on early modern Chinese gender and political history. Her recent publications include Confucian Image Politics: Masculine Morality in Seventeenth-Century China (University of Washington Press, 2016), and Religion and Prison Art in Ming China (1368-1644) (Brill, 20220).



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