Call for Papers 1st International Conference of the JIS
Call for Papers
1st International Conference of the Journal of Information Systems Conference Date: October 15-16, 2020
The Journal of Information Systems (JIS) is the academic journal of the Accounting Information Systems (AIS) Section of the American Accounting Association. Its goal is to support, promote and advance accounting information systems knowledge. The primary criterion for publication in JIS is contribution to the accounting information systems, accounting and auditing domains by the application or understanding of information technology theory and practice.
This special issue conference is meant to encourage accounting information systems researchers around the world, especially outside the United States, to submit their original academic papers to JIS. More importantly, this special issue would like to highlight the unique institutional contexts in different countries and regions that can further our understanding of accounting information systems research.
Detailed program, travel and logistic information will be provided to conference participants and can be found on the conference website:
Topics and Research Methodologies
Papers addressing a wide range of issues related to accounting information systems and information technology will be considered. All research methodologies are welcome, including experimental, qualitative, field study, analytical, behavioral, archival and design science.
Paper submission
Papers to be considered for this conference should follow the JIS editorial policy and be submitted to JIS using the AAA’s manuscript management system ( and by selecting the corresponding conference article type. Also, please provide a cover letter indicating your submission is for the conference. Submission fees can be paid at Papers accepted to the conference will receive a strong consideration for acceptance to JIS. Research teams are expected to improve their papers following the guidance from the reviewers and from the interactions at the conference.
Recognition of the paper’s inclusion at the conference will be noted if the paper ultimately reaches publication.
May 31, 2020: Research papers due. Early submission encouraged.
July 31, 2020: Author notification.
October 15-16, 2020: International Conference of the JIS, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.
Resubmission deadline for revised papers TBD. Publication of accepted articles is tentatively scheduled for Spring 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact the co-editors of the special issue: Dr. Tawei Wang, or Professor Shi-Ming HuangRob,, or the JIS editorial office at
Host and Location of the Conference
The special issue conference will be hosted by National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan ( The university is a national university located in Chiayi county in the southern part of Taiwan. It is a place with majestic scenery of mountains, plains and oceans as well as rich cultural heritage. Detailed program, travel and logistic information will be provided to conference participants and can be found on the conference website
Editors and Scientific Committee
Senior Editors:
J. Efrim Boritz, University of Waterloo, Canada
Theophanis C. Stratopoulos, University of Waterloo, Canada
Special Issue Editors:
Shi-Ming (Jack) Huang, National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan Tawei (David) Wang, DePaul University, USA
Conference Scientific Committee:
Aini Aman, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia She-I Chang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Chi-Chun Chou, California State University Monterey Bay, USA Ezz Hattab, Al Dar University College, United Arab Emirates Georg Herde, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf, Germany Kentaro Azuma, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Pei Li, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China Arif Perdana, Singapore Institute of Technology, Singapore
Ikuko Sasaki, Tohoku Gakuin University, Japan
Don Hyun Son, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea Paul Wells, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Michael Werner, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Carla Wilkin, Monash University, Australia
*编辑:崔悦 东北财经大学本科生
*审核:支瑾璠 东北财经大学本科生
*副主编:程慧煜 西安财经大学本科生
*指导:水皮/李高波 北京交通大学博士生
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