
面向全球涉海专业研究生和青年学者开放申请!将于加拿大温哥华举办第7届IMBeR ‘ClimEco’系列暑期班

IMBeR IPO-China 海洋知圈 2020-09-15
第7届IMBeR ‘Climate and Ecosystems' 系列暑期班开放申请
Applications are now being accepted for IMBeR´s ClimEco7 summer school

第7届IMBeR ‘Climate and Ecosystems'系列暑期班将于2020年8月17-21日在加拿大温哥华的University of British Columbia举办,今起面向全球涉海专业研究生和青年学者开放申请!目前海洋面临众多的挑战,海温的上升、日益的酸化、生物多样性的减少等等。为进行有效的海洋治理、形成“蓝色”可持续发展倡议、支持社会-生态可持续性,跨学科的海洋科学研究迫在眉睫。响应联合国海洋科学促进可持续发展国际十年(2021-2030)的目标“为我们想要的海洋,提供我们需要的科学”,ClimEco7暑期班将汇聚来自自然、社会和经济等不同学科讲师的专长,使学员们能够对跨学科海洋科学的理论与应用有深入的理解。学员们还将通过各种内容丰富的互动讨论式工作坊获得实践技能。IMBeR ClimEco7欢迎来自任何国家和任何海洋科学专业背景的硕士生、博士生、和青年学者(获得博士学位不超过7年)申请!为保证暑期班的互动授课质量,学员上限为70人。报名请于2020年3月9日前完成在线申请,需要上传一份个人简历和动机函了解更多暑期班讲师及课程信息,请点击文末 阅读原文

Spanning more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, the ocean is home to some of the most critical ecosystems on the planet. The ocean also supports the livelihoods, food security and cultural wellbeing of hundreds of millions of people. Yet, our oceans are under threat. Oceans are becoming hotter, more acidic, less biodiverse and losing oxygen. Given these challenges, interdisciplinary ocean science is needed to generate rigorous data, conclusions and projections that can inform effective ocean governance, shape ‘blue’ sustainable development initiatives, and support social ecological sustainability. Indeed, the upcoming UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) aims to provide “the science we need, for the ocean we want”. To this end, the ClimEco7 Summer School aims to foster excellence in interdisciplinary ocean science. Drawing on the expertise of lecturers from the natural, social and economic sciences, participants will develop a strong theoretical and applied understanding of interdisciplinary ocean science. To complement the theoretical content, participants will also gain practical skills through a variety of interactive workshops.

We welcome applications from MSc and PhD students, and early career researchers (who obtained their PhDs < 7 years ago), from any country and any discipline of marine science.

Because of the practical nature of the summer school, numbers will be limited to a maximum of 70 participants.

Please apply forthe summer school and upload your CV and letter of motivation before 9 March 2020. Participants will be selected on their research interests and motivation for attending the summer school.

Read more about the lecturers, topics to be covered and workshops, please click Read more at the end of this news.

信息来源:IMBeR IPO-China。左下阅读原文里有提交简历提交链接。转载请注明信息来源及海洋知圈编排大家都在看

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