

Swild 西南山地SWILD 2023-04-02




as the darkest colour,

indicates the absence or absorption of all visible light. Yet this does not suggest an absence of substance or beauty. In fact, black naturally occurs in many of nature's most artful creations. 

In this article, we offer 10 eye-catching examples of how the colour black presents itself in the natural world.





1. 绿尾虹雉

Lophophorus lhuysii 

Chinese Monal

The black and iridescent plumage of this male Chinese monal is particularly striking against the snowy, mountainous background. It is only found in the mountains of western China. The Chinese monal is one of many dimorphic bird species. Whilst the male monal is adorned with a metallic green head, iridescent blue plumage and red mantle, the female monal is dark brown. In the case of the male Chinese monal, the black feathers create a stunning contrast with the rainbow plumage as well as the snow that surrounds it.



2. 喜鹊

Pica pica

(Eurasian Magpie)

The Eurasian magpie is a widespread bird that is most notable as a result of its intellect. They are considered to be one of the most intelligent birds, and it is also believed that Eurasian magpies are one of the most intelligent non-human animals. This is due to the expansion of the magpie's nidopallium. This part of the avian brain performs executive functions as well as other higher cognitive tasks, and the nidopallium of the Eurasian magpie is the same in relative size as that of humans, chimpanzees and orangutans. They have displayed mirror self-recognition and elaborate social rituals, and it has even been speculated that they experience emotions such as grief. The black and deep blue feathers complement one another to create a striking appearance. You can see the gorgeous colors reflected by the deep blue if enough lucky under the sunshine.




3. 黑胸太阳鸟

Aethopyga saturata

(Black-throated Sunbird)

This black-throated sunbird is a species of bird in the family Nectariniidae, which consists of both sunbirds and spiderhunters. The status of the black-throated sunbird as a member of this family is made clear by the characteristic iridescent feathers, long tail feathers and downward-curved bill displayed on this male. 



4. 黑鹳Ciconia nigra 

(Black Stork)

Black stork's dark coat imbues them with mysterious quality. These birds are long-distance migrants and have the widest geographical range of any species in the stork family. Specifically, Asian populations of the black stork typically winter in Southern China or India. They have a shy and wary temperament, and they also prefer to reside in marshy, wooded areas. Due to this timid temperament, black storks tend to be spotted alone or in pairs. This image shows the black storks catching food as part of a flock in winter.


5. 彩鹮

Plegadis falcinellus

(Glossy Ibis)

The scientific name of this bird, Plegadis falcinellus, is derived from Ancient Greek and Latin, with the Greek 'plegados' and the Latin, 'falcis', both meaning sickle in reference to the bird’s unique beak shape. The glossy ibis is the most widespread of the ibis species, appearing in warm areas of Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia. Also referred to as the black curlew, understandably due to its dark appearance. A keen eye will also spot the deep red tones amongst the black colouring creating a stunning appearance in the sunshine. 

这种鸟的学名是Plegadis falcinellus,属名'plegados'源自希腊语和种加词'falcis'源自拉丁语,在两种语言中都分别是镰刀,反映了彩鹮独特的喙形状。彩鹮是广布物种,它们分布在欧洲、美洲、亚洲、非洲和澳大利亚的温暖地区。也有人称呼这种鸟为black curlew(黑鹬),大概是因为它太看起来太黑了,但其实这黑色中还有深红色调,在阳光下看会更加惊艳。

6. 凤头麦鸡

Vanellus vanellus

(Northern Lapwing)

The Northern lapwing is common throughout Eurasia and is highly migratory over an extensive range. The name is thought to have originated from the 'lapping' sound their wings create inflight due to their large wings. Alternatively, it may be due to the behaviour of leading potential predators away from their nests by trailing along as though a wing is broken. When nesting, the young are defended noisily and aggressively against all potential threats, including those as large as cattle. 


7. 闪鳞蛇

Xenopeltis unicolor

(Sunbeam Snake)

In the case of this sunbeam snake, black enhances the colour of the highly polished, iridescent scales. The dark layer of pigment below the surface of each scale amplifies the rainbow appearance on the outer layer. Not only is this sunbeam snake well known for its iridescent scales, but it is also known for its ability to reproduce quickly. As it is oviparous, it can lay up to 10 eggs at once with little embryonic development within the mother. The sunbeam snake is nonvenomous and instead uses constriction to suffocate their prey.  在这条闪鳞蛇身上,黑色是使鳞片的彩色更加靓丽出彩的颜色。闪鳞蛇不仅因其彩虹般的鳞片出名,还因其出众的繁殖能力而闻名。这种蛇是卵生的,一次可产下10枚卵,而在母体内几乎没有胚胎发育。闪鳞蛇无毒,它们通过紧缩身体来勒死猎物。

8. 深紫报春

Primula melanantha

As a member of the Primula genus, the Primula melanantha stands out. While most primulas are brightly coloured ranging from reds and yellows to pinks and purples, it is rare for primulas to be as dark as this black flower. In the light, the Primula melanantha appears an almost dark purple which contrasts with the small yellow centre as well as the greenery that surrounds the flower. This plant is known for being located specifically in the Sichuan province of South West China, making it a special and unique part of the Sichuanese natural world. 


9. 暗紫贝母

Fritillaria unibracteata

The Asian species of plant in the lily family. This flower can be found in the Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces of China. Growing up to 40cm high, the flowers are hanging bell shapes that have yellow and brown mark on the inside with a dark purple exterior. This plant has slender growth with narrow foliage.


10. 紫茎兰

Risleya atropurpurea

The Risleya is a deep black flowering plant from the orchid family. It is a monotypic genus, meaning the genus and single species are described in one as Risleya atropurpurea is the sole species. This particular Risleya flower was captured in the Minshan of Sichuan. Despite the depth of the black colouring, the light still catches the petals creating an artful glint.紫茎兰是一种开暗黑色花的兰科植物。这个物种所在的紫茎兰属是单型属,即这个属只有紫茎兰这一个物种。这株特殊紫茎兰是在四川岷山山脉拍到的。尽管有很深的黑色,但在摄影师按下快门的那一瞬间,光打到一朵朵小花上,因此画面中的花瓣上闪烁着几丝巧妙的彩色。


* 封面底图:也有blingbling高级黑的黑丽翅蜻Rhyothemis fuliginosa ,顾海军/摄 

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