beautiful China
The report of the 18th Party Congress stressed that the development of an eco-conscious civilization must evolve around the building of a beautiful China.
reform for promoting ecological progress
必须建立系统完整的生态文明制度体系,实行最严格的源头保护制度。到2020年,构建起由自然资源资产产权制度、国土空间开发保护制度等八项制度构成的生态文明制度体系。A comprehensive system is to be established, featuring the strictest possible rules to protect the ecological system. By 2020, an institutional framework composed of eight systems will have been established for promoting ecological progress, including a property rights system for natural resource assets and a system for developing and protecting territorial space.河长制
river chief
在全面推广的河长制责任体系中,各省(自治区、直辖市)设立总河长,由党委或政府主要负责同志担任。各地将建立省、市、县、乡四级河长体系。各级河长的主要任务包括:加强水资源保护;加强河湖水域岸线管理保护;加强水污染防治;加强水环境治理;加强水生态修复;加强执法监管。While heads of provincial-level regions will be general chiefs responsible for all rivers and lakes in the region, other top officials at provincial, city, county and township levels will act as river chiefs responsible for different parts of the water bodies. Responsibilities of the river and lake chiefs will include water resource protection, pollution prevention, bank management and ecological restoration. Their performance will be evaluated, and they will be held accountable for environmental damage that occurs in the water bodies under their care.海绵城市
sponge cities
海绵城市是城市规划中的一个环保概念,更多地关注地下管网的设计与建设,用于收集雨水并重复使用。A sponge city is an environment-friendly concept in city planning that tries to restore the attaches great significance to the underground pipe network design and construction so that rainwater can be collected and recycled for multiple uses.全域旅游
all-for-one tourism
所谓"全域旅游(all-for-one tourism)",是指将一个区域作为旅游目的地(tourist destination)来建设和运作,实现区域资源有机整合、产业融合发展(integrated development)、社会共建共享,以旅游业带动和促进经济社会协调发展(promote coordinated development of the economy and society)。突破行业、部门、区域局限,把旅游业放到推进新型工业化、城镇化、信息化和农业现代化(promote a new type of industrialization, urbanization, IT application and agricultural modernization)的大格局中来谋划,促进旅游业与生态、文化、体育等产业深度融合(deep integration),形成多点支撑的(be driven by multiple props, be brought by multi-stimuli/multiple driving forces)大旅游发展格局。在"全域旅游"格局中,到处都是风景(scenery/landscape),而非到处都是景点景区(scenic spots and tourist sites);到处都有接待服务(reception services),而非到处都是宾馆饭店。国家公园体制
national park system
An overall plan on the development and management of national parks was released on Sept. 26, 2017, which confirms the national park system aims to protect the authenticity and integrity of the natural ecosystem. The national parks are owned by the State, shared by the people and passed on to future generations. Also, the ownership of natural resource assets in the national parks is delegated to the central government and provincial-level authorities, but will gradually be conducted by the central government when it is applicable.
double control actions
Controlling both the quantity and intensity of energy and resources consumption is necessary to promote adjustment of the economic structure and protect the environment. It not only will the total amount of energy and resources be controlled, but the energy consumption to GDP ratio, water use, the use of land for construction will also be controlled.
make our skies blue again
在2017年政府工作报告中,李克强总理称,要加大生态环境保护治理力度,坚决打好蓝天保卫战。 他承诺今年二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量要分别下降3%,重点地区细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度明显下降。
While reporting to the representatives of the nation congress in 2017, Premier Li Keqiang said the government would effectively strengthening environmental protection, we will make our skies blue again. He vowed that sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions are both cut by 3 percent and that fine particulate matter (PM2.5) density in key areas falls markedly.
taking a path that leads to both economic development and environmental improvement
Pollution control and environmental protection are important to both the health of our people and sustainable development, so we must work hard moving forward and resolve to take a path that leads to both economic development and environmental improvement.
Green, circular, and low-carbon development
The state of the ecological environment affects the level of people's wellbeing and also posterity and the future of our nation. We should adhere to the basic state policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment and endeavor to promote green, circular, and low-carbon development.