Moot Shanghai 2021 | 参赛队伍报名通道开启
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Moot Shanghai国际模拟商事仲裁庭上海邀请赛是Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (简称“Vis Moot”)的全球季前赛之一。
Moot Shanghai帮助参赛学生提升论点提炼和口头辩论的技巧,使得参赛学生在不同文化、不同法域的环境下磨练技能,为参加比赛的法律专业学生提供将理论运用到实践的机会。来自不同法域的参赛队伍将在经验丰富的法律从业人员面前进行比赛和较量,并获得宝贵的评价和指导。
至今,已有来自超过15个国家的1000多名法律专业学生以代理律师角色参加了500多场模拟仲裁比赛,600多名来自普通法系和大陆法系的仲裁员、执业律师担任Moot Shanghai的赛事评委。
第十一届Moot Shanghai将于2021年3月8日-12日线上举行,由华东政法大学、上海政法学院共同主办,上海国际仲裁中心 (SHIAC) 和国际商会 (ICC) 联合主办。
赛事将使用第28届Vis Moot的案件素材。比赛采用模拟商事仲裁的形式,参赛队伍将担任案件中申请人与被申请人的代理律师,运用相关的法律和贸易规则,就产生于国际贸易主体间的国际合同争议展开辩论。
参赛队伍报名将采用先到先得原则,并保留等候名单,未报名Vis Moot或Vis East Moot的队伍将直接进入等候名单,报名截止于12月24日。
Moot Shanghai is a pre-moot in advance of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot.
Moot Shanghai allows participating law students to hone their arguments and oral advocacy skills in a cross-cultural and multi-jurisdictional setting pitching their wits against teams from different legal traditions before experienced legal practitioners who provide valuable feedback and guidance.
In previous annual Moot Shanghai competitions, over 1000 law students, from more than 15 jurisdictions, acted as party representatives in more than 500 mooting rounds. More than 600 practicing arbitrators and lawyers from common law and civil law countries participated as guest arbitrators.
Moot Shanghai 2021 will be held March 08-12 virtually. It is organized by East China University of Political Science and Law and Shanghai University of Political Science and Law. Co-organizers are Shanghai International Arbitration Centre and International Chamber of Commerce.
The Competition
Moot Shanghai 2021 adopts the same problem as the 28th annual VisMoot. Teams take responsibility as legal representatives of Claimant and Respondent in an international commercial arbitration. Teams debate a dispute arising from an international sale of goods transaction under the framework of a given set of laws and rules.
Moot Shanghai focuses on testing the legal literacy of contestants in the field of dispute resolution. The competition simulates a hearing process in an international commercial arbitration case in which participants debate procedural and merit issues. Tribunals of three arbitrators, who are attorneys, arbitrators, or business professionals, hear arguments and give each team scores on legal knowledge, advocacy skill and teamwork. The top eight teams in the general rounds advance to elimination rounds.
Teams Registration
Online registration at
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NOTE. The Moot hosts a limited number of teams. Team registration is based on first come first served basis. A waiting list is maintained and teams that are not registered inVis Moot or Vis East Moot will be waitlisted directly at filing of registration application.
If you have questions, please contact Ms. Vera He, Executive Director of Moot Shanghai at
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