
讲座推荐 | 牛津大学国际法讲座信息

勤勤恳恳的 法律竞赛 2022-03-20






The Operation of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf Facing Disputes: An Examination of the Rules and Practices


04 Jun 2021, 1:00PM to 2:30PM


Professor Michael Sheng-ti Gau

Michael Sheng-ti Gau is Professor of Public International Law at the Institute of International Law in Wuhan University Law School since August 2019. Professor Gau received his LL.B. from National Taiwan University, and two LL.M. from Cambridge University and King's College London. He earned his Ph.D. in international law from Leiden University. He has been teaching in Taiwan for 17 years and Hainan University Law School for two years. Professor Gau has been publishing papers on the topics of Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, South China Sea Disputes and Arbitration, maritime boundary delimitation, international air law, and regional fishery management organizations in the Ocean Yearbook, Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Ocean Development and International Law, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Journal of East Asia and International Law, China Oceans Law Review, Chinese Journal of International Law, Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy, and some other journals in Chinese language.

Professor Gau will present an article recently published in The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 36 (2021) 1-23.


The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC) regulates the establishment of the outer limits of its continental shelf beyond 200 miles by a coastal State. Such limits are legitimised when based on the recommendations of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) under LOSC Article 76(8). The coastal State must first submit the information for delineating the limits to the CLCS, which will evaluate the information before providing recommendations. The CLCS shall not consider the submission made by any State concerned in a land or maritime dispute unless consent from all disputing parties is given under paragraph 5(a) of Annex I to the CLCS Rules of Procedure. This article interprets paragraph 5(a) and examines the subsequent practice of States sending submissions and/or notifying the CLCS of disputes, and the CLCS in handling various submissions involved in these disputes.


To register for the event, please fill the form before noon 3 June. Prior to the seminar, you will be sent a Microsoft Teams link to join. To request for the article, please email Xiao Mao at xiao.mao@bnc.ox.ac.uk  





毛晓,牛津大学国际法方向博士研究生,牛津大学国际公法课助教(Tutor)。她也是2018年中国大陆地区罗德奖学金获得者之一。导师为Dan Sarooshi 教授。



征文速览 | The Cyprus Human Rights Law Review、《法学研究生》正在征稿

4.21实习速递 | 网易有道、上海锦天城、北京通商、美国科律、上海朗悦等

讲座推荐 | 中国人民大学、复旦大学、墨尔本大学、埃塞克斯大学、哈佛大学、剑桥大学、莱斯特大学、国际经济法学会讲座信息


编辑 | 七



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