梁言实录 | 梁鹤年先生课堂拾锦 · 夏菁记录(九)
43 凡是变,需要四个原因/原则:材料因(material cause)、动力因(efficient/moving cause)、形式因(formal cause)、目的因(final cause)。每一个因是cause,其实也是principle。而因在果之前,并不是因的时间在果之前,而是因的道理在果之前。
44 Absolute is about why, the principle can not change. Am I doing this right? Should I do this? Everything goes back to basic principles. 【“绝对”事关“为什么”,其原则是“不变”。我做得对吗?我应该做吗?每件事都应回到基本原则。——录者译】
45 What’s the nature of society? Flourish, human’s desire to flourish. Individuals as well as society can have best opportunity to flourish. Society allows us to live like a human being. What is goodness? Goodness is something about human flourish. To fulfill our talent is flourishing. What is goodness itself? Making talents into reality. To pursue goodness is to know what good is. But what’s good? Good is something we desire. A human person always desire good. What is the nature of good? Good is what we desire. Something is good because we desire it. This is subjective. We desire something because it is good. It is objective. 【社会的本质是什么?所有人都追求幸福。个人及社会皆有实现最高幸福的机会。此时社会允许我们生活得像人(幸福就是生活得像人)。什么是“美好”?“美好”事关人的幸福。充分发挥所有人的才能是幸福。“美好”的内涵是什么?“美好”是让才能得以实现的过程。追求“美好”需要明白“好”。什么是“好”?“好”是我们每个人都追求的。有些东西我们觉得好是因为我们想要它,这是主观。我们想要某些东西,因为它真的好,这是客观。——录者译】
46 A heart has reason that reason knows not. Something we desire because it is good. Because our heart has the ability to recognize it is good. Why? It is because what is good is already implanted in our heart. 【我们的内心总能找出拒绝的理由。有时我们想要因其真的“好”。我们的内心可以鉴认“真的好”。为什么?因为“真的好”早已根植于我们的内心。——录者译】
——to be continued——