

三农学术 2022-12-31

* 快速通道;最多修改一轮;9月1日截止


The co-editors of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE) are making an open call for submission of applied economic research related to COVID-19. The co-editors will expedite review of papers received by September 1, 2020 that are submitted in response to this call. Accepted articles will receive fast-track publication and be featured in an open-access virtual issue of the AJAE.

The COVID-19 pandemic is having unprecedented effects on food production and demand, environmental quality, food security and health, rural economic well-being, and much more. The long run effects of the pandemic won't be known for some time, but the immediate effects can be seen already today. Rapid-response high-quality economic research can help inform producers, policy makers, and members of the public who need to make decisions during this crisis; such work will also make lasting contributions to knowledge and methodology in agricultural and applied economics.

The AJAE seeks to expedite publication of high-quality applied economics research focused on COVID-19. Such research might quantify the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food system, the environment, and rural and community development worldwide. Relevant research could also propose and evaluate tactics to mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic in those areas.


  • The AJAE provides a forum for creative and scholarly work on the economics of agriculture and food, natural resources and the environment, and rural and community development throughout the world.

  • Papers responding to this call should relate to the intersection of the COVID-19 pandemic and one of the aforementioned areas, and should demonstrate originality and innovation in application, analysis, or methods.

  • Authors should follow the general submission guidelines at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14678276/homepage/author-guidelines.

  • Authors responding to this call must submit their paper by September 1, 2020.

  • Authors should state in their cover letter that they seek to respond to the COVID-19 call.

  • The co-editors will secure expedited reviews of the manuscripts, and publication decisions will be made after a maximum of one round of revisions with no additional rounds of referee review.

  • Accepted articles will be fast-tracked by the publisher for online publication.

  • Accepted articles will be featured within the next year in an open-access virtual issue of the AJAE on“COVID-19, Food, Environment, and Development”


  • The editors especially encourage submissions by early career scholars and researchers in under-represented groups.

  • Papers will not be deemed responsive to this call if they use COVID-19 only as an ancillary part of the research; such papers will be reviewed for possible publication in the AJAEaccording to normal procedures. If authors have questions about suitability, they are encouraged to contact one of the co-editors directly.

We look forward to working with the scholarly community to meet this pressing research challenge.

The AJAE Editors:

Amy W. Ando

Marc F. Bellemare

Terrance M. Hurley

Timothy J. Richards




  1. CAER专辑征文:庆祝AAEA-China Section10周年【转】

  2. CAER征稿:新型冠状病毒性肺炎(NCP)紧急情况下的农业与粮食安全【转】

  3. CER 流行病专辑征文【转】

  4. Marc  Bellemare:论文结尾部分撰写“公式”【转】

  5. Marc F. Bellemare. 2014. How to Publish Academic Papers

  6. AJAE | 易福金  周梦飞  张宇:ENSO预测信息在农业保险中的价值2019 AJAE 杰出论文奖:移民改革与农业劳动力市场【转】

  7. 三位华人学者当选 AJAE 2020-2023年度 Associate Editors

  8. AJAE新文 | 中国退耕还林项目造林中的意外土地利用效应【转】

  9. AJAE新文:农业规模与农业生产率的关系:来自中国北方玉米生产的证据【转】

  10. 美国农业经济学杂志(AJAE)百年变迁史及启示

