

五万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2022-12-22

刊  讯

Asia-Pacific Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences





apjhss2021@163.com 或 info@appublishing.com.au



1. A New Chapter for Promotion of China-Africa Diplomatic Relations

Gert J. Grobler(南非外交部)

2.China-Africa Cooperation: “The Chinese Dream” for Africa

Yoro Diallo(馬裏外交部)

3.塔吉克斯坦獨立後30年社會法治進程研究[A Study on the Rule of Law of Tajikistan for the 30 Years after Its Independence]

嶽強[YUE Qiang](上海政法學院)

4.基於NOW語料庫中國在非洲媒體形象初窺[A Corpus-Based Study on China’s Images in African English Media]

盛浩[SHENG Hao](吉首大學)

5.孔子學院傳播中國文化服務文明交流互鑒動態研究[A Dynamic Study on the Role of Confucius Institutes in Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning]

劉勇 王可[LIU Yong & WANG Ke](天津外國語大學;北京師範大學)

6.《論語》中「疾」的具身意蘊及一種身命治理解讀[The Embodied Meaning of “Disease” in Analects of Confucius and Interpretation of Body-Life Management]

杜海濤[DU Haitao](西北師範大學)

7.多學科學術論文摘要的非正式語體使用特徵對比研究[A Multidisciplinary Comparative Study on the Informality Features of Abstracts of Research Articles]

孫暢[SUN Chang](中國礦業大學)

8.粵英童謠的動物隱喻對比研究[A Comparative Study of Animal Metaphors in Cantonese and English Nursery Rhymes]

吳宇媚[WU Yumei](廣東外語外貿大學)

9.From Intercultural Awareness to Global Awareness: The New Mission of Foreign Language Education

FU Yu & LIU Shiyang(西南大學;天津師範大學)

10.Research on Foreign Language Talents Training Strategy under the Background of the Belt and Road Initiative

FENG Jing(西安郵電大學)

11.Action Research on the Effect of Formative Assessment on the Oral Presentation of Business English Majors

CHEN Qionglu(河南工學院)

12.The Student-Centered Education Design in the Age of Automation: A Case Study

YI Ran & YIN Liuli(吉林外國語大學)

13.高校外語課程思政的研究動態與啟示——基於文獻計量學的研究[The Research Trend and Enlightenment of Value Education in the Foreign Language Courses of Colleges and Universities: A Research Based on Bibliometric Analysis]

沈妍斐[SHEN Yanfei](浙江越秀外國語學院)

14.非洲EFL留學生「微調研法」寫作教學個案實例[A Case of Mini-Study Writing Instruction for African EFL International Students]

倪杭英 李俊[NI Hangying & LI Jun](浙江廣廈建設職業技術大學)

15.A Study on the Construction of Female Subjectivity in Disney’s Animated Film Mulan in Light of Articulation Theory

MI Yaoge(北京外國語大學)

16.Framing and Enframing: Events in Tarkovsky’s The Sacrifice

ZHANG Qicai(安徽理工大學)

17.怒放的生命——《覺醒》的女性主義敘事[A Life in Full Bloom: The Feminist Narration in The Awakening]

周天玥[ZHOU Tianyue](北京交通大學)

18.原始主義與城市棲居:勞倫斯作品中人性的救贖[Primitivism and Poetic Urban Inhabitation: The Redemption of Humanity in Lawrence’s Works]

王婷婷[WANG Tingting](淮南師範學院)

19.大眾媒介中翻譯策略的使用與國家形象的傳達[Research on the Use of Translation Strategy and the Transmission of National Image in Mass Media]

寧思斯 楊柳 耿紫珍[NING Sisi, YANG Liu & GENG Zizhen](西安外國語大學)

20.中國高等教育場中孫致禮《傲慢與偏見》漢譯之考察[A Study of Sun Zhili’s Translation and Introduction of Pride and Prejudice in the Field of Higher Education of China]

劉敏[LIU Min](吉首大學)

21.斯坦納翻譯四步驟視角下的英詩漢譯研究——以郭沫若《英詩譯稿》為例[A Study of Translating English Poetry into Chinese from the Perspective of Steiner’s Fourfold Hermeneutic Motion: A Case Study of Guo Moruo’s Selected English Poem Translation]

徐芳[XU Fang](吉首大學)

22.近十年電影字幕翻譯綜述(2011-2020)[Review on Movie Subtitle Translation over 2011 -2020]

呂琛元[LYU Chenyuan](牡丹江師範學院)

23.基於翻譯美學的余光中《守夜人》自譯研究[An Aesthetics-Based Translation Study of The Night Watchman Translated by Yu Kwang-chung Himself]

宋白雲[SONG Baiyun](吉首大學)

24.辜鴻銘《論語》英譯本中「歸化」翻譯策略探析[On the Translation Strategy of “Domestication” in Ku Hong-ming’s English Version of The Analects of Confucius]

黃園園[HUANG Yuanyuan](吉首大學)

25.Conference News: The first international conference on interdisciplinary research in humanities and social sciences held in Shaoxing University between Nov. 26 and 28, 2021


1.The Influence of Subjective Social Status on Self-Rated Health: Evidence from China(國家社科基金重大項目成果)

PAN Zequan  LI Tingyu  LIN Tingting  WU Junjie(中南大學)

2.Female Images from the Perspective of Ecological Feminism: Taking O-lan in Pearl S. Buck’s The Good Earth as an Example

XU Xiyan(廣西民族大學)

3.Disease Experience and Material Imagination in D. H. Lawrence’s Novels

ZHU Meilin(南京大學)

4.西爾科的世界主義理想:《沙丘花園》中的共同體書寫[Silko’s Cosmopolitan Vision: Community Writing in Gardens in the Dunes]

李雙雙[LI Shuangshuang](中國人民大學)

5.越劇「走出去」的翻譯規範探究——以《越劇:梁山伯與祝英台》為例[Translation Norms of Yueju Opera to Go Global: A Case Study of The Legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai: A Yueju Opera Translated by Shi Yili]

葉敏穎[YE Minying](廣西民族大學)

6.A Comparative Study on Multimodal Metaphors in the Front Pages of Chinese and Western Mainstream Newspapers: The Case of China Daily and The Economist

ZHANG Jiayi(浙江大學)

7.我國國別區域研究路徑發展微探——以德國「海德堡跨文化中心」建設為例[A Study of the Development Path of “Area Studies”: Taking the Construction of the Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies in Germany as an Example]

金蘇寧 徐璟瑋[JIN Suning & XU Jingwei](上海理工大學)

8.東陽木雕的形式特徵及其文化屬性探析[On the Formal Characteristics and Cultural Attributes of Dongyang Wood Carving]

章蓬霞[ZHANG Pengxia](浙江師範大學)

9.非物質文化遺產南寧生榨米粉的文化記憶研究[Cultural Memory Studies on Nanning Tian Tian Raw Squeezed Rice Noodles]

陳兵 李雪明[CHEN Bing & LI Xueming](廣西大學)

10.湘西土家織錦「年輕化」品牌塑造研究[Research on the Brand Building of Xiangxi Tujia Brocade]

賈輝[JIA Hui](吉首大學)

11.白蛇文本的雙線淵源及海外影響[The Double Sources of the Legend of the White Snake and Its Overseas Influences]

張紅[ZHANG Hong](杭州師範大學)

12.Changes of Japanese Majors’ Learning Motivation from the Perspective of New Liberal Arts

LIU Yong(天津外國語大學)

13.跨語言表征的概念轉喻[On Conceptual Metonymy Represented Across Two Languages]

霍明傑[HUO Mingjie](廣州大學)

14.隱性知識視角下的二外課程思政建設研究[Research on Curriculum Ideological and Political Construction from the Perspective of Tacit Knowledge]

姜輝 崔倩 嶽二趁[JIANG Hui, CUI Qian & YUE Erchen](資訊工程大學)

15.基於CIPP的大學英語課程思政評價指標體系構建研究[Construction of Ideological and Political Evaluation Index System of College English Curriculum Based on CIPP]

陳冬雁 郭可瑩 趙彩君 黃鈺[CHEN Dongyan, GUO Keying, ZHAO Caijun & HUANG Yu](北部灣大學;馬來西亞瑪拉工藝大學)

16.On Translation of Modal Verbs in Political Documents from Systemic Functional Linguistics

HONG Minfang & LI Ping(南京農業大學)

17.跨文化交際視角下賽、沙譯本《水滸傳》傳統節日英譯對比研究[A Contrastive Study on Translation Strategies of Traditional Chinese Festivals in Two English Versions of Shuihu Zhuan from Intercultural Communicative Perspective]

張世嘉[ZHANG Shijia](倫敦大學學院)

18.形象學視域下脫貧攻堅中國經驗的外宣翻譯策略研究——以《習近平全國脫貧攻堅總結表彰大會講話》為例[The Chinese Image Under the Perspective of Imagology: A Case Study Based on President Xi’s Speech at the National Conference to Review the Fight Against Poverty and Commend Individuals and Groups Involved]

張欣蕾[ZHANG Xinlei](天津外國語大學)

19.多模態話語視角下中國外交話語翻譯管窺——以中美阿拉斯加高層戰略對話為例[On the Translation of Chinese Diplomatic Discourse from the Perspective of Multi-Modal Discourse: Take the China-US High-Level Strategic Dialogue as an Example]

盧春英[LU Chunying](吉首大學)

20.威特·賓納和許淵沖的譯文對比研究——以《長恨歌》的譯本為例[Research on Translations of Witter Bynner and Xu Yuanzhong: A Case Study of English Versions of The Everlasting Regret]

秦鵬鈞[QIN Pengjun](南開大學)

21.湘西5A級景區公示語編譯研究——以矮寨奇觀旅遊區為例[On the Trans-edition of Public Signs of the Aizhai Wonders Tourist Area in Xiangxi]

虞韞澤 劉彩霞[YU Yunze  LIU Caixia](吉首大學)

22.Scholar Profile: Gert J. Grobler & 潘澤泉[PAN Zequan]


1.非洲作家的諾獎之路和流散類分[The Road to Nobel Prize and the Diaspora Classification of African Writers](國家社科基金重大項目成果)

朱振武 黃鈴雅[ZHU Zhenwu & HUANG Lingya](上海師範大學)

2.The West Still Harbors Colonial Attitude Toward Africa

Gert Grobler & YAN Yuzhu(南非外交部;《環球時報》)

3.Ecological Crises in A House for Mr. Biswas from the Perspective of Postcolonial Ecocriticism

ZHANG Qicai(安徽理工大學)

4.A Corpus-based Study on Stylistic Features of Lisao’s English Translations by the Yangs and Xu Yuanchong

ZHANG Keren & JIN Luobin(四川外國語大學;紹興文理學院)

5.An Interpretation of A Study of Jewishness in Cynthia Ozick’s Fiction

WANG Zuyou(泰州學院)

6.The Relationship Between Saul Bellow’s Creations and the Chicago School of Sociology

ZHANG Xianjun(內江師範學院)

7.Translation Strategies of the Titles of Ancient Chinese Books: A Case Study of The Brush Talks from the Dream Brook

GAO Wanwan(右江民族醫學院)

8.論《愛的荒漠》中雷蒙的自我追尋[On Raymond’s Search for Self in The Desert of Love]

陳雪喬[CHEN Xueqiao](南京大學)

9.中西文化視角下的《瓦爾登湖》批評性閱讀[Critical Reading of Walden from the Perspective of Chinese and Western Cultures]

魯艷輝 劉芳銘[LU Yanhui & LIU Fangming](湖南師範大學;湘南學院)

10.錯覺畫與《電視人》——論《電視人》時空世界的生成原理[Illusion Painting and TV People: On the Generative Principle of the Virtual World of TV People]

關冰冰 楊炳菁[GUAN Bingbing & YANG Bingjing](浙江外國語學院;北京外國語大學)

11.Study of Calligraphic Brushwork in Singapore Watercolor Art

Ng Woon Lam(新加坡南洋理工大學)

12.基於金石學的大理歷史文化尋隱——朱安女《白族古代金石文獻的文化闡釋》讀評[The Exploration of the History and Culture of Dali Based on Epigraphy: Reviews on Zhu An’nlu’s Cultural Interpretation of the Bai Nationality’s Ancient Documents over Epigraphy]

陽清[YANG Qing](雲南師範大學)

13.文化記憶視域下非遺壯刀的傳承保護與創新發展研究[Research on the Inheritance, Protection and Innovation of Zhuang Dao from the Perspective of Cultural Memory]

陳兵 李曉琰[CHEN Bing & LI Xiaoyan](廣西大學)

14.抗戰時期中國共產黨形象研究回顧與展望[Review and Prospect of the Study on the Image of the Communist Party of China During the Anti-Japanese War]

閻瑾 袁貝 肖有亮[YAN Jin, YUAN Bei & XIAO Youliang](長沙理工大學)

15.技術傳播視域下用戶角度思維對於技術寫作的啟示[Enlightenment of User’s Thinking on Technical Writing from the Perspective of Technical Communication] (「技術翻譯與技術傳播」 專欄 主持人:劉世英)

賈川 劉世英[JIA Chuan & LIU Shiying](重慶郵電大學)

16.技術傳播視閾下重慶製造業網站英譯的技術翻譯研究——以「企業介紹」板塊為例 [A Technical Communication Approach to Website Technical Translation of Chongqing Manufacturing Enterprises: A Case Study of About Us] (「技術翻譯與技術傳播」專欄  主持人:劉世英)

王怡 鄧佳敏[WANG Yi & DENG Jiamin](重慶郵電大學;重慶大學)

17.軟件本地化翻譯原則與策略研究——以電信運營商運營支撐系統海外英語國家市場交付為例[Research on Principles and Strategies of Software Localization Translation: A Case Study of the English-Speaking Market Delivery of Operation Supporting System of Telecom Operators] (「技術翻譯與技術傳播」專欄  主持人:劉世英)

楊羚箐[YANG Lingqing] (重慶郵電大學)

18.主體間性視域下翻譯碩士人才培養範式研究[A Study on the Training Paradigm of MTI in the Perspective of Inter-subjectivity]

郭萬群  郭亭亭[GUO Wanqun & GUO Tingting](中原工學院)

19.智慧技術驅動下高校外語智慧教學實證研究[An Empirical Study of College English Smart Teaching Driven by Intelligent Technology]

龔雯[GONG Wen] (嶺南師範學院)

20. Scholar Profile:朱振武[ZHU Zhenwu] & Yoro Diallo


1.China-US Relations: Nancy Pelosi Causes “a Crisis like a Goal Against Her Own Camp”

Yoro Diallo(馬裏外交部浙江師範大學)

2.流散與回歸:沃勒•索因卡詩學的行思源流[Diaspora and Home-back: Origin and Evolution of Wole Soyinka’s Poetic Practice and Theory](國家社科基金重大項目成果專欄  主持人:朱振武

馮德河[FENG Dehe](山東青年政治學院)

3.魔幻與現實的交織:本·奧克瑞的非洲書寫[Combining Magic and Realism: Ben Okri’s Writing of Africa](國家社科基金重大項目成果專欄  主持人:朱振武

韓文婷[HAN Wenting](《上海航空》)

4.流散視域下海倫·奧耶耶美小說研究[A Study of Helen Oyeyemi’s Novels from the Perspective of Diaspora] (國家社科基金重大項目成果專欄  主持人:朱振武

王文嫻[WANG Wenxian](上海師範大學)

5.阿迪契的文學觀及其創作實踐[Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Views on Literature and Her Creative Practice(國家社科基金重大項目成果專欄  主持人:朱振武

石平萍[SHI Pingping](信息工程大學)

6.網路熱詞「躺平」語義建構的認知動因[The Cognitive Motivation of the Semantic Construction of the Internet Buzzword “Lying Flat”]

肖坤學 陳紀月[XIAO Kunxue & CHEN Jiyue](廣州大學)

7.重審烏托邦——基於認知情感圖式理論[Reconsidering Utopia from the Perspective of Cognitive-affective Schema]

鄭憶寒 朱妤雙[Zheng Yihan & Zhu Yushuang](南京大學)

8.作為政治符號的阿克薩清真寺——符號學視角中的清真寺功能嬗變[The Al-Aqsa Mosque as a Political Symbol: The Transmutation of Mosque Function from the Perspective of Semiotics]

李亞珂[LI Yake](上海師範大學)

9.浙江紅色文化國際傳播進路探究:翻譯傳播學視角[Exploration of Zhejiang Red Culture Going Global: Perspective of Translational Communication Studies]

孟佳蓉 辛紅娟[MENG Jiarong & XIN Hongjuan](寧波大學)

10.《亞太跨學科翻譯研究》(2015-2022)載文量化分析[A Quantitative Analysis of the Journal Articles in Asia-Pacific Interdisciplinary Translation Studies (2015-2022)]

陳兵 李雪明[CHEN Bing & LI Xueming](廣西大學)

11.技術傳播視域下跨境電商英文網站的實用性研究——以全球速賣通電子產品「商品介紹」欄目為例[Research on the Practicality of English Websites of Cross-border E-commerce from the Perspective of Technical Communication: A case study of Electronic Products Introduction of AliExpress]

徐佳渝 劉世英 賈川[XU Jiayu, LIU Shiying & JIA Chuan](重慶郵電大學)

12.譯介學視角下的典籍英譯[On the Translation of Chinese Classics from the Perspective of Medio-translatology]

鄭傳銀[Zheng Chuanyin](淮南師範學院)

13.《綠皮書》的隱秘主題——資本邏輯對種族特權的超越[The Secret Theme of Green Book: the Transcendence of Capital Logic over Racial Privilege]

林修能[LIN Xiuneng](北京大學)

14.本·瓊生喜劇《艾潑辛或沉默女人》中的「中國屋」隱喻[The “China House” Metaphors in Ben Jonson’s Comedy Epicene, or The Silent Woman]

湯平[TANG Ping](四川大學)

15.譯莎「詩體」論[A Comment on the Poetic Translation of Shakespeare’s Blank Verse]

賈志浩[JIA Zhihao](廣州應用科技學院)

16.語言學視角下的文學作品解讀——《巨型收音機》的功能語篇分析[Linguistic Approach to Literary Work: Functional Discourse Analysis of The Enormous Radio by John Cheever]

鐘婕[ZHONG Jie](廣西藝術學院)

17.德國醫療保險體系劃分給中國養老保障制度改革的啟示[The Enlightenment of the German Medical Insurance System for the Reform of China’s Pension Insurance]

李川 徐璟瑋[LI Chuan & XU Jingwei](上海理工大學)

18.危機狀態下人與國家博弈研究——基於上海饒家駒安全區為例(1937-1940)[On the Game Between People and the State in Crisis: A Case Study of Jacquinot Safe Zone in Shanghai (1937-1940)]

李宇閎 劉庭軒[LI Yuhong & LIU Tingxuan](南京大學)

19.全球素養教學研究——以大學英語視聽說課程為例[A Study on Teaching Global Competence: Take College English Listening and Speaking Course as an Example]

余葉盛[YU Yesheng](浙江越秀外國語學院)

20.大學英語閱讀課程深度學習場域構建研究[A Study on the Construction of Deep Learning Field in College English Reading Courses]

     ◎李曉靜[LI Xiaojing](浙江越秀外國語學院)

21.A Concerto Resonance between the Chinese Zhuang Customs and the Topic of Poverty Alleviation: Exploring the Artistic Value and Spiritual Connotation of Zhuang Drama Huang Wenxiu

GAO Jian(廣西藝術學院)

22.Scholar Profile:劉鴻武[LIU Hongwu] & 辛紅娟[XIN Hongjuan]



重  磅|2022年国际中文教育研究课题立项名单公示






刊讯|SSCI 期刊《第二语言研究》 2022年第2期




刊讯|SSCI 期刊《心智与语言》2022年第1-2期






刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言学习和教学的创新》2022年第1-2期


刊讯|SSCI 期刊《语言学探究》2022年第1-2期










审    核:心得君





