
WUE·新加坡 | 疫情下,我为父亲办了一场葬礼

地球er 地球公场 2022-08-09








自3月底以来,新加坡爆发了新的集体感染情况,尤其是在外来劳工宿舍爆发群体性感染后,确诊病例数急剧增长。4月7日,政府颁布阻断令(Circuit Breaker),建议人们保持社交距离。










The sea was calm on a Wednesday morning on 29 April 2020 when I sent my father off in a sea burial.


我们在码头坐上由丧礼商安排的船,驶进新加坡海峡(Singapore Strait),大概十分钟后到了外海附近,我的父亲就葬在了这里。

We went on a boat rent by a funeral merchant,  and sailed into the Singapore Strait. About ten minutes later, we went to the offshore, and finally my father was sent here.


He was 80 years old when he passed away on Tuesday, 28 April 2020. I am an only child. My mother stays with my family, together with my husband, my two sons and myself. They told me that my great-grandfather emigrated to Singapore from Fujian with his children.




My father was staying in a nursing home as he had been suffering from dementia for at least half a year and his body was gradually weakening as well. He need more caring and support. In Singapore, the situation of parents living in nursing homes is not as common as in Western countries. If he wasn’t ill badly like that, I still hope to take care of my father by ourselves.


I last saw him during Chinese New Year when the COVID epidemic was starting to spread beyond China’s borders.


早在今年1月,新加坡的机场就开始对来自中国武汉和湖北省其他城市的旅客进行体温检测。在 1月23日,出现了第一例境外输入的确诊病例。截至1月底,确诊病例增加到了13例,虽然都是输入性病例,但在新加坡依然掀起了一波必需品的抢购潮,口罩也因此卖到断货

Singapore first started conducting temperate screening at the airports in January 2020 for visitors arriving from certain cities in China, namely Wuhan and Hubei. On 23 January, we had our first confirmed imported case. By end January, we had 13 cases, all imported. There was panic buying and masks ran out of stocks.



I remembered visiting my father during the Chinese New Year weekend, which was probably 26 Jan, on a Sunday. Not long after that, I tried visiting him at my usual time on a Sunday afternoon but I wasn’t allowed in as the nursing home had restricted visiting to visiting hours only.


Out of prudence, I had never visited my father since. The situation dragged past March and on 1 Apr, the nursing home stopped permitting visitors. I guessed it was because there was a resident in one of the nursing homes that had tested positive for COVID-19. It is said that there appeared on a new cluster at Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home with 11 confirmed cases of Covid-19. Among them, nine are residents of the nursing home, while the other two are a staff member who cared for female residents of the nursing home and a family member of the employee.



By then, I had not been able to see him for about two months.




As a Singaporean, I had a certain amount of confidence in the government. Our daily necessities wasn’t in shortage, prices was relatively stable, and the increase wasn’t large. But as the numbers climbed higher, I started wondering why our country had not closed our borders yet. I thought perhaps the strategy was to restrict by country so as to minimise the impact to the economy. As Singapore, being an international hub, any restriction on our borders would have an impact to us.

4月7日,新加坡正式颁布阻断令(Circuit Breaker)。我之前没想明白的疑问终于得到了解答,疑问就是——为何会突然出现了劳工宿舍的疫情感染情况。因为新加坡有大量来自其他国家的外来工作人员,有报道显示,新加坡90%的新冠病毒感染病例都出自劳工宿舍

On 7 Apr, the circuit measures were announced. I couldn’t figure out why then the numbers from the foreign worker dormitories started to come in. Then I understood why the measures had been implemented. As some reports said, 90% of our country's infections have been among migrant workers living in dormitories because Singapore has a large number of migrant workers from other countries.



I believe we were not quick enough in implementing social distancing measures at the dormitories and reducing/restricting large social gatherings. On top of that, we didn’t have sufficient masks to go round, we had to rely on the limited government-issued masks instead. Hence, I guessed that was how the spread of infection accelerated.




Still, I was appreciative of the amount of money and support that the government had poured in to support not just its citizens but the residents in Singapore, including the foreign workers. The government had given us (all Singaporeans over 21) S$600 per person in April in an effort to tide us over the circuit breaker measures. I believe it was also quietly covering the cost of the COVID 19 testing as well.


新加坡在5月8日推出了一款机器狗,以提醒公园游客保持社交距离。它的名字为Spot,可以在公园巡逻,做一些类似趴下、蹲下的动作,目前它是远程控制的,但是其开发人员希望它将来能够完全自治。视频来源:Youtube@ CNA

此外,政府为了更好地安置确诊病人,将新加坡世博会展中心(Singapore Expo)改成了隔离病房。而为了避免劳工宿舍集体感染事件再次发生,一些感染后痊愈的外国工人被安排到邮轮上临时居住

Besides, in order to arrange the confirmed cases, the Singapore World Expo has been converted into isolation wards. Two cruise ships are prepared for foreign workers who've recovered from COVID-19 as to avoid the recurrence of new clusters as before.

图(上)为新加坡世博会展中心改造成的隔离病房,是COVID-19患者的临时住所。图源:Coconuts Singapore




On Monday morning, 27 April, with the circuit breaker measures still in place, the nursing home called me to inform me that they will be sending my father to NUH A&E (National University Hospital Accident & Emergency) as he had a respiratory infection and his oxygen level was getting low. They told me that he started having difficulty breathing on Sunday night and they had to remove phlegm from him.


The hospital called in the afternoon to tell me that they were treating his respiratory infection with antibiotics and gave me the details of his ward and bed. The nurse said he was being tested for COVID 19 but they would not know the results till 24 hours later and visits were only allowed during visiting hours.



I thought since he was not in ICU, I would visit him at night, during the visiting hours. I was surprised that they still allowed visitors as I thought hospitals did not permit the visiting of non-urgent cases. "All public hospitals, private hospitals and community hospitals will minimise visitation for inpatients with the intent to reduce non-essential movements and contact time," MOH said. Only patients in certain cases can be visited, such as inpatients who are critically ill. This is also the rules of circuit measures.



Monday night came and I took the precaution of calling the hospital before leaving my home to visit him as I didn’t want to arrive at the hospital only to be turned away even though the hospital happened to be about 15 minutes away from my home. I had a shock when the hospital said I could not visit him. They said he tested negative for COVID but because it was still a respiratory infection, he was kept in an isolation ward and they had to enforce the COVID isolation measures.


The next morning, I received a call from the doctor. She said that my father had deteriorated during the night, the oxygen level was still low and that I should visit him as soon as possible. She said maximum two visitors for 20 minutes at a time and we would need to wear surgical masks because it was the isolation ward. The understanding was that the remaining visitors would wait in the lobby downstairs while waiting for their turn to visit him.



Due to the nationwide circuit breaker measures, all of us had to wearmasks in public areas. Once we managed to get access, I asked my younger son to go up with me first. At the ward, we went into the room to see him. He was gasping for air and he could not talk. I was shocked to see how thin he had become. He was not aware that I was in the room until I moved nearer to him and spoke into his ear. I said, “Daddy, I am here. They finally allowed me to visit you.” I wasn’t even sure if he could hear me. I held his hand and beckoned my son closer. I didn’t think my father could even hear him.


I told my son to go downstairs and tell my mother to come up next. In those precious private few minutes with him alone, I could see that my father was trying talk to me as his mouth was moving extra hard in addition to his gasps for air. I told my father that I loved him and I couldn’t visit him any sooner because of the COVID situation. I wasn’t sure if he could understand what I meant.


He was still gasping for air but I sensed an understanding from him as he seemed to breathe a bit easier. Then I said, “Daddy, I know you love me.” On these words, he seemed to breathe his last. I said, “Daddy, don’t scare me! Mummy will be coming up soon!” He suddenly gasped another breath of air. Then I knew. I knew it was time to let him go. He was too weak to hang on any longer to wait for my mother to arrive. I said to my father, “It’s ok. You can go be with the Lord now.” And just like that, there was no more breaths.


My tears started rolling faster and faster. All my father wanted me to know was that he loved me before he left this world in peace. I felt very alone at that point in time. I had one less person in this world that loved me. I felt lost. What was it like not having my father there to love me anymore?

新加坡的国家传染病中心。图源:TODAY online


The next few hours passed in a blur. Once I decided on the undertaker, everything else moved very fast after that. I decided not to have a wake because my dad was already rather advanced in his age, there were not many friends or relatives that could attend his wake. Also, the circuit breaker measures only allowed for a maximum of ten people each time at the wake. I didn’t think I could handle “crowd control”, handling the temperature taking, collecting of contact details, who could go to the wake and who had to wait outside.


To me, the people who cared about him, already saw him when he was alive. What matters is how we treat the people when they are with us, not when they are gone. So my father was cremated on the same day he died because I opted for a quick and simple service. It was a simple service conducted by his pastor with the close relatives. Just ten people as the law dictated.



On a calm Wednesday morning, the next day, we took his bones out to sea and I said my final farewell to my father. I love you, Dad.





WUE2020 计划


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WUE·以色列 | “家用防空洞”与“把犹太人接回家”(下)

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WUE·纽约 |一位纽约音乐人的疫情日记(1)

WUE·纽约 |一位纽约音乐人的疫情日记(2)


WUE·NY | Things Changed after France Skiing Trip

WUE·Canada|What Can A 11-year-old Girl See Amid The Pandemic?

WUE·Atlanta | Dog Day of Atlanta(1)

WUE·USA| Bottled Up, Still Breathing(2)【Article+Video】

WUE·Canada| Voice from the basement of Toronto

WUE·NYC|A Chinese Doctor,“We've tested over 100 COVID-19 cases”

WUE·NYC |A Coronavirus Journal of A New York Musician(1)

WUE·NYC | A Coronavirus Journal of A New York Musician(2)

WUE|We expect to hear from you amid the pandemic!

 撰稿 / 地球公民HONG

翻译 / 地球公民JANICE

编辑 / 地球公民SIXUAN, CICI

主编 / 地球公民OHIA






抖音:WUE 地球公场


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