
英文版《小猪佩奇》系列第二季04Teddy's Day Out 泰迪的一天

关注☞ 小学英语学习帮 2023-02-11





Teddy's Day Out



Teddy's day out泰迪今天出去玩。Peppa and her family are going out forthe day.佩帕和她的家人要出去玩一天。Daddy Pig has made a picnic.猪爸爸去野餐了。Peppa, George, have you got yourstuff ready?“佩帕,乔治,你准备好东西了吗?”Yes, I'm taking teddy!“是的,我要带泰迪去!”Dinosaur!恐龙。If you take yourtoys, you must look afterthem!“如果你带上玩具,你必须照看它们!”Yes, Mummy!是的,妈妈!Are we all ready?我们都准备好了吗?Yes, Daddy Pig!是的,猪爸爸!Then let's go!那我们走吧!Dinosaur!恐龙。George has left Mr. Dinosaur behind.乔治丢下了恐龙先生。Oh George, you should哦,乔治,你应该take more care of Mr. Dinosuar!多保重迪诺萨先生!Dinosaur!恐龙。Are we all absolutely sure我们都确定we haven't forgotten anything else?我们还没有忘记其他的事吗?Yes, Daddy Pig!是的,猪爸爸!Teddy! I've left Teddy!泰迪。我离开泰迪了!Where did you leave teddy?你把泰迪留在哪里了?I think, on the kitchen table.我想,在厨房的桌子上。Peppa, you really must take more care of Teddy!佩帕,你真的必须多照顾泰迪!Teddy!泰迪。Here we go again!又来了!All ready?准备好了吗?Yes, Daddy Pig是的,猪爸爸Here we go!我们走!This is the picnic area.这是野餐区。We are here!我们到了!Hooray!万岁!Ah... I love this picnic spot!啊……我喜欢这个野餐的地方!It's so quiet and peaceful!太安静了!It is Zoey Zebra with her daddy,“是佐伊·斑马和她爸爸在一起,”Mr. Zebra the postman.斑马先生是邮递员。Hello Mr. Zebra!你好,斑马先生!Have you got all post?你得到所有的职位了吗?Ho~~Ho, no delivery today!“呵呵,今天不送货!”It is my day off!今天是我的休息日!Neigh, we're having a picnic lunch.“嘶,我们正在吃野餐。”So are we!我们也是!I know, why don't we make one big picnic?“我知道,我们为什么不去野餐呢?”Yes!对!What a splendid picnic!多么美妙的野餐啊!Please make George and I请让乔治和我leave the table and play with Zoey!离开桌子和佐伊一起玩!Yes Peppa!是的,佩帕!Zoey, I've got my Teddy!“佐伊,我拿到泰迪了!”I've got my monkey!我的猴子来了!Dinosaur!恐龙!I've got a toy picnic set!我有一套玩具野餐用具!Let's play picnics!我们去野餐吧!Oh, it's the ducks!“哦,是鸭子!”They always turn up when we have a picnic.我们野餐时他们总是出现。We've got pretend orange juice.我们有假装的橙汁。And we've got pretend cake.我们还有假蛋糕。It's pretend cake, it's very nice“假装蛋糕,很好吃”Oh, dear. I do not think“哦,亲爱的。我不认为”the ducks want pretend cake!鸭子想要假蛋糕!Oh, well. That means there's more for monkey,“哦,好吧。这意味着猴子还有更多的东西Mr. Dinosaurand teddy!恐龙和泰迪先生!Hum, delicious“哼,好吃”Monkey says, the best cake ever!“猴子说,有史以来最好的蛋糕!”Peppa George home time!乔治回家时间到了!Bye-bye, Zoey再见,佐伊Bye-bye!再见!Are we all ready?我们都准备好了吗?Yes, Daddy Pig是的,猪爸爸Home time for us, too, Zoey.“我们也该回家了,佐伊。”Yes, daddy!“是的,爸爸!”Cups, plates, monkey, teddy.“杯子,盘子,猴子,泰迪。”Oh, no! You shouldn't be here, teddy!“哦,不你不应该在这里,泰迪!”Peppa has forgotten her teddy, again!“佩帕又忘了她的泰迪!”Peppa and herfamily are home.佩帕和她的家人在家。That's enough driving for one day.开车一天就够了。All I want to do now is relax!我现在只想放松!Put my feet up and watch some...把我的脚抬起来看着…Teddy!泰迪!I forgot Teddy!我忘了泰迪!Oh Peppa, now Daddy Pig will have to drive“哦,佩帕,现在猪爸爸得开车了”all the way back to the picnic spot.一路回到野餐地点。Huh... Yes of course!呵呵。。。当然可以!It's Mr. Zebra, the postman“是斑马先生,邮递员”I thought it was your day off today, Mr. Zebra.“我以为今天是你的休息日,斑马先生。”It is my day off! But Zoey's got a very今天是我的休息日!但佐伊有一个special delivery for a Miss Peppa pig.给佩帕猪小姐的特快专递。Here you are, Peppa“给你,佩帕”What is it?这是怎么一回事?It's teddy!是泰迪!You left teddy behind,“你把泰迪落在后面了,”So we brought him home.所以我们把他带回家了。Thank you Zoey!谢谢你,佐伊!Teddy certainly has had an exciting day out.泰迪今天肯定过得很愉快。But Peppa, you really must take better care of him.“但是佩帕,你真的必须好好照顾他。”Yes Mummy. You're a very naughty teddy!是的,妈妈。你真是个淘气的泰迪!You must promise not to wonderoff ever again.你一定要保证以后再也不胡思乱想了。Sorry, Peppa. I promise.“对不起,佩帕。我保证。”声明:以上部分内容整理于网络,仅作分享学习,版权属于原出版机构或影像公司,本资源为电子载体,传播分享仅限于家庭使用与交流心得、参考和辅助购买决策,不得以任何理由在商业行为中使用。Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 。





