
隐秘的角落 用英语怎么说

可乐 英语学习社 2022-07-26






《隐秘的角落》这部剧改编自小说《坏小孩》,所以官方给它取的英文名是《The bad kids》。

但是,据报道,它还有一个英文名《Cat's cradle》。直译就是“猫的摇篮”,好像有点不明所以的样子。但是查一下字典你就会发现cat's cradle在英文里特指“翻花绳”这个游戏(a game in which you wrap string around the fingers of both hands to make different patterns )。

那《隐秘的角落》这部剧为什么会起翻花绳这个英文名呢?因为美国黑色幽默作家Kurt Vonnegut在上个世纪有一部代表作就是《Cat's cradle》。“翻花绳可以翻出各种不同的花样,可无论你怎么翻,那里面没有猫,也没有摇篮,一切的一切,都只是人们幻想中的骗局”。这也是贯穿《Cat's cradle》这部荒诞离奇小说的主题,而《隐秘的角落》这部剧可能也是借鉴了这一寓意,以此来暗示人性中的谎言与秘密。


The Bad Kids is a 2020 Chinese web television series that premiered on iQiyi on June 16, 2020, which tells a story of the web of lies birthed between different families after three children accidentally film a murder. It is directed by Xin Shuang, and features an ensemble cast that includes Qin Hao, Wang Jingchun, Zhang Songwen, Liu Lin and Lu Fangsheng, with special starring by Rong Zishan, Shi Pengyuan and Wang Shengdi.


●web television series 网络电视剧。series 除了常用于a series of表示“一系列”以外,series 还可以表示“系列节目、系列比赛”。

●premiere 首映。既可以作动词也可以作名词。如:

His new movie premieres in New York this week. 他的新电影本周在纽约首映。

The movie will have its premiere in July. 这部电影将于七月间首映。

●feature 由...主演。feature除了作名词表示“特征、特色;特写、专题节目”外,还可作动词表示“以...为特色;由...主演”,更口语化的翻译就相当于“有”。上文中就可以翻译成“该片的演员有秦昊......”。

●cast 全体演员。cast除了作动词表示“投、抛、掷”,还可以作名词表示“全体演员”。如:a cast list 演员表。the supporting cast  配角演员。当然,它还可以作动词表示“分配角色;选派角色”,如:

He has cast her as an ambitious lawyer in his latest movie. 他选定她在他最近的一部影片里扮演一名雄心勃勃的律师。

The series was adapted from Zi Jinchen's 2014 novel, Bad Kid. It is the second drama as part of iQiyi's Mystery Theater (迷雾剧场), after Kidnapping Game.


kidnap 劫持;绑架。过去式、过去分词、现在分词都要双写末尾的p噢。

Synopsis:While playing around in a coastal seaside town of Ningzhou, Guangdong, three children accidentally film their substitute teacher pushing his in-laws off a cliff. As a result, several families are roped into severe consequences that snowball out of their control.


●synopsis 梗概、提要、简介。跟summary的意思相近,如Commodity synopsis 商品简介。其形容词形式为synoptic 表示“摘要的、概要的”。

●substitute 代替者、替代物、替补。作名词时表示“代替者”,a substitute for sb/sth。文中的substitute teacher就表示“”代课老师。还可以作动词表示“代替”,substitute A for B或substitute B with/by A 用A代替B。


"The Bad Kids," a web drama adaptation of a suspense novel from a popular Chinese mystery fiction writer known by the pseudonym Zijin Chen, is currently the most popular Chinese-language TV series on review platform Douban.


●suspense 悬念。短语keep sb in suspense表示“让...心悬着”。a tale of mystery and suspense 表示“一个神秘莫测、充满悬念的故事”。文中的suspense novel就表示“悬疑小说”。

Released on online streaming platform iQiyi on June 16, the show has topped the Douban weekly popularity ranking for Chinese-language TV series for a second consecutive week, according to the latest results.


●streaming 流媒体。都知道stream有“流、溪流”的意思,streaming则表示一种流媒体的传播形式(Streaming is a method of transmitting data from the Internet directly to a user's computer screen without the need to download it.)用户不需要下载就可以直接进行观看,数据向流体一样连续地传播。

The 12-episode suspense drama follows a man who hatches an elaborate murder plot to kill his unfaithful wife and her family after she demands a divorce. However, his actions are recorded by three children playing nearby.


●hatch 策划。表示“孵化;策划”。如:

The eggs are about to hatch. 这些蛋就要孵化了。

He has accused opposition parties of hatching a plot to assassinate the pope. 他曾指责各反对党阴谋策划暗杀教皇。

elaborate 精心制作的。作形容词时表示“复杂的、精心制作的”,如elaborate designs 精心的设计。作动词时表示“精心制作;详细描述”,如:

His task was to elaborate policies that would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment. 他的任务是周密地制定能够让市场经济适合于无污染的环境的政策。

A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday. 发言人拒绝对昨天晚些时候发表的一份声明作出更多说明。



