
文化传播视角看汉英翻译第二期 | 天青色等烟雨,而我在等你

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02






CATTI备考 | 苏州园林又双叒叕获奖了?还是联合国教科文组织颁发的!










Porcelain is of great significance in the history of Chinese civilization. Pottery was the predecessor of porcelain, while glazed pottery was the basis for the emergence of porcelain. Around the first century, porcelain production first emerged in China, and by the Song Dynasty (960—1279) it had become mature. Song-dynasty porcelain represented the acme of Chinese porcelain technique. Five famous kilns, the Jun, Ding, Guan, Ge, and Ru, were all creative and original in their respective products, and their porcelain ware has been imitated by latter generations throughout the ages. In the Yuan Dynasty (1206—1368), Jingdezhen became the center of the Chinese porcelain industry.


Chinese porcelain ischerishedfor its serene color, crystal paste, graceful designs, and ingenious forms--a quest of generations of craftspeople. Bronzeware, pottery and porcelain are all popular with the Chinese people, though their styles vary widely. Pottery is simple and unsophisticated, while bronzeware suggests solemnity, but porcelain is the most exquisite and elegant.

predecessor 前身;前辈;原先的东西;被替代的东西 (与successor相对)

Pottery: n.陶器; 陶器厂[作坊]; <集合词>陶器类; 陶器制造(术); 有的时候也能用clayware指代。

  • potter: n.陶工; 制陶工人; 

  • potter作动词时还表示to do things or move without hurrying, especially when you are doing sth that you enjoy and that is not important,也就是—— 从容做事;欣然从事;漫步;闲荡;稀里糊涂地混日子;

  • Potter本身也是个姓氏(想必看过Harry Potter的人都不会陌生)

glazed pottery 陶釉; 釉陶;


  • 除了表“(陶器)上釉的(a thin layer of a hard shiny substance.)”之外glazed还能表示“目光)木然的,呆滞的,无神采的”

  • 唐三彩: Tri-colored glazed pottery (of the Tang Dynasty) 


earthen(地面或墙)泥土做的,土制的; (物体)陶制的; 瓦;

  • earthen jar/pot:陶罐;陶壶;瓦盆

  • earthen vessel:泥土器皿

  • earthen in hue:面如土色

  • earthen building:土制建筑


  • ceramic ware 陶瓷制品

  • Bronzeware 青铜器

  • porcelain ware 瓷器

  • glassware 玻璃制品

  • copper and porcelain cooking ware.  铜质和陶瓷厨具

  • bathroom ware 浴室用品

  • ornamental ware 装饰品

  • homeware 家居用品

acme: the highest stage of development or the most excellent example of sth 顶峰;顶点;典范;极盛时期;

  • 常见搭配有at one's acme; reach the acme of...

  • 在字典里查找这个词可以关联到许多意思相近的表达,比如:peak; pinnacle; superlative; summit; etc.

kiln: A kiln is an oven that is used to bake pottery and bricks in order to make them hard. 窑(用于烧制陶器和砖)

  • shuttle kiln 梭式窑

  • cement rotary kiln 水泥回转窑

  • brick kiln 砖窑

  • stone kiln 石窑

paste:(any mixture of a soft and malleable consistency)  面团; 糨糊; 肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用); (制作人造宝石的)铅质玻璃;

exquisite: extremely beautiful or pleasant, especially in a delicate way.


Anyone familiar with Chinese porcelain knows that the surface of some porcelain ware is covered with irregular cracks. This is referred to as “crackling” in porcelain terminology. The crackles occurred during kilning due to flawed workmanship, but as time went on crackleware became a craze during the Song Dynasty, and was passed down to this very day. Crackleware today is one of the typical Chinese porcelain styles.


Chinese people love crackleware because they love nature’s unique craft. Porcelain is an artificial art, but what it most defies is nothing other than artificiality. The interest in crackleware lies in its naturally produced and unpredictable patterns.


  • n. glazed china with a network of fine cracks on the surface;瓷器表面的裂纹

  • adj. having the surface decorated with a network of fine cracks, as in crackleware; 

  • 冰/冷裂纹 cold crackle

  • 同时还可以表示(像东西在火里燃烧一样)发爆裂声,噼啪作响



  • vt.破裂,打开; (使…)开裂; 说(笑话)

  • n. 裂缝; 试图; 缝隙;

  • vi.断裂,折断; 碎裂声,爆裂声; 镜子破裂了; 失去控制,衰退;

  • adj.

  • 训练有素的; 技艺高超的; 优秀的; 一流的;


  • cracked:adj.有裂缝的; 声音沙哑的; 精神失常的;

  • cracking adj.优秀的; 美妙的; 分裂的; 极快的; adv.非常; 极其; n. 破裂; 分馏; [化]裂化;

  • cracker:informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; 疯狂/发疯(it is driving me crazy/crackers); n. 爆竹;薄脆饼干;


The Ming Dynasty witnessed the maturity of the art, and a large number of valuable pieces were produced in this period. Jingdezhen, a small town that created the enchanting blue-and-white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, became its porcelain-producing center; and in the subsequent Ming Dynasty, the imperial kilns were established here.


To produce blue-and-white porcelain, cobalt oxide is requisite. It is employed to draw on the white roughcast before glaze is applied. After kilning at a high temperature, the roughcast turns into blue-and-white porcelain, since cobalt oxide turns blue with heat. The white surface with blue patterns and a shiny sheen of glaze produces a pure, elegant and transparent effect.

cobalt oxide 氧化钴

cobalt: [化]钴(符号为Co;来源于德文Kobold); 钴类颜料; 深蓝色; 

requisite: n.必需品;必备品;必要条件 (~for)

[类同于necessity; essential; requirement]


roughcast: v. 涂粗灰泥于; n.粗灰泥,毛坯;


  • porcelain - roughcast 瓷胚

blue-and-white porcelain: 青花瓷

sheen of glaze:sheen意即“光泽,光辉; 华服; 有光泽的纺织物”。这里原文说的是“透明的釉”,实际上并不是真的“透明”,而是强调它的光泽透亮,故译文处理成了shiny sheen of glaze。


Porcelain is a comprehensive art, and form is as important to a good piece of porcelain as it is to a fine piece of sculpture. For porcelain ware of artistic value, an intriguing shape can capture instant attention from viewers.

A small white porcelain container produced during the Qing Dynasty’s Daoguang reign (1821-1850) is such a piece in the white series. From the exterior, it looks no different from an ordinary container for holding go (a board game) pieces, but on the interior are relief-like flowers with five-color petals concisely and elegantly outlined.

intriguing:有趣的;引人入胜的;奇怪的 (If you describe something as intriguing, you mean that it is interesting or strange).

intrigue: v.激起…的兴趣;引发…的好奇心

~ (with sb) (against sb) 秘密策划(加害他人);密谋.

n. 密谋策划;阴谋;密谋;秘密关系;阴谋诡计;有时也指“引人入胜的复杂情节”

  • political intrigue 政治阴谋

  • intriguer 密谋者

  • a web of intrigue 勾心斗角的罗网

  • intrigues and scandals 阴谋与丑闻

先声夺人 capture instant attention from viewers

暗花儿 a veiled design incised in porcelain or woven in fabric 也就是说暗花原本是一个专业名词,指的就是刻在瓷器或者织在布上的一种设计。

译文将“内部嵌有五色花瓣的暗花,在简洁素雅之外,又暗藏美艳”这句话做了信息的整合, 不直说它是“inscribed in porcelain”,而说“relief-like flowers”(像浮雕一样的花纹);并将“简洁素雅、暗藏美艳”作为副词修饰(concisely and elegantly outlined)

一提到relief这个词大家一般都会想到“免除,减轻”、“救援物资”等等含义,但其实它同时也指“浮雕”(a way of decorating wood, stone, etc. by cutting designs into the surface of it so that some parts stick out more than others; a design that is made in this way)


  • in sharp relief 格外醒目

  • the differences have been thrown into sharp relief 分歧更加引人注目

《中国文化读本》中文版&英文版(Insights into Chinese Culture)叶朗、朱良志著。




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