

北京策马翻译 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02


个人信息保护法Law on Personal Information Protection;

大数据杀熟differentiate prices through user profiling;

图像获取设备image acquisition equipment;

数据搜集处理 data collection and processing


菜价飙升 soaring vegetable prices;

保供稳价 ensure the supply and stabilize the prices;

批发市场 wholesale produce markets;

囤积生活必需品stock up on daily necessities;

蔬菜短缺 vegetable crunch


电煤thermal coal;

火电厂 coal-fired plants;

煤炭存储 coal inventory;

煤炭主产区major coal-producing region;

清洁能源装机容量installed capacity of clean energy;

光伏能源photovoltaic power


China's top science award中国国家最高科技奖; 

aircraft designer飞机设计师;

internationally reputed nuclear scientist国际著名核能科学家;


Chinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院;

Chinese Academy of Engineering中国工程院


The 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) started its sixth plenary session in Beijing on November 8. 


Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee中央政治局;

a draft resolution on the major achievements and historical experience of the CPC's 100 years of endeavors《中共中央关于党的百年奋斗重大成就和历史经验的决议(讨论稿)》


Iris Chang张纯如;


Twenty-four years ago, her book "The Rape of Nanking" presented the darkest depths of mankind to Western audiences and turned the global spotlight on the truth of the 1937 Nanjing Massacre executed by the Japanese invaders.


How about you raise your question in Chinese? “你拿中文问我问题不就完了嘛!”;

China's special envoy for climate change中国气候变化事务特使;

Paris Agreement《巴黎协定》;

The environmental Kuznets curve库兹涅茨曲线;

the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 


【天猫#双十一成交额# :截至0点45分,382个品牌成交额破1亿元】

交易额transaction volume;

购物热潮shopping frenzy;

购买力purchasing power;

可回收包装recyclable packaging;

快递express delivery;

云计算系统cloud computing system



China’s economic development has become much more balanced, coordinated, and sustainable. 


open up the right path for achieving rejuvenation of the Chinese nation;

人民至上put the people first;

胸怀天下 maintain a global vision;

不懈奋斗 make tireless efforts


首次公开募股initial public offering;

开市 start trading;

新上市公司 newly-listed companies;

证券交易所 stock exchange;

多层次资本市场 multi-level capital market


健康稳定的中美关系sound and steady China-U.S. relationship;

和平共处coexist in peace;

维护和平稳定的国际环境safeguard a peaceful and stable international environment;


find effective responses to global challenges such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic;

达成共识 build consensus;

符合国际社会期待 meet the expectation of the international community


激怒ruffle feathers;

浓妆 heavy makeup;

强烈抗议strong protest;

颠覆传统审美标准departure from the typical standards of beauty;

时尚圈fashion circles


坚决反对任何形式的“台独”  firm opposition to any form of “Taiwan independence” attempts;

维护海峡两岸和平 safeguard peace across the Taiwan Strait;

保持高度警惕 stay highly vigilant;

突破红线 cross the red line;

分裂势力separatist forces


代表选举 the election of delegates;

全面建设社会主义现代化国家 build a modern socialist country in all respects;

党内民主 intraparty democracy;

坚定理想信念 commitment to ideals and convictions;

道德修养 moral traits; 

女党员和少数民族党员代表应占一定比例。Women and people from ethnic minorities should constitute a certain proportion of the delegates.


China has decided to downgrade the diplomatic relations with Lithuania to the level of charge d’ affaires. 

不顾中方强烈反对和多次劝阻 in disregard of China’s strong protest and repeated representations;

歪曲事实misrepresent facts;

颠倒黑白confound black and white


非理性追星 irrationally adoring stars;

饭圈 fandom;

建立明星言行规范 establish rules for celebrities’words and deeds;

遏制泛娱乐化的野蛮生长 curb the barbaric growth of pan-entertainment;

加强行业自理 strengthen industry self-discipline


空军 air force;

飞行员 pilot;

总体国家安全观holistic approach to national security;

歼-20隐形战机J-20 stealth fighter;

战斗机 fighter jet;

无人侦察机 reconnaissance drone;

武装直升机 armed helicopter


人口老龄化社会aging society;

劳动力结构变化 changes in labor force structures;

三孩政策  three-child policy;

全国人口普查 national census;

社会心态social mentality;

覆盖全民的社会保障体系social security system covering the entire population;

促进人口长期均衡发展promote long-term and balanced population development


新冠病毒变异株COVID-19 variant;

迅速应对rapid response;

易感susceptible to infection;

突破免疫屏障 break through the immune barriers;

加强入境限制tighten up restrictions on inbound travelers


灭活疫苗inactivated vaccine;

增加再次感染风险 increase the risk of reinfection;

降低住院和死亡风险 reduce the risk of hospitalization and death;

紧急使用emergency use;

基因序列genome sequencing;

争取“机会窗口”win a window of opportunity





双语全文 | 李克强在第十三届亚欧首脑会议上的发言

热词汇总| 11月第四周热词及双语新闻汇总

双语对照 | 《新时代的中非合作》白皮书





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