I'm Archie Hamilton. I'm 27 years old. No, I'm 26 years old. Can we start again? We're trying to fuel the car. We've had to work out which side the petrol pump was, but apart from that. So you parked that well. Yeah, that's gone well. It's not cheap. This car is not cheap. After going out in a Bugatti Veyron. What're expecting it? Just going in that car. Cheers. Wish you have a nice day. Perfect. Yeah, we see it perfect. No cupholders. We have it. No cupholders? Oh no!
Basically what happened was, I met a lot of the car YouTube guys on a track day and we all became best friends, and they all very kindly gave me the opportunity to be part of this YouTube world. How do you feel? I had a slight incident but it's alright. You were driving for how long? 10 minutes? Yeah. Archie's already ruined the car. Nice. It's alright. We'll work with it. It'll rub out. So I've worked with some incredible brands this year, very, very top end, top end, but they also benefit massively from the exposure. So you can make a living from this and I am making a living from this. I think if you do this job for money, you're not in it for the right reasons. You need to be in it for your passion. Start with your passion and see money as a bonus.
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