

2018-01-04 原著共读



VOA慢速-What Effect Will Cuts to UN Peacekeeping Have?

慢速英语  | 大批委内瑞拉难民引巴西头大

慢速英语 | 青少年准备通过培训成为助理护士


VOA慢速-Refugee Students Help Those in Need This Holiday Season

慢速英语 | 华盛顿州某列车脱轨致多人死亡

VOA慢速-New Indian Retirement Community in California

VOA慢速-Civil War Leads South Sudan Closer to Starvation

慢速英语 | 加利福尼亚的新印度退休社区

慢速英语 | 美国批准一种罕见失明症的基因疗法

慢速英语 | 博茨瓦纳求助于训练有素的狗来保护野生动物

慢速英语 | 制裁副作用凸显:多名朝鲜人逃往韩国

慢速英语 | 联合国决议否决了美国关于耶路撒冷的决定

VOA慢速-Restaurants to Offer Free Food from Leftovers

It is not always easy to know what food to order at restaurants. But a new company in New York is hoping to help.  有时在餐厅点餐并非易事。不过,纽约一家新公司希望能够提供帮助。

The company offers menu items in augmented reality. 该公司利用增强现实技术提供菜单。

The technology places computer-generated images into the user’s view of the real world. 该技术可以让用户在现实世界看到电脑生成的图片。

At Vino Levantino wine bar in New York City, the desserts are tasty but many visitors may have never heard of them. 纽约市维诺·黎凡提诺酒吧的甜点很美味,不过很多游客却从未听说过。 

“We have a few desserts that are not usual ... or people (are) not familiar with them. “我们店里有一些不常见或人们不熟悉的甜点。

Like we have the kadaif, I mean, not everyone knows what’s kadaif.” 比如中东炸粉,不是所有人都知道中东炸粉是什么。”

Instead of explaining the traditional Middle Eastern sweet to restaurant visitors, owner Haim Amit shows them. 店长海姆·阿密特没有向顾客详述这道传统的中东美食,而是向顾客进行展示。 

The Kabaq augmented reality application displays models of the desserts in 3-D on an iPad. 增强现实应用Kabaq在iPad上显示出3D的甜点模型。

Customers at each table use an iPad to explore the desserts. 每桌顾客都可以使用iPad选择甜点。

Alper Guler is the founder of Kabaq. 阿尔博·古勒是Kabaq的创始人。

“Humans are visual creatures, and we are creating really realistic 3-D food models.” “人类是视觉生物,我们正在创造较为真实的三维食物模型。”

The technology company is helping diners decide what to eat and making traditional menus more modern. 该技术公司帮助顾客选择餐品,让传统的菜单更加现代化。

Guler and his team visit restaurants to capture 3-D images of dishes. 为了捕捉餐品的3D图像,古勒和他的团队造访了餐厅。

They place dishes on a turning table inside a photo box and the camera scans the dishes from all sides. 他们将餐点放在照片盒内的转台上,再用相机全方位进行扫描。

“We have special equipment that stands here, shooting a bunch of pictures at the same time. “我们利用专门的设备拍摄了很多照片。

So, turntable turns, our system takes all the pictures along the way. 因此,当转盘转动时,我们的系统会拍下所有照片。

And we go back to our office and basically start processing all of these images.” 等我们回到办公室后再进行处理。

For their services, Kabaq charges $99-$199 per month. 该服务的收费标准为每月99到199美元不等。

Amit says the technology is not only increasing profits at his restaurant but offering customers a special experience. 阿密特说,该技术不仅增加了餐厅的利润,而且为顾客提供了一种特殊的体验。

"It's not just the sale, the sales grow like about 22 percent overall in average, but the experience with the customers is different - they don't expect it and they really like it." “不仅销售总额实现增长(平均增长约22%),而且顾客的体验是与众不同的 - 他们喜欢这种新奇的操作。

Amit says he has noticed how excited his customers are about it. 阿米特指出,他注意到顾客对此十分兴奋。

“They’re surprised that we come with something digital, it’s almost like a toy,” Amit said. 阿密特说:“他们十分惊讶店里的数字化改变,就像玩具一样。”

“It’s so funny; it’s like you have the whole plate in front of you. It’s amazing.” “这太有趣了,就像眼前有一整个盘子,让人称奇。

Mike Cadoux is Kabaq’s head of sales and partnerships.  麦克·卡杜是Kabaq的销售和合作伙伴。

He said that seeing the different foods can greatly influence a customer. 他说,看到不同的食物会对顾客产生很大的影响。 

“If I was going to get the $17 pasta, but I see the $28 steak and it looks amazing, (and) I go for the $28 steak,” he said.  他说:“如果我想点17美元的意大利面,却看到28美元的牛排色泽诱人,那么我会选择28美元的牛排。”

“That’s a huge value to so many restaurants up and down the street.” “对于街上这么多家餐厅来说,这是一个巨大的利润“。

3-D scanning technology is becoming a good option for people excited about food, often called foodies. 对于为食物而疯狂的吃货来说,3D扫描技术逐渐成为其“不二之选”。

Artist Romain Rouffet used 3-D scanning to create a 3-D recipe for banoffee pie. 艺术家罗曼·鲁菲利用3D扫描技术为香蕉太妃派制作了一款3D配方。

Users can change the view sizes on all sides. 用户可从不同方面更改视图大小。

The resulting video may signal the kinds of augmented reality developments soon to come. 由此产生的视频可能预示着未来各种增强现实技术的发展。

I’m Alice Bryant. 爱丽丝·布莱恩特为您播报。


1.wine bar 酒吧

The man was found guilty of causing criminaldamage in aright in a wine bar.

2.scanning technology 扫描技术

Laser scanning technology is a recent developmentof data collection hot spot.

3.a bunch of 一群;一堆

We don't want to look like a bunch of cowboys.

4.be familiar with 对...熟悉

We are very familiar with each other.

5."If I was going to get the $17 pastabut I see the $28 steak and it looks amazing, (andI go for the $28 steak," he said.

go for 选择

People tried to persuade him to go for a more gradual reform programme.
Even if it should rain tomorrowthey will go for an outing.

6."It's not just the salethe sales grow like about 22 percent overall on averagebutthe experience with customers is different – they don't expect it and they really like it."

on average 平均

American shares roseon averageby 38%.
On average each report requires 1,000 hours to prepare.





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