Humanity lives in a community with a shared future. Be it in overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, or in enhancing biodiversity protection and achieving sustainable development globally, solidarity and cooperation is the only effective way to address global challenges. 生态兴则文明兴。我们应该携手努力,共同推进人与自然和谐共生,共建地球生命共同体,共建清洁美丽世界。
A sound ecosystem is essential for the prosperity of civilization. We must work together to promote harmonious co-existence between man and Nature, build a community of all life on the Earth, and create a clean and beautiful world for us all.——我们要凝聚生物多样性保护全球共识。
We need to build global consensus on biodiversity protection.——我们要推进生物多样性保护全球进程。
We need to push forward the global process of biodiversity protection.——我们要通过生物多样性保护推动绿色发展。
We need to promote green development through biodiversity protection.——我们要维护公平合理的生物多样性保护全球秩序。
We need to uphold a fair and equitable global order on biodiversity protection.中国积极推进生态文明建设和生物多样性保护,不断强化生物多样性主流化,实施生态保护红线制度,建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系,实施生物多样性保护重大工程,实施最严格执法监管,一大批珍稀濒危物种得到有效保护,生态系统多样性、稳定性和可持续性不断增强,走出了一条中国特色的生物多样性保护之路。
China has made active efforts to promote ecological progress and biodiversity protection. We have continuously strengthened biodiversity mainstreaming, applied a system of ecological conservation red lines, established a protected areas system with national parks as the mainstay, carried out major biodiversity protection projects, and conducted most stringent enforcement and supervision. A large number of rare and endangered species have been placed under effective protection, and the diversity, stability and sustainability of the ecosystem have kept improving. We have found a path of biodiversity protection with Chinese characteristics.未来,中国将持续加强生态文明建设,站在人与自然和谐共生的高度谋划发展,响应联合国生态系统恢复十年行动计划,实施一大批生物多样性保护修复重大工程,深化国际交流合作,研究支持举办生物多样性国际论坛,依托“一带一路”绿色发展国际联盟,发挥好昆明生物多样性基金作用,向发展中国家提供力所能及的支持和帮助,推动全球生物多样性治理迈上新台阶。
Going forward, China will continue to advance ecological progress, and plan its development in the context of promoting harmonious co-existence between man and Nature. We will respond to the Action Plan for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, and launch a large number of key projects on biodiversity protection and restoration. We will deepen international exchanges and cooperation, and support international forums on biodiversity. We will do our best to provide support and assistance to fellow developing countries through the Belt and Road Initiative International Green Development Coalition (BRIGC) and the Kunming Biodiversity Fund, so as to elevate global biodiversity governance to a new height.万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖。
All living things should flourish without harming each other; all ways of life should thrive without hindering each other.
- END -供稿:当代中国与世界研究院、中国翻译研究院中文来源:新华社译文来源:外交部推荐阅读
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