
SNN: 尔湾上千名居民强烈抗议橙县政府强塞无家可归者安排

S CAAOC一SNNnews 2020-09-05




 SNN学生记者 Valiere Tu & Tom Gao 报道:  





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《你不知道的 洛杉矶和橙县无家可归者的数据和背景!他们不是你想象中的穷人》

      三月二十四号星期六,饱满激情的人们为了抗议橙县(Orange County)政府安排给尔湾游民帐篷营地在大公园the Great Par举行示威抗议活动。此次抗议活动是由尔湾市政府组织发起。

      On the Saturday of March 24th, many passionate protesters came to the Great Park in Irvine to protest the issue that had been on many’s minds: the Orange County had proposed to place tents in the Great Park for homeless people.

No tent city! Keep Irvine safe!


Some passed out these type of propoganting papers during this protest.

Protesters held up their signs to let out their voices.


“我认为那些无家可归的人跟我们大家都是一样的,但不应该把他们处置在没有卫生设施的帐篷里。没有社会支持,也没有医疗支持。” Benjamin Yu, 一个退伍军人,说到。

Benjamin Yu, who is a veteran, told the SNN reporters that he thinks the homeless people “are human as much as us, but it is not right to put them in a tent place without any other sanitary facilities in irvine. No social support, and no medical support.”

SNN reporters interviewed Benjamin Yu, a veteran.

学生记者们采访到了一个退伍军人Benjamin Yu。

“【橙县政府】需要重新考虑,并找到一个长期的解决方案,”Yu 说到。他们应该“找一个合适与低成本的生活场所,让他们正常的生活并恢复自信,以成为新的成员,我们的邻居”

        “[Orange County government] need to reconsider and they need to find a long term solution.” Says Yu, they should “find a suitable, low cost living place for them to live and get back on their feet and become a new member of our neighborhood.”

Children that attended this protest joined together to project their little but powerful voices.



Aside from that, some in the group may be drug addicts or people with mental illnesses. The slogan “keep children safe” came from how those people may pose a danger to the children playing in the Great Park.


Some famous news stations are also very serious about this petition.


抗议组织者尔湾市政府议员Parrisa Yazdani告诉SNN说


        “There’s plenty of buildings that the county own but they are just leaving it vacant,” says Parrisa Yazdani, one of the protest organizers and one of Irvine’s city counselors. The OC government should look to these places instead of spending more money building new ones.

        我们绝不应该放弃我们的目标来减少无家可归的人数,但我们实现这些目标的方式应该是可行还有适当的。 搭建帐篷并不会解决任何问题,而甚至还可能导致其他涉及到安全的问题。 我们的目标是保护每个人的安全,保持尔湾的安全,让孩子们能安全的玩耍。 所以,no tent city。

        We should never give up our goals to eliminate the number of homelessness, but our ways to approach these goals should be viable and appropriate. Building tents will not solve any problem, and may even cause other safety problems. Let us all remember that our purpose from the beginning is to keep everyone safe, keep Irvine safe, keep the children safe. Therefore, no tent city.  

     本文记者:    Valerie Tu SNN新闻记者团成员,TVT私立中学学生   Tom Gao SNN新闻记者团成员,Woodbridge High




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