Wallerstein,Immanuel. 2000. “From Sociology to Historical Social Science: Prospects and Obstacles.” The British Journal of Sociology 51 (1): 25–35.doi:10.1111/j.1468-4446.2000.00025.x.
1. 前途是光明
2. 道路的是曲折的但最终还是能克服的
two central issues: the origins of the great historical trek which themodern world was said to have undertaken; and how human societies could copewith the collateral damage that this trek had wrought.
对于第二个议题,the collateral damage of the march toward progress,涉及到deviance, poverty, crime, and all the other‘maladies’,这些古典社会学家都给出了药方,从职业团体到责任伦理,再难的问题也都看作是可以解决的。
但是,后现代主义、全球化冲击了这样的想法——, it changes theway we answer the question of whether we are entering a period of the summum of‘modernity,’ or the moment of its breakdown (and therefore bifurcation)
相较于以往对现代性的研究,现在的问题甚至变成:how we can know thedescriptive state of the world…to how we can best organize ourselves to pursueour work.
为回应这样的冲击,自然科学中兴起了复杂性科学(sciences ofcomplexity),人文科学中兴起了“文化研究”。
Today, we have scientists of complexity using language more consonantwith the discourse of social science (the arrow of time) and advocates ofcultural studies doing the same (social-rootedness of values and aestheticjudgments)
回过头来,其实学科的划分本来就是历史的产物,别忘了牛顿的书叫《Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica》——哲学与科学在此是可以互换的。
社会科学夹在中间,也受到复杂性科学和文化研究的影响,需要take the lead inreunifying and redividing social science so as to create a more intelligentdivision of labour.
I call historical social science, to underline that it must be based onthe epistemological assumption that all useful descriptions of social realityare necessarily simultaneously ‘historical’ (that is, they take into accountnot only the septicity of the situation but the continual and endless changesin the structures under study as well as in their environing structures) and‘social scientic’(that is, theysearch for structural explanations of the longue durée, the explanationsfor which, however, are not and cannot be eternal). In short, process would beat the center of the methodology
a transformation of the world of knowledge is intrinsically linked tothe process of transformation of the world-system itself.
This article reproduces my Presidential Address to the XIVth World Congress of Sociology
第63期 历史社会学家真的【不引用】一手档案吗?对32本ASA获奖作品的分析
第62期 如何【精读细剖】一篇AJS理论文章?来次示范吧!(下部)
第58期Kathleen Thelen and James Mahoney:比较—历史分析的获奖书单(2000-2014)