

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03



第100期 什么是能动性?(AJS, 1998)


Porpora,Douglas V. 1989. “Four Concepts of Social Structure.” Journal for the Theoryof Social Behaviour 19 (2): 195–211.【这个刊物好像喜欢刊一些比较新颖的理论脉动】




——Patternsof aggregate behavior that are stable over time

2.Lawlike regularities that govern the behavior of social facts


3.Systems of human relationships among social positions


4.Collective rules and resources that structure behavior



1. 历久亦稳的累积性行动的模式

——Patterns of aggregate behavior that are stable over time

理论特点:structure is conceived as a form of behavior-stable or repeatedbehavior.

方法特点:methodological individualist approach/reductionist

——自下而上的解释:attempts to explain phenomenafrom the bottom up

——反对抽象/无因果力的结构观:if social structure is just an abstraction, social structure cannotbe much of an independent variable; abstractions do not exhibit causal forces.Consequently, macrosocial structure is largely epiphenomenal.

代表:symbolicinteractionists, Collins(1981)


——unable to explain a wide range of macrosocial phenomenasuch as deindustrialization, power and
economic crisis.


2. Lawlike regularities that govern the behavior of social facts



——It fosters a holistic approach to sociology/it representssocial structure as something entirely devoid of the influence of human agency.


——the positivist covering law model of explanation/theregularities are simply out there to be found without the aid of theory and inits strong affinity with the positivist covering law model of explanation.


代表:StructuralSociologists-theorists like Blau ( 1970;1977),Mayhew(1980)and Turner (1984)/quantitative, positivist andsociologically holist.

问题:cannot achieve its own stated goals.


3.Systems of human relationships among social positions



——interprets social structure as a causal mechanismconstituted by relationships amongsocial positions that accounts for social phenomena in terms of tendencies,strains and forces inherent in the nexus of those relationships.

方法特点:后实证主义的实在论post-positivist philosophy of science advocated by the so-calledrealists

——用结构解释属性I t follows on the realist view that science has two tasks: toexplain the causal properties of each entity in terms of its internal structure

——用机制解释事件to explain the occurrence of particular events in terms of conjuncturesof the causal properties of various interacting mechanisms.


代表:马克思式tradition, it also has adherents among symbolic interactionistsand network theorists


4.Collective rules and resources that structure behavior


理论特点:in terms of shared rules,研究的是the rule-following activity of humanactors,因此也可以说是cultural structuring rather than social structuring

——如果说第三种定义是社会的确切的组织,那么第四种就是社会的组织之原则the actual organization of society

——agents假定是有tacit knowledgeGiddens considers to bestructure all depend for their existence on their at least tacit acknowledgementby the participating agents.


——关系无因果作用力,结构非关系:For Giddens, such patterns of relationships do not themselvesconstitute social structure.



代表:ethnomethodologists,some symbolic interactionists, and other sociologists who employ a linguisticmodel to conceptualize social structure.Giddens(1979,1981,1984)

问题:reducingthe organizational features of society to an epiphenomenon of human behavior




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