

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03


Alwin, Duane F., and Ryan J. McCammon. 2007. “Rethinking Generations.” Research in Human Development 4 (3–4): 219–237.




第139期 增寿(aging)与社会范式:ASA前会长Riley学说的总结

第140期 社会学怎么界定Life course?5种定义与整合(Alwin2012)







当我们阅读周雪光老师的专著译本《 国家与生活机遇 : 中国城市中的再分配与分层(1949-1994)》时,要如何理解社会分层的生活历程研究视角呢?





宾西法尼亚州立大学的社会学教授Alwin D.F.和来自密歇根大学的Ryan J. McCammon尝试梳理



(a) generations as positions in family lineages,

(b) generations as birth cohorts (or historical locations),

(c) generations as historical participation

——the three levels of analysis—families, cohorts, and social movements and/or organizations—which converge within the life history of the individual





1. 世代作为家庭继嗣中的位置

如果将世代概念看成如此,那么便会与祖父—父亲—儿子这样的家庭世代联系起来。而其实从自己的一生来看,不也正经历了从儿子到父亲再到祖父的life cycle生命周期吗?故此,有了family life cycle的概念。这个概念其实是出自1940s Glick的研究。


G.H.Elder在2003年的handbook of life course里也说:

the concept of generation has proven to be “inadequate,” suffering from “the same basic limitation as the family life cycle—a loose connection to historical time” (Elder, Johnson, & Crosnoe, 2003, p. 9).




同时,从family life cycle来研究generation,太固定化了,以致忽视了人们其实也可以自主来选择与放弃这些家庭身份。the life-cycle concept seems to imply a process that is fixed and universal, and as such, it is seen as a far less useful analytic device. This model ignores ways in which lives are self-regulated and variable.




This concept of generation links to biographical time and not historical time—and therein lies part of the confusion. The point is that the life-cycle framework includes the concept of generation to designate temporal location in the biological process— the life-cycle framework is an essential component of life-span development.


2. 世代作为出生组/同龄群

这是很通用的一种做法,比如80后、90后的说法即如此。One of the most common uses of the idea of generations is “a group of individuals born and living at about the same time” (Webster, 1996).


Mannheim的1928年的那篇 《世代的问题》被认为是开宗之作(当作这篇到了1950s年代才有英译本。而当时即使是Mills的博士论文是研究Mannheim,并与Geth关系很好,但其实也没注意到此事。下一期推送我的文章会讲一些八卦~~)当然,在美国的奠基之作,其实是1965年Ryder的作品,理解how social change occurs via a “succession of cohorts” 。


与life cycle式的理解不同,一旦引入了birth cohort,那么便可以从历史时间上取得理解(e.g.出生在哪一年),从而理解个人生命和历史时期的关系,理解cohort effects,以及“age-period-cohort model” 。


The record of a particular cohort is, according to Ryder (1965), “not merely a summation of a set of individual histories” but that each cohort “has a distinctive composition and character reflecting the circumstances of its unique origination and history” (p. 845). Because members of a birth cohort share the experience of the life cycle, it is possible that the unique intersection of biography and history produce what are referred to as cohort effects, effects that contribute to social change through processes of cohort replacement.


As Ryder (1965) observed, “the case of the cohort as a temporal unit in the analysis of social change” (p. 861) rests on a set of three primitive assumptions: that (a) persons of age a in time t are those who are age a-1 in time t-1, (b) transformations of the social world modify people of different ages in different ways, and (c) the effects of these transformations are persistent.


3. 世代作为历史参与


虽然Mannheim被cohort analysis认宗,但是他分析的generation其实是与当时的德国保守主义(记不大清了~)发展有关,是为了理解not simply their temporal placement in historical time but their participation in the social movements of their time.

Mannheim也使用generation unit一词来表示:


The generation unit represents a much more concrete bond than the actual generation as such. Youth experiencing the same concrete historical problems may be said to be part of the same actual generation; while those groups within the same actual generation which work up the material of their common experiences in different specific ways, constitute separate generation units.


因此,Ryder1965也明白,在此意义上,其实和birth cohort的人口学式认定,已经有了出入。




为了指定此定义与birth cohort区分,Alwin还使用了大写了Generation一词。


In other words, cohort effects, that is, generation effects in the sense of historical location, do not automatically imply the existence of Generations. According to White (1992), cohorts only become “actors” when they cohere enough around historical events, in both their own and others’ eyes, to be called Generations.


Alwin二人还以周雪光、侯立仁的研究为例,说明上山下乡一代是怎么认定的?这其实是一种actors actual的共同认同与共同经验,而非人口学式的只是找一个location。


What is unique about the Zhou and Hou research is that it demonstrates Mannheim’s (1927/1952) notion of the stratification of experience and illustrates Mannheim’s distinction between generational location and generation in actuality.





第142期 当年德国青年为什么追随纳粹?精神分析与世代社会学的结合分析

荐读:Loewenberg P. The psychohistorical origins of the Nazi youth cohort. The American Historical Review, 1971, 76(5): 1457-1502.







