

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03

Guggenheim, Michael. 2012. ‘Laboratizing and De-Laboratizing the World: Changing Sociological Concepts for Places of Knowledge Production’. History of the Human Sciences 25 (1):99–118.




系列之一的link(介绍M. Krause)


Michael Guggenheim是2005年毕业于苏黎世大学,专长是STS、建筑、艺术还有~cook,也发过一些理论研究的论文,都聚焦在他的专长领域。

Guggenheim, M., & Potthast, J. (2012). Symmetrical twins: On the relationship between Actor-Network theory and the sociology of critical capacities. European Journal of Social Theory15(2), 157-178.


Guggenheim, M., & Krause, M. (2012). How facts travel: The model systems of sociology. Poetics40(2), 101-117.








Michael Guggenheim, 来自Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London,在他的文章中考察了“实验室”,laboratory一词在社会学史中的变迁。


这本期刊,History of the Human Sciences,我一直想读读了解了解,终于开始看了~~



1. 什么是实验室?

M. Guggenheim给出的定义是:

the laboratory as a result of a process to differentiate a controlled inside from an uncontrolled outside


A)placelessness: controlled inside/ uncontrolled outside。这是建立了lab - field的区分,前者可以是stable,后者却是unstable。

B)consequence-free research: inconsequential actions/ consequential actions。实验室再玩,对real-world没什么后果

C)a mechanism for generalization:前两者之所以成为可能,是因为有第三者,科学研究的程序/机制,作为保障。

——Labs are mechanisms to control knowledge objects and allow for inconsequential actions, which can even take place outside science, as, for example, in industry.


2. 二战前的美国社会学是怎样用laboratory这个词的?




The term laboratory did a twofold job: first, it secured that sociology was a science, by invoking the laboratory as a term that referred to the natural sciences; second, it allowed the framing of a particular place (mostly understood in the topographical sense) to be a legitimate object of inquiry.


比如美国社会学的先驱W. E. B. Du Bois called the institute in Atlanta, which was founded in 1895 and which he had headed since 1897, a ‘sociological laboratory’ (Du Bois, 1903; Wright, 2002). 在他的自传中,有这样说:

Social scientists were . . . still thinking in terms of theory and vast and eternal laws, but I had a concrete group of living beings . . . capable of almost laboratory experiment’ (Du Bois, 1968: 64) 


For Moreno, a laboratory was thus simply a place in which to conduct empirical work, and referred neither to placelessness, nor to inconsequential action. 


In Chicago, Robert Park claimed that ‘social science has achieved something that approaches in character a laboratory experiment. For the purpose of these experiments the city . . . becomes . . . a device for controlling our observations of social conditions in their relation to human behavior’ (quoted from Gieryn, 2006: 15).

——其意在说明,我们社会学家不是在安乐椅上的!The use of the term laboratory for the field simply indicates that this is a place where empirical research is conducted rather than armchair speculation. 



2. 二战后的美国社会学:lab-field区分的形成

The methodological texts of the 1950s and the 1960s did not create a rift between lab and field







most sociologists know full well that they cannot experiment, that they are not laboratory scientists, and that in the opinion of many competent judges they never will be. (H. Becker, 1940: 44)


也就是说:But exactly because the laboratory became real, it also became more problematic



For a brief time, in the early 1960s, laboratory and experiment could still be thought to be compatible with an interest in verstehen (Schutz, 1965).

... laboratory experiments could be used to prove the invariant foundations of social order based on ‘verstehen’. For Garfinkel and Cicourel, laboratory experiments were problematic only if they took common assumptions between experimenter and subject for granted, rather than using experiments to test the foundations of this reciprocal process.



Laboratory experiments were excluded from qualitative sociology and were identified with the new sister discipline social psychology (Good, 2000: 392).


4. 复兴:laboratories as places of doing science

上面主要是都是从第一个维度:controlled inside/ uncontrolled outside,但这儿不同,更看重了placelessness的变异。



(1) lab as collaboration;

——这是由Paul Rabinow, Stephen Collier and Andrew Lakoff等人类学家,出于对现行的人类学大社群不满,自己搞的小组织、小圈子,他们称之为一种“实验室”——他们以默顿式科学气质来重新要求自己,有一套新的规范使自己与外部的学术社群区分。所以说是:the local control of disciplinary norms


(2) empirical extension of lab space (society as laboratory/real-world experiments);

——这是一种以诊断、预判式的看法,多出现在对气候变迁的社会学研究中。他们认为这个真实世界本身就是个实验室。代表人物是Krohn and Weyer。


(3) lab as a generalized notion for spaces for knowledge production: the locatory;

——作者非常有趣,在这里终于提出了自己的概念,叫Locatory,用来指 “没有实验室的白老鼠”的情况。像Eyal, Bockman等社会学研究社会转型时、像经济学家研究东欧在苏联解体后的变迁。认为 这个真实世界中的自然行为,为他们的理论提供了自然的环境、自然的检验。因此,东欧是白老鼠,甚至都不需要实验室来control。


(4) lab as a container to test objects: the unilatory.

作者说这种情况是lab without rat——有了实验室,却没白老鼠了。



最后, Guggenheim认为,社会学在使用lab.一词中,从最初的作为metaphor,到中途的作为real,到现在,结果又变成了metaphor。





会话分析实验:绝对/事件时间、社会行动与沟通性承诺(SPQ, 2017)



