

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02

Jijon Isabel. 2018. “The Universal King? Memory, Globalization, and Martin Luther King, Jr.” Sociological Inquiry 88(1):79–105.



1. 马丁路德金(Martin Luther King, Jr.),只是美国人的memory吗?

2. 如果是全世界的,包括中国的呢吗?这几天好多公众号都发这个貌似。。

3. 为什么中国人会对美国的民权英雄有这样兴趣?

4. 如果有兴趣,要怎么把我们不熟悉的种族故事,和本地故事结合起来,塑造一个global-local的文化记忆呢?


Yale大学的Jijon Isabel正是从全球的文化记忆角度,研究马丁路德金的“遗产”在美国、以及加纳(Ghana), 南非(South Africa), and 墨西哥(Mexico)的反应与融合。



What happens when a historical figure or event is commemorated beyond its national or cultural borders?

How and why would distant people represent a past that belongs to another nation, group, or culture?



The emerging literature on global memory【全球记忆】 has yet to answer these questions.


There is little research on how groups relatively unrelated to a past figure or event commemorate it in the present. There is especially little comparative research on how the global South commemorates figures or events from the global North (Olesen 2012:374)



This articles main contribution is a new typology of global memory


四、类型学:四种全球集体记忆A Typology of Global Collective Memories

分类依据:I argue that when local actors interpret these globally circulating representations they create their own memories that vary in terms of local resonance and global salience.




Thick representations: Holocaust memories in the West

Thin memory: the case of Holocaust memories in Bangladesh

Local memory: memories of Emiliano Zapata have shaped Mexican society

Banal memory: the images of almost-forgotten leaders on postage stamps or coins



抽样编码:I chose them using Flyvbjerg’s (2006) “information-oriented” selection strategy to “maximize the utility of information from small samples” (230).


For Ghana, South Africa, and Mexico, I analyzed widely read newspapers with at least fifty years of circulation: Ghana’s Daily Graphic (DG) and Ghanaian Times (GT), South Africa’s Cape Argus (CA) and Rand Daily Mail (RDM), later the Weekly Mail (WM) and today the Mail and Guardian (MG), and Mexico’s El Universal (EU) and Excelsior (Ex).


I present the data in three parts: (1) newspaper coverage of King during his life; (2) newspaper coverage of King during the 45 years after his death; and (3) newspaper coverage of the March on Washington’s 50th anniversary, as well as online coverage for the following 3 years.



Memory in the Making: 1963–1968

加纳:King and The Pan-African Question

南非:Racial Problems in Someone Elses Backyard

墨西哥:Fighting for Human, not Just Civil, Rights

Scattered Memories: 1968–2013

Ghana, South Africa, and Mexico: Someone Elses King 

Fifty Years Later: 2013–Present

Ghana, South Africa, and Mexico: The Universal King





ASR新文速递| 为什么在加纳仅仅这个政府部门能有高效的科层制?






