
COP26 | 绿光青年与社会创新之父Michael Norton的现场对话

绿光青年 绿色光年

(photo by 李佳 Li Jia, from Left: Michael Norton, 绿光青年张如苑, CYCAN代表陈语)


11月1日,在英国格拉斯哥开幕的联合国气候大会(COP26)上,参加会议的绿色光年青年团代表柳珊、张如苑和韩炜祎同学有幸在现场与英国社会创新之父Michael Norton零距离交流。年近80高龄的他,作为在深圳的亚洲环保创新论坛(AEIF)(央视采访他的视频在此)的发起人,一向对青年参与可持续发展事业寄予厚望并提供各种帮助。2019年11月,他还专程到过绿色光年创始人倪欢老师家参观过,并在Impact Hub Shanghai接见过倪老师。万科基金会和Cteam负责组织的中国企业馆让此次对话成为现实,在此特别致谢!以下英文报道来自帝国理工学院研究生张如苑:

A conversation with Michael Norton


This conversation is hosted by Cteam, CYCAN and Green Light-Year. The conversation brings Mr Michael Norton OBE, Director of the Centre for Innovation Voluntary Action (CIVA) and the 2014 recipient of the UK Charity Award for Outstanding Achievement, to the stage of China Corporate Pavilion in the COP26 in Glasgow. He is an extraordinarily encouraging visionary in social enterprise and an innovator in philanthropy.


On the 1st of November, the youth representatives from China, Elena, Shan and Ruyuan had an interview with Mr Norton on his motivationfor voluntary works and his suggestions for the youth who care about or are committed to turning the world into a better place. Mr Norton’s interest in social enterprise began at a relatively young age. After his academic journeyin natural science, he worked as a banker. Back then he was doing very well inhis job, however, he still devoted his free time to the voluntary work. During the conversation, he shared plenty of social innovation stories based on hisown experience, including fundraising, food waste and education inequality. He explained how the ideas have been developed starting from “a little bit of bloody-mindedness”. For instance, he set up a night school for those who cannot speak English, and also he promoted a programme which taught street children in South Asia the concept of banking. “When they start saving, they are thinkingabout the future. “ said Norton.


When we asked about his turning point to start his businessin the social enterprise, he shared a very touching story about how two young girls took an old lady out for a walk. Some of you may think it’s not a big deal, where is the touching point coming from. Bare with me. This old lady hadn’t been outside for 3 years. During these three years, many health professionals and social workers had come to visit her, but no one had ever taken her out. These two girls did it because they truly cared about her. With minimal assistance and some innovations, they created a comfy hand trolley and made the lady’s day.


Food waste-related questions have also been brought upduring the conversation. After introducing the "Ugly Food Party" organised by the Green Light-Year, Mr Norton is very supportive about the idea of utilising ugly food. He said that the actions on the food system are very good starting points to begin especially when we are amid a rising tide of environmental protectioncampaigns, projects and innovations. In fact, there are over 30% of man-made CO2 emissions are from the food system. Yet, around 40 per cent of the food are wasted from the field to our table. Finding the right way for the wonky vegetables and couple with good management of purchase desire is something we should look into.


“Failure makes better next time,“ he said, “that’s my motto and the advice for the young generation .

(Michael is also meeting online audience from China.)


与Michael Norton先生的对话







第26届联合国气候变化大会(COP26)绿光青年团 成员介绍





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