
收藏!入境必须有PCR! 这几十个地方可检测!

大温焦点 2023-03-11

精彩资讯尽在大温焦点 cachinese

( 大温焦点讯 ) 加美陆路边境周一(8日)凌晨零时全面通关,但等候过关的时间最长达3小时。

截至周一早上11时,美国多个陆路口岸,包括Blaine Pacific太平洋高速公路过境点、Calais–Milltown过境点、国际(International)瀑布、尼亚加拉瀑布与水牛城之间的彩虹桥,等候时间仅为5分钟或更短时间。

目前最繁忙的过境点,是Champlain-St. Bernard de Lacolle,根据美国海关与边境保护局的网站指出,该个过境点的等候时间约为3小时。


由于美国陆地边界现在对完全接种疫苗的加拿大人开放,想要进行一日游的人需要记住预订 COVID-19 PCR 测试,以便在访问结束时重新进入加拿大。

目前,任何试图进入加拿大的旅客都必须自费提供阴性 PCR 检测结果,检测时间不得超过抵达边境前 72 小时。

回家的加拿大人需要出示不足 72 小时的 PCR COVID-19 阴性检测证明。允许短途旅行的人在离开之前进行 PCR 测试,以节省在美国寻找 PCR 的麻烦。

卑诗省政府负责为生病或与 COVID-19 病例密切接触的人进行 COVID-19 检测,但想要因旅行而接受检测的人必须自掏腰包。


最便宜的在City Center Urgent Primary Care Center的价格为 149 元(含税),但请查看整个清单,了解离家近的诊所:

24/7 全天候测试

这项移动服务将 COVID-19 PCR 检测送到您家门口。在大温哥华地区、基洛纳、纳奈莫和维多利亚有售。价格取决于员工到您家的距离。结果通常会在 24 到 36 小时内得到结果。

A+ Travel Tests

这家 Kerrisdale 诊所每周开放 7 天,提供与旅行相关的 PCR 检测,价格为 198 元,含税。平均周转时间为 24 小时。可提供当日结果,但需额外付费。

地址:2105 West 40th Avenue, Vancouver

Ace Travel Clinic

这家诊所在温哥华市中心有两个地点,靠近罗布森广场和唐人街。PCR 测试的费用为 280 元加税,周转时间在 12 到 24 小时之间。


777 Hornby Street, 温哥华

118 Keefer Street, 温哥华

Bon Voyage Medical

这家诊所提供的 PCR 测试起价为 190 元,结果在第二天晚上 11 点之前交付。


1161 The High Street, Unit 2, 高贵林

3111 Grant McConachie Way, Richmond(位于 YVR 的费尔蒙酒店内)

7551 Westminster Highway, 列治文

护理点医疗中心——乔伊斯Care Point Medical Centre – Joyce

Address: 5138 Joyce Street, Vancouver

这家诊所的 PCR 测试费用为 199 元(含税)。结果保证在 48 小时内得到,通常在第二天晚上 10 点前准备好。也可付费加急获得当日结果。

City Centre Urgent Primary Care Centre

这家市中心的步入式诊所提供旅行 COVID-19 测试,可在线预订或直接提供。48 小时周转时间为 149 元(含税)或 199 元在 24 小时内获得结果。

地址:1290 Hornby Street, Vancouver

COVID Travel Vancouver

这家诊所的 PCR 检测价格在 195 元到 375 元(含税)之间。结果可在 24 到 48 小时内获得。它还需要Walk In appiontment。


Spring Medical Centre, 4453 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby

Fleetwood Medical Clinic, 306-9014 152 Street, Surrey

Kerrisdale Medical Clinic, 2077 West 42nd Avenue, Vancouver

CVM Medical Ltd

The base price at this Richmond clinic for a PCR test is $249.

Address: Executive Hotel Vancouver Airport, 8th floor, 7311 Westminster Highway

Elicare Lansdowne Medical Clinic

PCR tests here start at $200. The clinic also has booking services available on WeChat.

Address: 140-5611 Cooney Road, Richmond (Service Canada 1st Floor)


This organization prides itself on delivering results in as little as 12 hours — for a $350 plus tax fee.


900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver

4588 Dunbar Street, Vancouver

Lougheed Town Centre, 101-9855 Austin Avenue, Burnaby

Morgan Crossing, 130-15850 26th Avenue, Surrey

London Station, 10348 King George Highway, Surrey

This South Vancouver clinic offers PCR tests starting at $180 plus tax.

Address: 6408 Main Street

Integrated Wellness Medical Centre

This clinic markets itself as being affordable and offers PCR tests for $180 plus tax.

Address: A120-2099 Lougheed Highway, Port Coquitlam

Iridia Medical

PCR tests here cost $185 plus tax, and results are delivered by 4 pm the next day.

Address: 206-1755 West Broadway, Vancouver

Live Well Medical Centre

This Richmond clinic does PCR tests for $199 plus tax.

Address: 160-8980 No. 3 Road, Richmond

London Drugs

This BC-based pharmacy chain offers asymptomatic PCR COVID-19 testing at select locations for $249 plus tax in partnership with FastTest.


Dunbar: 4588 Dunbar Street, Vancouver

London Station: 10348 King George Highway, Surrey

Lougheed Town Centre: 101-9855 Austin Avenue, Burnaby

Morgan Crossing: 130-15850 26th Avenue, Surrey

New Westminster: 555-6th Street, New Westminster

Loyal Medical Clinic

PCR tests cost $225 plus tax here. Turnaround is usually within 24 hours.

Address: 112-1055 West Georgia Street, Vancouver

Midtown Medical Clinic

This clinic offers PCR tests for $190 plus tax, and they’re approved for travel to Hawaii. Rushed results are available for an extra charge.

Address: 130-8780 Blundell Road, Richmond

Onsite Immunization and Wellness

Mobile PCR tests in Metro Vancouver start at $285 including tax.

Sky Medical Clinic

This clinic offers PCR tests for $235, with results delivered in 24 to 48 hours.

Address: 305-1160 Burrard Street

Travel Medicine & Vaccination Centre

This clinic offers COVID-19 tests at its Langley location.

Address: 20255 Fraser Highway, Langley

Travel Safe Immunization

PCR results from this Kitsilano clinic are available in 24 to 48 hours.

Address: 420-2184 West Broadway

Whitecap RSC Medical

This service offers PCR testing at YVR airport but is not approved for trips to Hawaii or China.

Address: YVR Airport at 3211 Grant McConachie Way, Richmond


帕克斯说:“如果这个想法是真正防止感染 COVID 的人进来,无论他们是否接种了疫苗,那么 PCR 测试绝对是要走的路。”

他说,PCR 检测比快速检测“准确得多”,并且提供了“一定程度的标准化和问责制”。


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