本文英文版以“Fentanyl crisis resulted from institutional flaws in
the United States”为题刊发于昨日(2023.9.21)《中国日报》(China
Daily),China Daily客户端文章链接:https://enapp.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202309/21/AP650b827ca310f3b0aff6805e.html;中文版以“《恶意抹黑中国能解决美国的毒品问题?笑话!》”为题刊发于今天(2023.9.22)新华社微信公号“瞭望智库”,刊发链接:中英文版文字有少许差异,如英文版中论述第一点开头为“First,
US politics is nothing but money politics.”,中文版里没有这句话,而是直接讲“首先,阿片类药物滥用危机源于1990年代中期美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)通过了普渡制药公司研制的强效药物奥施康定……”,这里贴出中文原稿全文和英文版。我认为,美国在国际社会长期实施这种“自己生病,别国吃药”的做法,充分暴露了该国体制的缺陷;长期这样搞下去,必然导致该国国民广泛堕落,其国力优势随之不可持续;这是值得我们总结汲取的教训。本文中提到的官商“旋转门”问题在美国非常严重,放在中国绝对属于违法违纪。文中提到的特朗普政府卫生部长亚历克斯·阿扎(Alex Azar,1967年6月17日—)不仅是典型的官商“旋转门”,而且还有一点特别之处,就是因在新冠疫情期间以美国在任部长身份窜访台湾而遭我国制裁。阿扎生于宾夕法尼亚州约翰斯敦,毕业于耶鲁法学院,2018年1月29日出任美国第24任卫生与公众服务部长。新冠疫情爆发之初,他的涉华言论还算合理。2020年1月28日,阿扎在新闻发布会上呼吁国际卫生部门加强合作,以应对新型冠状病毒。在那次发布会上,他说,中国发布了(新型冠状病毒)的基因测序结果,这非常了不起,这使得美国疾病控制和预防中心团队一周内就开发出病毒诊断工具,美国国家过敏症和传染病研究所有望数周内开发出候选疫苗。但随着美国防疫溃败,特朗普政府上上下下选择了抹黑和挑衅中国之路,作为卫生部长的阿扎自不待言。最恶劣的是他于2020年8月9日以美国卫生与公众服务部长身份搭乘专机窜访台湾。2021年1月21日,中方决定对在涉华问题上严重侵犯中国主权、负有主要责任的28名人员实施制裁,受制裁者及其家属被禁止入境中国内地和香港、澳门,他们及其关联企业、机构也被限制与中国打交道、做生意。由于窜访台湾和其它行径,阿扎名列其中。不过,在此之前的2021年1月15日(当地时间),阿扎已经因国会山骚乱事件辞去卫生部长职务。9月15日,美国总统拜登向国会提交报告,将中国认定为所谓“主要毒品来源国”;在9月18日的外交部例行记者会上,这一毫无事实根据的恶意抹黑理所当然遭到外交部发言人毛宁的强力反击:中国是全球毒品治理的模范,是禁毒政策最严格、执行最彻底的国家,受到国际社会普遍认可。反观美国,人口仅占世界5%,却消费了全球80%的阿片(opioid)类药物,可谓全球禁毒事业的黑洞和乱源,是一家独大的“主要毒品需求国”,没有资格对中国的禁毒努力说三道四。美国毒品泛滥的根源在于自身能力不强,管控不力,减少国内需求才是治本之道。2019年1月31日,在美国亚利桑那州诺加利斯,海关和边境保护局展示查获的芬太尼和冰毒。
Pharma)研制的强效药物奥施康定(OxyContin),且大量推广,导致大批寻求治病的美国人沦为瘾君子。而这类问题药物得以通过复杂的审批程序,离不开制药公司对国会议员、监管机构官员的政治游说巨额金钱投入。根据2017年英国《卫报》报道,此前10年里,美国制药公司为游说和资助美国国会议员而投入的金额高达近25亿美元;当时的美国国会中,众议员里每10人有9人、100名参议员中有97人接受了制药公司的竞选献金。至于美国缉毒局、食品药品监督管理局(FDA)等监管部门官员,更没有中国这样严厉的辞职、退休后从业限制规定,在政府监管部门和制药公司之间来回“横跳”攫取最大化个人收益的“旋转门”现象司空见惯,美国《国会山报》等主流媒体对此类现象报道甚多:2019年,时任FDA局长戈特利布(Scott Gottlieb)辞职加入美国最大制药公司辉瑞公司(Pfizer),拿到了高额的薪酬,一些大型制药公司的首席执行官们则为其离职而“难过”,诺华、阿里拉姆等制药公司的首席执行官都公开感谢戈特利布在FDA的工作,称“我们会想念他的”。特朗普政府的卫生与公众服务部长阿扎(Alex Azar)曾任制药巨头礼来公司(Eli
Lilly and Company)美国分公司总裁,特朗普曾声称,阿扎的这一职业履历是其任职优势,能给美国带来“更好的医疗保健服务和更低的药品价格”;但在他任职期间,礼来公司将其胰岛素的价格提高了3倍,在美国社会引发了众怒。阿扎,2021年1月21日因在涉华问题上严重侵犯中国主权、负有主要责任而遭中国制裁其次,面对朝野公认需要努力应对的芬太尼(fentanyl)危机,美国国会两党口头承认要努力解决问题,实际上奉行的是“权力斗争派性高于人性”原则,更关注的是相互“使绊子”,宁可把肃毒的正事“搅黄”,也不愿意对方赢得“解决芬太尼问题”的政治声望。2023年5月,共和党控制的美国国会众议院投票审议《阻止致命芬太尼贩运法案》(Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act),133名众议员投了反对票,其中132人来自民主党,其动机昭然若揭。正是由于国会山衮衮诸公普遍奉行“权斗高于肃毒”的原则,才导致处理芬太尼危机的法规格外难产。据《华盛顿邮报》报道,2013年,美国国会议员就收到关于芬太尼危机危险性的警告,直到2017年12月,美国国会方才通过一项专门针对芬太尼的法案。近年来,在美国社会撕裂日益加剧的大潮中,美国国会议员们日益极端,以至于不惜阻挠军事预算和军队高级将领任命,也要把自己的政治理念主张强加于人。典型如参议院军事委员会委员、阿拉巴马州共和党参议员汤米·特伯维尔阻挠。汤米·特伯维尔不满国防部允许军人从禁止堕胎州跨州堕胎并为此带薪休假的政策,因此以阻挠正式任命高级将领的方式向国防部施压,导致2023年3—9月美军共有300多名高级军官的任命未能通过国会参议院确认,出现了长达6个月的政治僵局。第三,一国要想建立并长期保持经济、社会治理优势,根本在于提升本国民众自身的勤奋、好学、进取和守法、道德观念,一种体制无论理论上如何完美,归根结底都是要由人来执行的;但在实行普选的美式代议制民主政体下,倘若要求民众自省、自律、自我改进,由于违逆群体内在惰性弱点而注定是竞选“票房毒药”,因此,与行政主导体制相比,这种体制下的国会议员和行政部门天然有着更强烈的内在倾向迎合民众群体性弱点,不是实事求是自省自律解决问题,而是诿过于别国。美国前代积累的丰厚国力遗产,又使得美国政府至少在相当一段时期内有能力强迫别国接受自己的诿过,而无需为此付出十分明显的代价。即使美国国家为此付出了相当的外交、经济代价,在“三权分立”的美式代议制民主政体下,由于执行这一政策者为行政部门而提出这一政策主张者为国会议员,这一政策主张的始作俑者无需直接为此承担责任,更加激励了他们诿过他国的道德风险。更糟糕的是,在吸毒人数增长到一定程度以至于形成了“风气”、“时尚”,而法律对吸毒者又没有在较长时间内剥夺他们投票选举和参与竞选等政治权利,那就迟早必然会有政客涌现出来,寻求通过毒品合法化等迎合吸毒者、毒贩的政策主张而攫取这部分选票。在西式代议制民主政体下,与人数要多得多、但利害相关不那么大、因而相对松散行动不一致的大团体相比,一个利害相关更大、因而行动更一致的小团体在政治游说和影响竞选中常常能够表现出更强大的行动能力,由于这种“集体行动的逻辑”,这样的“亲吸毒”政客及其群体一旦萌芽,除非经历巨大社会震荡整顿,一般都会滚雪球般日益壮大。因此,我们看到,从1970年代美国毒品问题开始浮现至今,该国吸毒问题愈演愈烈,在一些方面已经直逼中华人民共和国建立之前以鸦片泛滥闻名的“东亚病夫”中国,美国国内对毒品的打击力度则越来越轻,毒品合法化则从原来的不可想象变成了蔚然成风,甚至被视为“进步”和“政治正确”,要求别国单方面承担的肃毒责任则日益扩大、加重。而在美欧等西方国家有支付能力的“有效需求”没有被遏制、消除,反而得到越来越强保护的情况下,无论如何打击他们境外的贩毒活动,都注定是徒劳的,他们要求别国单方面承担的肃毒责任只会对正常国际贸易构成日益扩大、加剧的干扰。时至今日,美方就芬太尼等毒品国际贸易提出的“了解你的客户”(know your customer)做法,远远超出联合国禁毒公约对各国的义务约定。根据国际惯例和通行做法,保证国际货物不用于非法目的属于进口企业的基本责任和进口国政府的法定义务,出口方无论是在道义上还是在国际惯例中都没有这样的责任。就可行性而言,出口方也不具备核查境外客户的条件,只有进口国政府和进口企业才有此条件。除非美国同意中国等出口国拥有在美国等进口国实施司法调查、执法的治外法权,否则出口方根本不可能核查美国等进口国客户,但这样一来就彻底颠覆了国际体系中的国家主权。那么,美方提出越来越多如此荒谬的主张之前,难道就没有开动脑筋思考过吗?Fentanyl crisis for the US to solveThe United States has been battling a grave
opioid crisis. But instead of setting its house in order, it has been blaming
China for the problem. In a memorandum for the US secretary of state on Sept
15, President Biden identified, among other countries, China as a “major drug
source country” and directed him to submit it to the Congress and publish it in
the Federal Register.Refuting the US claim on Monday, Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said “the Chinese government has always
been serious about fighting drugs. China has the strictest drug control policy
in the world and enforces it in the fullest way. Our efforts are widely
recognized by the international community.”She added: “In contrast, the US, with 5
percent of the world’s population, consumes 80 percent of the opioid produced
in the world — which makes the US a black hole and source of problem for global
drug control. The US is the single largest major drug demand country and is in
no position to wag its finger at China’s counter-narcotics efforts.”The abuse of opioids, particularly
fentanyl, has become a leading cause of death in the US — it claims more lives
that gun violence or car accidents. Many say the fentanyl crisis is the result
of the US’ institutional flaws.First, US politics is nothing but money
politics. The abuse of opioid in the United States started with OxyContin, an
opioid painkiller made by Purdue Pharma and approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration in 1995. After that, some US pharmaceutical companies spent huge
amounts to use experts and organizations to promote the harmlessness of
opioids, and lobby physicians to indiscriminately prescribe and pharmacies to
aggressively sell opioids as painkillers. As a result, American people became
accustomed to using opioid painkillers as a symptomatic but not a curative
medicine to cope with several illnesses.According to a 2017 report in London-based
The Guardian, pharmaceutical companies in the US outspent all other industries
in their efforts to influence politicians. The report said pharmaceutical
companies have spent nearly $2.5 billion on lobbying and financially supporting
Congress members over the past decade.Additionally, pharmaceutical companies have
contributed to the campaigns of nine out of every 10 House of Representatives
members and all but three of the 100 senators in the hope that they would shape
legislation on drug pricing and make the approval process for new medicines
easier.In the US, it is quite normal for former
government officials to join pharmaceutical companies, and former
pharmaceutical executives and health department officials to vice-versa. For
example, former FDA chief Scott Gottlieb resigned in April 2019 and joined
Pfizer’s board of directors two months later. And in 2017, then US president
Donald Trump nominated Alex Azar, who had served as president of the US
division of Eli Lilly and Company for five years, as secretary of health and
human services. Trump tweeted that Azar would be a “star” in the position and
help lower drug prices. Ironically, Eli Lilly tripled the price of a
top-selling insulin product when Azar was the health and human services
secretary.Second, political polarization in the US
hinders drug control. While both Democrats and Republicans vow to tackle the
fentanyl crisis, they have been preventing each other from doing so. For
neither wants the other to solve the fentanyl problem and gain political points
which would favor them in elections.According to The Washington Post, the
Congress could pass a bill specifically targeting fentanyl only in December
2017, nearly four years after legislators first received warnings about the
dangers of the drug.In May this year, the Republican-led House
of Representatives approved the Halt All Lethal Trafficking of Fentanyl Act
with a 289-133 vote. Surprisingly, 132 Democrats opposed the bill even after
the White House had announced its support for it.Third, there is a need for US citizens to
raise their awareness of laws and the harms of abusing drugs. It is the people
who help maintain the country’s economic and social advantages, while
politicians do everything in their means to please the people and garner votes,
even at the cost of allowing the fentanyl crisis to linger. Which means the
Congress as well as the administrative departments tend to cater to the
weaknesses of the people, and blame other countries for the woes of their own
making.And fourth, some US politicians may even
move bills in the Congress, seeking the decriminalization of certain drugs to
please a certain section of society which could include drug users. In
Western-style democracy, a small political clique with common interests and
capable of making concerted moves can play a more critical role in lobbying and
elections than a larger but less cohesive group. Hence, those politicians
seeking the decriminalization of certain drugs may garner more support.Perhaps this is why the anti-drug campaign
launched in the US in the 1970s began weakening after some years. The US should
therefore strengthen legislation and make greater efforts to combat drug abuse
and trafficking instead of lecturing other countries on how to control drug
trafficking, even legitimate drug exports. The US’ fight against drug abuse and
trafficking will not succeed if the administration continues to do nothing to
reduce drug abuse at home.As for the “know your customer” rule some
in the US have been advocating for, its proposed provisions far exceeds the
obligations under the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. According to international
practice, it is up to the importer and importing country, not the exporter or
exporting country, to ensure the imported goods are not used for illegal
purposes.Besides, it is impossible for exporters to
thoroughly verify their clients in a foreign country. The exporter has no right
or responsibility to act on behalf of or against the importer. The onus of
tackling the opioid crisis is therefore squarely on the US.The author is a researcher at the Chinese
Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation. The views don’t
necessarily represent those of China Daily.前文回顾: