
走遍美国(Family Album U.S.A.)- 41



走遍美国(Family Album U.S.A.)是一套采用情景英语教学法的多媒体英语教材。这套教材畅销全球35个国家。《走遍美国》倾向于美式口语的培养。故事的角色涵盖了祖孙四代,内容涉及美国各地风土人情、社会生活的许多方面。读者可以熟悉属于不同年龄层次的美式口语。剧中人物使用正常的语速说话,学习者可以充分体会口语中常用的连读、弱读等形式,养成听美语的正确习惯。



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ACT 2-1  “我以前从没有去过那儿。”



Michelle: Oh, Daddy! We had such a good time at the aquarium. I saw a real shark. I could almost touch it.

Harry: I'm so glad. Hi Michelle, why don't you introduce everybody to Susan?

Michelle: Hi, Susan.

Susan: Hi.

Michelle: I'd like you to meet Audrey and her mother, Mrs. Cooper.

Susan: Hello, Audrey. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Cooper. I'm Susan Stewart.

Michelle: And this is Shirley and Nicole.

Susan: Hi, girls.

Harry: Come on in. Come on in, Mrs. Cooper. Come on in, everybody.

Mother: The aquarium was so exciting. I had never been there before. The girls learned a great deal. Frankly, so did I.

Susan: well, please sit down and tell us all about it during lunch.

Harry: We prepared some tuna fish and cheese sandwiches for lunch.

Michelle: I love tuna fish. Don't you, Audrey?

Susan: I remember when I used to be a Girl Scout. My mother would take us everywhere, too.


1. Why don't you introduce everybody to Susan? 


这是用 why don't句式提出建议的又一例。进行社交介绍时,一般是把客人、年纪较轻及地位较低的人介绍给主人、年长者和地位较高的人。

2. I'd like you to meet Audrey and her mother, Mrs. Cooper.


I'd like you to meet…: 我来向你介绍……。这是介绍人时常用的表达法。

3. Come on in. 

进来吧!意思与“ Come in.”相同。这是比 Come in更随和、友好的说法。

4. I had never been there before. 

我以前从没有去过那儿。这句话用的过去完成时态,表达的意思为“到我今天上午带孩子们去以前为止,我从未去过”。过去完成时用had +过去分词构成,表示过去某一时间以前完成的动作或状态。

5. We prepared some tuna fish and cheese sandwiches for lunch.

tuna fish: 金枪鱼,也称“鲔鱼”,常用来做三明治。

tuna fish and cheese sandwiches 是以金枪鱼为主,又加上一片干酪的三明治。金枪鱼常是罐头里开出来即用的,而干酪也常是制成薄薄的方片,每片分别包在塑料纸中,专供制三明治用的。

6. I remember when I used to be a Girl Scout. My mother would take us everywhere, too.


I remember when I used to be a Girl Scout. : 我记得我还是一名女童子军的时候。这里的when 引导的不是状语从句。这句话更完整的形式是 I remember the time when I used to be a Girl Scout, 所以when引导的是定语从句。

a Girl Scout: 美国有两个童子军组织,即男童子军(Boy Scouts)和女童子军(Girl Scouts)。男童子军创始于1910年,女童子军创始于1912年。组织童子军的目的是为了帮助男孩和女孩成为好公民,并且在心理和身体两方面得到健康发展。

would: 经常。用would描述过去的事情时,表示过去经常发生的事情。

ACT 2-2  “我碰巧有一种新游戏在这儿。”



Mother: Susan, I understand you're in the toy business.

Susan: Yes, I am. My company manufactures toys and games for children.

Harry: Susan's vice-president in charge of new toys and games.

Susan: And the marketing of new toys and games.

Michelle: Can we test a new game for you, Susan?

Susan: That's an excellent idea, Michelle. I happened to have a game which I brought home to study.

Michelle: Let us try it! Don't you want to play? Nicole? Shirley? Audrey?

Susan: [She takes out a game.] We tested it last week on twelve-to fifteen-year-olds, and they found it to be too easy-in other words … boring. We think it might be just right for ten-to twelve-year-olds.

Michelle: That's us, Susan.


1. I understand you're in the toy business.


understand: 在这里的意思是“获悉,得知,听说”。

in the toy business: 从事玩具业工作。

2. Susan's vice-president in charge of new toys and games.


in charge of: 主管,负责。

3. I happened to have a game which I brought home to study.


I happen to: 我碰巧……。这里happen不是“发生”,而是“碰巧”的意思。

4. We tested it last week on twelve-to fifteen-year-olds, and they found it to be too easy-in other words … boring.


We tested it on…: 在这里的意思相当于 We tried it with …

twelve-to fifteen-year-olds : 12岁至15岁的孩子。

they found it to be: 他们觉得,他们发现。

in other words: 换句话说,也就是说。

ACT 2-3  “你们不分胜负。”



Susan: First, you shuffle the deck and lay them face down. Then you select the leader. I'll be the leader. The leader takes the first ten cards and lays them face up on this stand. [She places the letters h-t-e-r-c-z-e-p-e-s on the stand.] Everyone gets a turn, going counterclockwise, left to right. You have thirty seconds to make a word, using as many letters as possible. You get one point for each letter, plus the person with the longest word gets ten extra points. The first one to get one hundred points wins.

Michelle: That's easy.

Susan: Ok, let's go around the table. You first, Audrey.

Audrey: Chest-c-h-e-s-t.

Susan: Good. That's five points Next, Nicole.

Nicole: Three--t-h-r-e-e.

Susan: Ok. That's five points also. It's your turn, Shirley.

Shirley: Creep-c-r-e-e-p.

Susan: Creep. That's another five-letter word. Five points. So far, you're all tied.

Harry: Sheet--s-h-e-e-t--sheet.

Susan: Sheet is a five-letter word. Michelle, your turn.

Michelle: Cheese--c-h-e-e-s-e.

Susan: Terrific! Michelle wins with a six-letter word, plus she gets an additional ten points for a total of sixteen points. How are you enjoying the game so far?

Michelle: I think it's too easy.

Susan: Too easy?

Harry: Michelle!

Susan: It's Ok, Harry. Michelle is quite right. She just said it's too easy.

Harry: Uh, I like the game.


1. First, you shuffle the deck and lay them face down. 


shuffle the deck: 洗牌。

lay: 放置。过去式和过去分词都是laid。注意lie(躺)的过去式也是lay。

face down: 正面朝下。

2. The leader takes the first ten cards and lays them face up on this stand. 


face up: 正面朝上。

stand: 在这里用作名词,意思是“架子,台子”。

3. Everyone gets a turn, going counterclockwise, left to right.


get a turn: 得到一次机会,轮到一次。

counterclockwise: 逆时针方向。此处指如以桌子比作钟面(从上方向下看),依次由左向右的方向。反之则为clockwise( 顺时针方向)。

4. You have thirty seconds to make a word, using as many letters as possible. 


using as many letters as possible: 用的字母越多越好。as … as possible意思是“尽可能……”。

5. Ok, let's go around the table. 


6. It's your turn. 


7. So far, you're all tied.


so far: 到现在为止。

you're all tied: 你们的得分一样,你们不分胜负。tie在这里的意思是“与……打成平局”。

8. Michelle! 



ACT 2-4  “我们不是有话没说完吗?”



Mother: I enjoyed lunch, Susan. Thank you so much, but we have to get going to meet the rest of the troop at two o'clock at the museum.

Susan: Oh, it was nice meeting all of you. I hope you have a wonderful time at the Museum of Natural History.

Harry: Good-bye, everybody. Have a good time.

Girls: Bye.

Harry: See you in front of the museum at five o'clock.

Mother: Oh, Ok. Thanks, Mr. Bennett. That'll be fine. And thanks again for the lunch and for the game.

Michelle: Good-bye, Susan. It's not a bad game. It's just… slow.

Susan: Just slow. You helped save our company a lot of money Bye-bye.

[Michelle and her friends leave with Mrs. Cooper.]

Harry: You are wonderful with kids.

Susan: I am.

Harry: Isn't there a conversation that we have to finish?


1. I enjoyed lunch, Susan.


2. Thank you so much, but we have to get going to meet the rest of the troop at two o'clock at the museum.


get going: 开始上路,相当于“to start to leave”。get在这里表示转变的过程。

troop: 指的是由成年人领队带领的童子军队伍。

3. It was nice meeting all of you.

很高兴见到你们各位。这句话相当于 It was nice to meet all of you.

4. See you in front of the museum at five o'clock.


in front of意思是在……前面。注意把这个词组与 in the front of区别开来。in the front of意思是“在…… 的前部分”。例如:

The teacher is in the front of the classroom. 老师在教室的前面(在教室里)。

The teacher is in front of the classroom.老师在教室前面(在教室外面)。

5. It's not a bad game. It's just… slow.


just: 只是,仅仅。在否定的时候,可以使用just或者only之类的词来缓和语气。

6. You are so wonderful with kids.


7. Isn't there a conversation that we have to finish ?



Oh, Daddy! 噢,爸爸! 

We had such a good time at the aquarium. 我们在水族馆玩得真开心。 

I saw a real shark. 我看到一条真正的鲨鱼。 

I could almost touch it. 我几乎可以摸到它。 

I'm so glad. 我真高兴。 

Hi. Michelle, 嗨,Michelle。 

why don't you introduce everybody to Susan? 何不将她们每一位介绍给 Susan。 

Hi, Susan. 嗨 ,Susan。 

Hi. 嗨。 

I'd like you to meet Audrey and her mother, Mrs. Cooper. 我来向你介绍 Audrey和她母亲,Cooper太太。 

Hello, Audrey. 哈,Audrey。 

Nice to meet you, Mrs. Cooper. 很高兴见到你Cooper太太。 

I'm Susan Stewart. 我是 Susan Stewart。 

And this is Shirley and Nicole. 这是 Shirley 和 Nicole。 

Hi, girls. 嗨 ,女孩们好。 

Come on in. 请进。 

Come on in, Mrs. Cooper. 请进 ,Cooper太太。 

Come on in, everybody. 大家请进来。 

The aquarium was so exciting. 水族馆真的很好玩。 

I had never been there before. 我以前从来没有去过那儿。 

The girls learned a great deal. 女孩们学到了许多东西。 

Frankly, so did I. 坦白说,我也是。 

Well, please sit down 嗯 ,请坐下来 

and tell us all about it during lunch. 一面吃午餐,一面告诉我们一切。 

We prepared some tuna fish 我们准备了金枪鱼

and cheese sandwiches for lunch. 和奶酪三明治当午餐。 

I love tuna fish. 我喜欢吃金枪鱼。 

Don't you, Audrey? 喜欢吗, Audrey ?

I remember when I used to be a Girl Scout. 我记得我还是一名女童子军的时候。 

My mother would take us everywhere, too. 我妈妈也是带我们各处走。 

Susan, I understand you're in the toy business. Susan ,听说你是在玩具公司工作。 

Yes, I am. 是的。 

My company manufactures toys and games for children. 我们公司专为孩子们生产玩具和游戏器具。 

Susan's vice-president in charge of new toys and games. Susan是主管新玩具和游戏器具的副总裁。 

And the marketing of new toys and games. 还有新玩具和游戏器具的营销。 

Can we test a new game for you, Susan? 我们可以帮你试验新游戏吗,Susan? 

That's an excellent idea, Michelle. 这是个好主意,Michelle。 

I happen to have 我这儿碰巧有一个 

a game which I brought home to study. 我带回来研究的游戏。 

Let us try it! 让我们试试吧! 

Do you want to play? 你们想玩吗? 

Nicole? Shirley? Audrey? Nicole ?Shirley ?Audrey ? 

We tested it last week on twelve- to fifteen-year-olds, 我们上一次曾在十二岁至十五岁的孩子中试过这项游戏, 

and they found it to be too easy-- 他们发现字太简单--- 

in other words ... boring. 也就是说---无聊。 

We think it might be just right for ten- to twelve-year-olds. 我们想它或许对十岁到十二岁大的孩子正合适。 

That's us, Susan. 那正是我们,Susan。 

First, you shuffle the deck 首先,你得洗一下牌 

and lay them face down. 然后将牌盖住。 

Then you select the leader. 然后,你们选出指挥。 

I'll be the leader. 我来当指挥。 

The leader takes the first ten cards 指挥拿出上面的十张 

and lays them face up on this stand. 将它们掀开放在这个架子上。 

h-t-e-r-c-z-e-p-e-s. h-t-e-r-c-z--e-p-e-s。 

Everyone gets a turn, going counterclockwise, 每一个人按逆时针方向 

left to right. 从左到右轮流玩。 

You have thirty seconds to make a word, 你们有三十秒的时间造一个词,

using as many letters as possible. 尽可能多用字。 

You get one point for each letter, 一个字母可得一分, 

plus the person with the longest word gets ten extra points. 所造的字最长的人多得十分。 

The first one to get one hundred points wins. 首先达到一百分的人赢。 

That's easy. 那太容易了。 

OK, let's go around the table. 好,让我们顺着桌子来。 

You first, Audrey. 你先来 ,Audrey。 

Chest--c-h-e-s-t. Chest---c-h-e-s-t。 

Good. 好。 

That's five points. 五分。 

Next, Nicole. 下一位,Nicole。 

Three--t-h-r-e-e. Three---t-h--r-e-e。 

OK. 好。 

That's five points also. 也是五分。 

It's your turn, Shirley. 轮到你了,Shirley。 

Creep--c-r-e-e-p. Creep---c-r--e-e-p。 

Creep. Creep 

That's another five-letter word. 又是五个字母的字。 

Five points. 五分。 

So far, you're all tied. 到现在为止,你们不分胜负。 

Sheet--s-h-e-e-t. Sheet---s-h-e-e-t。 

Sheet is a five-letter word. Sheet 是五个字母的单字 

Michelle, your turn. Michelle ,该你了。 

Cheese--c-h-e-e-s-e. Cheese---c-h-e-e-s-e。 

Terrific! 好极了! 

Michelle wins with a six-letter word, Michelle赢了,她的单字有六个字母, 

plus she gets an additional ten points 加上另外的十分 

for a total of sixteen points. 她一共得十六分。 

How are you enjoying the game so far? 到现在为止你们喜欢这个游戏吗? 

I think it's too easy. 我觉得它太简单了。 

Too easy? 太简单? 

Michelle! Michelle !

It's OK, Harry. 没关系,Harry。 

Michelle is quite right. Michelle说得对。 

She just said it's too easy. 她仅仅说它太容易了。 

Well, I like the game. 哦 ,我喜欢这个游戏。 

I enjoyed lunch, Susan. 这顿午餐真不错,Susan。 

Thank you so much, 非常感谢你。 

but we have to get going 但我们必须走了 

to meet the rest of the troop at two o'clock at the museum. 我们得在两点钟到博物馆与其他童子军会合。 

Oh, it was nice meeting all of you. 哦 ,很高兴见到各位。 

I hope you have a wonderful time 希望你们玩得开心 

at the Museum of Natural History. 在自然历史博物馆。 

Good-bye, everybody. 各位再见。 

Have a good time. 玩得痛快。 

Bye. 再见。 

See you in front of the museum at five o'clock. 五点钟博物馆前再见。 

Oh, OK. 噢 ,好的。 

Thanks, Mr. Bennett. 谢谢 ,Bennett先生。 

That'll be fine. 就这样说定了。

And thanks again for the lunch and for the game. 再次谢谢你们提供的午餐和游戏。 

Good-bye, Susan. 再见, Susan。 

It's not a bad game. 那游戏不错。 

It's just ... slow. 只是……太慢了。 

Just slow. 只是太慢了。 

You helped save our company a lot of money. 你帮我们公司节约了许多钱。 

Bye-bye. 再见。 

You are wonderful with kids. 你对小孩子有一套。 

I am. 的确这样。 

Isn't there a conversation that we have to finish? 我们不是有话还没说完?



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