行业报告 | 元宇宙的潜在全球经济影响
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The Potential Global Economic Impact of the Metaverse(元宇宙的潜在全球经济影响)
Economic theories of innovation and empirical evidence of the impacts of mobile technology and other successful technological innovations of the past 20th century indicate that the metaverse has the potential to have substantial, beneficial economic impacts in multiple dimensions—including contributing to GDP growth, creating jobs, increasing productivity, and improving consumer welfare through other dimensions in both developed and developing countries.
Our empirical analysis provides an aggregate measure of the metaverse’s total potential contribution to GDP over a medium-term time horizon—suggesting that if the metaverse were to be adopted and grow in a similar way as mobile technology, then we would expect it to be associated with a 2.8% contribution to global GDP after 10 years. However, the impacts of the metaverse are likely to be felt differently in different sectors of the economy, in different regions, at different points in time, and for different people. And over time, if the metaverse is successful, it will likely displace some existing technologies and industries, as prior technologies have done before. A direction for future research is to quantify these heterogeneous impacts and measure the potential displacement of industries and restructuring of local economies that may accompany the growth of the metaverse.
Current public commentary about the metaverse indicates that many pieces still need to come together to make the metaverse a reality and that businesses, consumers, creators, and policymakers will together contribute to its success. With successful development and deployment of infrastructure and other technologies, policies that support widespread and equitable distribution and uses of the metaverse, and endless creative innovations built on top of the foundational technology, the metaverse can be expected to have substantial beneficial economic impacts around the world.
干货 | 数据库大全/经济学研究常用中国微观数据
研究速递 | 隐私悖论的神话
独家访谈 | 孙毅:发挥“部际联席会议制度”优势,完善数字经济发展顶层设计
行业报告 | 信通院:云计算白皮书(2022)