
The White Lotus英文朗诵 | 辐轮王

Shakya Muna  







Chakravartin Aranemi  Made Offerings to the Tathagata along with Attendants

At one time, about two thousand five hundred years ago, the Lord Buddha was in residence at Gridhrakuta (Vulture Peak) in Rajagrha, India, teaching the Dharma, and was surrounded and venerated by many bhiksus, bodhisattvas, brahmas, devas, nagas, yakshas, and many others.

At that time, a Bodhisattva called Shantimati addressed him:

"Lord, many Buddha-fields are made beautiful and perfect by the meritorious power of the Buddhas that inhabit them, where there are no morally corrupted beings. However, despite your having attained full realization, in this Saha world, where you give teachings of the Dharma, the five corruptions prevail (the corruption of the age, the corruption of life, the corruption of sentient beings, the corruption of afflictions, and the corruption of views). It is inhabited by untamed living beings who are hard to train in the understanding of Dharma. Why don’t you master over the pure Buddha-fields just like the other Tathagatas?”

At this request, the Buddha gave his answer to the Bodhisattva:

“Son of good family! The greatness of Bodhisattvas is such that during the period of the five corruptions, they take vows of the Great Compassion to liberate those living beings who aspire to inferior ways by teaching the Dharma to them.

Many thousands of millions of years ago, a Chakravartin monarch called Aranemi appeared in this world. One of his ministers, Brahmin Samudraparag, had a son, named Samudragarbha, who became ordained and attained full enlightenment, known as Tathagata Ratnagarbha (Treasure-Store).

Once, Tathagata Ratnagarbha and his entourage arrived in town and stayed at the Garden of Jambudvipa.

Upon learning his arrival, Chakravartin Aranemi, together with millions of attendants, came to the Garden to lavish the guests with valuable luxuries. He also requested to build the guests a great palace and accommodate them for three months. Thereupon the Tathagata gave his approval to Chakravartin Aranemi.

Thus, Chakravartin Aranemi continuously gave Tathagata Ratnagarbha and his attendants offerings of precious goods, treasures, food, clothes, and fresh flowers every day. Thereafter, Aranemi’s one thousand princes took turns to make offerings and attend to the Tathagata, taking refuge, confessing, and making aspirations. Two hundred and fifty years passed by in this way.

Meanwhile, Brahmin Samudraparag was travelling around to inspire sentient beings to take refuge in Buddhism and generate Bodhicitta. After 250 years, he came to the Garden of Jambudvipa and requested to make offerings to the Tathagata Ratnagarbha.  He was granted permission to make the offerings for seven years. Throughout the next seven years, he honored the Tathagata and his retinue everyday with offerings of food and jewels. Meanwhile, he humbled himself to be a mere fly-whisk attendant the in front of the Buddha to be at his service. During the nights, he would stay awake and sit straight in front of the Buddha with top of his head, shoulders, hands and feet fully covered by many lamps.”




有声书 | 白莲花论故事第六十九篇

腊八喝粥 | 饮水思源




佛陀开示 | 寂静者


法王唱诵 | 释迦牟尼佛圣号



