宋献涛、王强 | 广义论下的单独对比原则探究——从最高法院典型案例切入
【1】王傲寒,新颖性判断中“单独对比”原则的理解和适用,2022-03-30发表于iprdaily【2】A claim is anticipated only if each and everyelement as set forth in the claim is found, either expressly or inherently described, in a single prior art reference.【3】for the interpretation of any document, in particular a patent application or patent, in order to determine its true meaning and thus its content and disclosure, no part of such a document should be construed in isolation from the remainder of the document: on the contrary, each part of such a document had to be construed in the context of the contents of the document as a whole. Thus, even though a part of a document appeared to have a particular meaning when interpreted literally and in isolation from the remainder of the document, the true meaning of that part of the document could be different having regard to the remainder of the document.【4】It is also not permissible to combine separate items belonging to different embodiments described in one and the same document, unless such combination has specifically been suggested (T 305/87). In T 1988/07 the board emphasised that for the examination of novelty different passages in a document can only be combined if there is a clear teaching combining them. When contesting the novelty of a claim, the content of a document must not be treated as something in the nature of a reservoir from which features pertaining to separate embodiments may permissibly be drawn in order to create artificially a particular embodiment which would destroy novelty, unless the document itself suggests such a combination of features.【5】different passages of one document might be combined, provided that there were no reasons which would prevent a skilled person from making such a combination.
【6】In general, the technical teaching of examples might be combined with that disclosed elsewhere in the same document, e.g. in the description of a patent document, provided that the example concerned was indeed representative of, or in line with, the general technical teaching disclosed in the respective document【7】詹靖康,《现有技术抗辩中无实质性差异的判断》,刊载于《人民司法》2021年第20期,基于(2019)最高法知民终804号案。