
BRI Countries 一带一路非洲国家系列 45 | Guinea 几内亚

Muzee 宝安外语协会 2020-09-20

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Guinea is a country in west Africa. It is also referred to as Guinea-Conakry to distinguish it from other Guinea named countries such as Equatorial Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. It is bordered by Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and Mali to the north, Ivory Coast to the east, Sierra Leone and Liberia to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.



▲ 5000 Guinea francs 五千几内亚法郎


The capital and largest city of Guinea is Conakry, the country’s official language is French. The official currency used in Guinea is Guinean franc.


The national anthem of Guinea is "Liberté".



The national flag of Guinea is a tricolor flag with red, yellow, and green vertical stripes. Red symbolizes the struggle for independence, yellow represents the sun and rich resources, finally, green stands for the vegetation.



Conakry 科纳克里

Conakry is the capital and the largest city of Guinea. It is the economic, financial and cultural center of Guinea. Major attractions in this city include the national stadium, Stade du 28 Septembre, the National Museum, the Palais du Peuple, Botanical garden, and open-air markets.



Nzérékoré 恩泽雷科雷

▲ Pailotte hotel 佩洛特酒店

Nzérékoré is the capital of Nzérékoré Prefecture, it is known as a market town and for its silver working.



Major attractions in Guinea 几内亚的主要景点


Keita Fodeba Centre for Acrobatic Arts 凯塔·福德巴杂技艺术中心

Here, every weekday morning scores of acrobat spin, twirl and flip through routines.



National Park of Upper Niger 上尼日尔国家公园

The National Park of Upper Niger is one of West Africa's last significant stands of tropical dry forest and one of the most important protected areas in Guinea. The Park has a core area of 554 km² (214 sq mi). It protects important tracts of forest and savannah and is considered a conservation priority for West Africa as a whole.



Chutes de Kambadaga 卡巴达加瀑布

The waterfalls are surrounded by jungle where monkeys and a wealth of colorful birds are common.



Chutes de Ditinn 迪廷瀑布

One of Guinea's tallest – and certainly one of its most beautiful waterfalls, it takes a 120m drop straight down off a cliff.



Chutes de Saala 萨拉瀑布

Chutes du Kinkon 金孔瀑布

Pita's major attraction, it is tall and narrow, and is close to a large hydroelectric plant.



Case à Palabres



The Case à Palabres is a large meeting hall that was once used by village elders.



Musée National 国家博物馆

▲ Traditional musical instruments


The Musée National has a modest collection of masks, statues and musical instruments, many of which are used in religious or mystical ceremonies.



Jardin 2 Octobre 十月二号花园

Jardin 2 Octobre is a park that contains a well-maintained children's playground.



Forêt Classée de Ziama 齐亚马森林

Around an hour's drive south of Macenta is the 116,000-acre Forêt Classée de Ziama, a rainforest. The forest is home to buffalo and plenty of birds and monkeys.



Jardin Botanique 植物园

The Botanical Garden is more a semi-wild patch of a tropical forest rather than a botanical garden.



Grande Mosquée 大清真寺

Built in 1984, the mosque is a striking building that accommodates up to 10,000 worshippers.




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