
ZIBSer风采丨在中国学项目找到未来职业方向 Explore Career Possibilities in MCS

ZIBSer Spotlight 浙大ZIBS 2023-12-16

“你永远不知道机会会在何时降临,所以要时刻做好准备。” 来自越南的Tran Duc Trung是ZIBS中国学(MCS)2021级硕士研究生,在“浙”里,他不仅找到了自己的兴趣所在——财务规划,更是收获了宝贵的同窗情谊。一起走进他MCS学习之旅:

"You will never know when the opportunity comes, so my advice is to always be ready." Tran Duc Trung, a ZIBS MCS student from Class 2021, shared about how he found his passions in financial planning and made friendships here in ZIBS.

Tran Duc Trung

MCS 2021级

Tran Duc Trung本科毕业于得克萨斯克里斯汀大学,目前在ZIBS中国学项目学习。他同时也是新加坡金融科技公司Difisoft的股票分析师。

Tran Duc Trung graduated from Texas Christian University and currently studies at MCS program. He is also an equity analyst for Difisoft, a promising fintech based in Singapore.

除了关于论文研究的计划,Tran Duc Trung还分享了自己的中国学项目学习体验,一起来看看!


Why did you choose the MCS program?


I chose the MCS program because I want to learn more about China. Born in Vietnam, the neighboring country of China, I believe that it is essential to understand one of the biggest economies in the world. I specifically choose MCS program because it is one of the best in China, offering a high-quality education from esteemed faculty and extensive research opportunities.


How about your learning experience at ZIBS?


The ZIBS MCS program has been a rewarding experience, despite the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. My journey began online, where I received tremendous support from professors, course coordinators, and fellow classmates. This virtual environment not only allowed me to gain valuable knowledge but also helped me forge meaningful friendships. Fortunately, as circumstances improved, I transitioned to the International Campus, further enriching my experience. Studying in person offered me the chance to immerse myself in the local culture and explore Haining, Hangzhou, and other Chinese cities. Additionally, I have the opportunity to connect with many Chinese students, forming close friendships and sharing unforgettable moments with them.


How can the MCS experience contribute to your future career development?


The MCS program has played a pivotal role in helping me discover my true passion and future career path. Through the engaging coursework, research projects, and the process of completing my thesis, I realized that my interests lie in the realm of financial planning. The wealth of academic resources provided by the MCS program, including the diverse curriculum and exceptional faculty, has been instrumental in deepening my understanding of myself and my aspirations. My journey towards self-discovery was further enriched by the numerous conversations I had with fellow students, ZJU staff, and professors.These discussions not only allowed me to gain insights into various fields and industries, but also provided me with valuable guidance and advice on how to pursue my newfound passion.




The Master of Chinese Studies program (MCS) is the first independent master program in universities named "China Studies" approved by the Ministry of Education. It is oriented to international students and professionals and is committed to cultivating high-level and compound talents who objectively learn and understand contemporary China.


编辑|李嵩皎 郑轶心



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