
ZIBSer风采 | 意大利留学生ZIBS学习体验大公开 Unforgettable Experiences at ZIBS

ZIBSer Spotlight 浙大ZIBS 2023-12-19

Luigi Volponi is an Italian student from MCS Program class 2022. In February this year, he finally set foot on the land of China and started his learning journey with ZIBS. Let's follow in his footsteps and hear what he has to say about the six-month adventure!

今年2月,来自意大利的Luigi Volponi踏上了中国土地,开启了在ZIBS中国学项目的学习之旅。让我们跟随他的脚步,听听他半年以来的收获和体会!

Luigi Volponi

MCS 2022级,来自意大利

These six months at Zhejiang University felt incredibly short, but every moment was filled with academic enrichment, personal growth, and unforgettable experiences.


Life at Zhejiang University 


In 2022, I was privileged to be a part of a rewarding double degree program between Zhejiang University and the University of Turin and study personally with MCS program at Zhejiang University in February 2023 for six months. These six months at ZIBS felt incredibly short, but every moment was filled with academic enrichment, personal growth, and unforgettable experiences.


Campus Life


The time I spent on the Zhejiang University International Campus has been nothing short of extraordinary. The campus is an inspiring environment that harmoniously combines academic diligence with a vibrant social life. The modern facilities and services—a well-stocked library, spacious study rooms, a state-of-the-art gym, and various sports fields—all contribute to a conducive and enriching learning environment.


One highlight of campus life was the mini-concert held one Sunday. This event showcased the diverse array of musical talent within our university community and provided a unique platform for us students to interact and strengthen our bonds. A memorable encounter was meeting President DU during the concert. His genuine engagement with the student community was inspiring and offered a reassuring glimpse into the supportive and involved leadership of our institution.


Throughout my time here, the university staff proved instrumental in making this exchange program a success. Their helpfulness and kindness were crucial in helping international students like me adapt swiftly and fully embrace this unique opportunity.


Real-world Exposure


As part of the MCS program, we visited quite a few outstanding enterprises, including the headquarters of Finvolution, a pioneering fintech company. This NYSE-listed company, founded in 2007, is dedicated to transforming financial services with cutting-edge technologies to reach unbanked and underbanked populations worldwide. The visit was an eye-opening experience that underscored the immense potential of integrating finance with technology and the significant role of fintech in society.


Co-hosting the Zhejiang University Summer School at Zijingang Campus was also a unique part of my journey here. The experience was extremely formative, developing my leadership and communication skills and giving me the chance to contribute to the vibrant academic community.


Life in Haining


Living in Haining has been a beautiful chapter in my life. I made amazing friends and experienced a range of activities that enriched my cultural understanding. The tranquility of the city and the local night market are just a few examples of the good aspects of life in Haining. The city's well-connected transport network ensures easy access to nearby cities like Hangzhou and Shanghai, encouraging exploration and discovery.


Advice for Future Students


My advice to future students heading to MCS program at Zhejiang University is simple: seize this unique opportunity, form meaningful connections, immerse yourself in the local culture, and explore China as much as possible. Your time here might seem short, but the memories and skills you acquire will certainly last a lifetime. Remain open to learning, both within and outside the university's boundaries; be curious; and use wisely the opportunity you are provided. This is an experience that is absolutely worth your time.


Want to learn more about the life of ZIBSers? Stay tuned for future updates of ZIBSer Spotlight!





The Master of China Studies program (MCS) is the first independent master program in universities named "China Studies" approved by the Ministry of Education. It is oriented to international students and professionals and is committed to cultivating high-level and compound talents who objectively learn and understand contemporary China.


责编|陈槭丽莎 陈丹枫


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