
英语绘本:The Very Busy Hen《忙碌的母鸡》

英语版 2024-01-09


“Come and play,” said the dog. “No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am planting  the wheat.”“来玩吧!”小狗说。“不了,"母鸡说,”我很忙,我在播种小麦呢。”

“Come and play,” said the cat.“No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am watering  the wheat.”“来玩吧!”小猫说。“不了,”母鸡说,“我很忙,我在给小麦浇水呢。”

“Come and play,” said the mouse. “No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am cutting the wheat.”“来玩吧!”小老鼠说。

“Come and play,” said the horse.“No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am mixing the bread.”“来玩吧!”小马说。“不了,”母鸡说,“我很忙,我在搅拌面粉呢。”

“Come and play,” said the cow.“No,” said the hen. “I am very busy. I am baking the bread.”“来玩吧!”奶牛说。“不了,”母鸡说,“我很忙,我在烘焙面包呢。”

“Come and play,” said the dog, and the cat, and the mouse, and the horse, and the cow.“来玩吧!”小狗,小猫,老鼠,小马、奶牛一起说

“No,” said the hen. “Come and eat!”“不了,”母鸡说,“来吃面包吧!”

 And they did.Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!他们吃了面包。“真好吃啊!”


    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第一季(1-52集全)

    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第二季(1-53集全)


01-Sam sheep can't sleep《绵羊山姆睡不着》

02-When I Get Bigger《当我长大了》

03-Maisy's Christmas Eve《小鼠波波的平安夜》

04-Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!《生日快乐,丹尼和恐龙》

05-Ten Apples up on Top《头顶十个苹果》

06-The Little Egg《小鸡蛋》

07-Little Big《小大人》

08-Bob's Secret Hideaway《鲍勃的秘密藏身之处》

    09-A Jumper for James《詹姆斯的套头毛衣》

    10-The Hat《帽子》

    11-New Blue Shoes《蓝色新鞋子》

    12-Changing Colours《会变色的兔子》

   13- Where the Wild Things Are 《野兽出没的地方》

    14-My No, No, No Day! 《什么都不要的一天》

   15-Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill 《杰克、吉尔和大狗比尔》

   16-Elephant's Ears《大象的耳朵》

   17-The Mermaid and the Octopus《美人鱼和章鱼》


