(Billingual)组队| 退休后的 "重构" 人生-生态社区亲子间隔周
发起人 Initiator :福斯特Foster
发起时间 Date :09.23
项目类型 Tags:老年人 Elders ,健康与心理 Health ,社会调研 Research
项目时长 Project duration:5days
项目地点 Place :千岛湖自然农法生态村 Qiandao Lake
组队时长 Teamup Duration :7 days
组队人数 Team member :4 groups(already 2 groups)
Want to have quiet but meaning National holiday ?
Check this project on Actionvillager.com
项目简介 Intro
The initial intention of the project is to help our parents to start their "Second Life" after retirement, They....
May feel lost after retirement
May feel lonely when we are too busy to be able to accompany them in time.
May feel tired when they want to develop new hobbies or meet new friends.
However, we always believe their potential is unlimited.
We hope that the Qiandao Lake EcoVillage will be the first practice to help elders to start their second life after retirement:
Let them be with young people and have a "new mindset"
Maybe they can use their skills and experience in new ecosystem.
Or integrate existing social relationships and resources to help the community to develop while finding personal values
关注议题 Social Issues
Life after retirement , Reconstruction of the relationships with kids and society
Photo by 羊叨叨
行动计划 Action plan
10.3 - 10.6
认领任务 Tasks :
1. Based on the status quo of the eco village, through small tasks such as art farm design, cooking homemade food, in-depth dialogue with architectural volunteers, drawing totems, etc. to gradually integrate into the life in eco-village.
2. Sitting on the ground and studying the Tao Te Ching
3. Nighting around the oven, parent-child interaction, there is a personal exploration section for retired people every day.
4. Field research on “post-retirement” people
成员要求 Member requirement
基本信息 Basic info
项目地点: 千岛湖自然农法生态村 (杭州市淳安县姜家镇)
致力于通过《道德经》等优秀传统文化及自然农发的深入研习和时间为国家培养高心灵的自然农发实践和推广人才,是一个自然农发师资培训基地;为国家在新石器探索及实践生态文明建设, 共建人与自然和谐永续共生的“道法自然,天人合一”的生活方式做无言的支持。
location : Qiandao lake natural farming eco village.
项目费用:AA制(食宿费每人每天80元, 另外产生的交通费--车辆租赁费,汽车燃油费等)
Cost : AA (Accommodation 80 yuan/per day, Transportation Fee)
English translation by Up章小鱼
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