
Portfolio | 益方生物完成7000万美元C轮融资

益方生物 礼来亚洲资本 2021-12-13

上海,2019312——益方生物(InventisBio), 一家快速成长处于临床阶段的生物技术公司,今日宣布已在2019年1月完成了7000万美元(约5亿元人民币)C轮融资。此轮融资由尚珹投资、招银国际共同领投,浦东科创、礼来亚洲基金和奥博亚洲资本跟投。

“新的投资将加快我们临床产品从I期临床进入II期临床试验,也推动我们开发其他First-in-Class 的候选药物进入临床阶段,” 益方生物董事长和首席执行官王耀林博士说:“这次融资的成功将帮助我们进一步开发具有全球自主知识产权的新药物,进行国际多中心的临床试验,让各国的患者从益方生物开发的新药中受益;同时也将有助于我们团队的扩展,希望有更多优秀的研发人才加入到益方生物的创业团队中来。我们很高兴获得了尚珹投资和招银国际这样的知名基金和投资人的支持。前两轮的领投方礼来亚洲基金与奥博亚洲资本在这轮融资中的进一步注资,也显示了我们的战略投资者对益方生物团队和公司临床产品在未来全球医药市场上的信心。”

共同领投方之一的尚珹投资合伙人,医疗投资联席主管裘育敏表示:“益方生物作为创新药研发企业,设计思路清晰,注重创新性与成药性的平衡,充分发挥创始团队在小分子化学结构方面的技术积累,结合临床经验,针对机理确认的药物靶点做具有显著临床价值的创新。经过多年的积累,打造了独特的技术平台和优质的研发管线:其中D-0316(EGFR T790M抑制剂)受到国内领先的创新药上市公司浙江贝达药业垂青,已向其转让中国区权利;D-0502 的靶点雌激素受体是全球医药研发的热点方向之一,而D-0502的研发进度在同类候选药物中位列世界前沿。医药健康是尚珹投资的重点投资领域之一,益方生物技术门槛高、平台延展性大的特点符合尚珹的投资理念。尚珹投资很荣幸助力益方生物,推进创新品种的研发与临床试验,造福患者。”

关于益方生物 InventisBio

益方生物 (InventisBio) 是一家快速成长处于临床阶段的生物技术公司,由海归博士创办,致力于研发具有自主知识产权,针对肿瘤、代谢等重大疾病的创新药。目前有治疗肿瘤和痛风的3个药物正在中美两地进行临床I期和II期试验中,同时益方生物也在积极开发用于肿瘤免疫联合治疗的其他创新药。益方生物成立之初获得美丽境界资本的天使投资,2016年获得礼来亚洲基金及国药资本的A轮融资,并于2017年获得由奥博亚洲领投,礼来亚洲基金跟投的B轮融资,合计融资超过2亿人民币。








SHANGHAI, March 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- InventisBio Inc., a clinical stage biotech company, announced the closing of a $70 million USD Series C financing in January 2019. This round of investment was co-led by Advantech Capital and CMBI, followed by Pudong Innotek. Also participating were existing investors Lilly Asia Venture (LAV) and OrbiMed Asia.

"The new investment will accelerate the development of our clinical candidates into phase 2 trials and help us develop first-in-class drug candidates into clinical stage," said Dr. Yaolin Wang, InventisBio Chairman and CEO. "Our goal is to develop innovative drugs with our own intellectual property rights, to achieve global drug approvals based on international multi-center clinical trials for diseases with unmet medical needs. We are very pleased to have the support from top notch investment firms like Advantech and CMBI. Further funding from our previous rounds of investors LAV and OrbiMed Asia demonstrates the confidence of our strategic investors in our team and pipeline products for the global market."

Benjamin Qiu, Partner and Co-Head of Healthcare Investment at Advantech, commented, "As an innovative biotech company, InventisBio has fully utilized the management team's experiences in selecting targets with significant unmet medical needs and in small molecule drug design and development. With their clinical development expertise in both US and China, the team has quickly developed several unique and novel drug candidates into clinical trials. The D-0502, a selective estrogen receptor degrader (SERD) for ER-positive breast cancer, is a front-runner of similar products being developed globally. Healthcare is a key area of Advantech's investment focus and we are pleased to support InventisBio in developing innovative products in clinical trials with the goal to benefit global patients."

About InventisBio

InventisBio is a clinical stage biotech company dedicated to the discovery and development of novel therapeutics against cancer and metabolic diseases. The company has three drug candidates in clinical development for breast cancer, lung cancer and gout. In Dec. 2018, the company licensed out 3rd generation EGFR-T790M inhibitor D-0316's China right to Betta Pharma, and is co-developing it in phase 2 clinical trial for non-small cell lung cancer. InventisBio received angel investment from Beautiful Mind Capital, Series A financing led by LAV in 2016 and Series B funding led by OrbiMed Asia with participation from LAV in 2017.

About Advantech Capital

Advantech Capital is a private equity fund, focused on innovation-driven growth capital in China. Its two main areas of investment are IT and Healthcare.

About CMBI

CMB International Capital Corporation Limited ("CMBI") is an integrated financial institution providing comprehensive and professional services. CMBI and its subsidiaries have been actively implementing diversified business strategies and set up an overall layout of main business segments including Corporate Finance, Asset Management, Wealth Management, Equity and Structured Finance, etc.

Company Website: www.inventisbio.com

SOURCE InventisBio Inc.


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