
Portfolio | 原力生命科学完成1.26 亿人民币A 轮融资, 礼来亚洲基金领投

原力生命科学 礼来亚洲资本 2022-05-19

2019 年10 月15 日,原力生命科学有限公司(IONOVA LIFE SCIENCE CO., LTD.)宣布完成1.26 亿元人民币A 轮融资。 原力生命科学有限公司(下简称为“原力”)是一家扎根于粤港澳大湾区,以抗肿瘤药物研发为核心的创新型生物医药公司。此轮融资由礼来亚洲基金领投,天使轮投资方德屹资本跟投。

原力团队由资深药物研发科学家和商务拓展专家共同组成。创始人、董事长兼首席执行官孙勇奎博士,于2016 年当选为美国国家工程院院士,曾供职于默沙东20余年,拥有非常丰富的新药研发与商务拓展经验。团队核心成员包括研发副总裁何国勤博士——此前在礼来制药公司任职——以及其他在赛诺菲、鹏润投资等多家集团公司担任过要职的高管人才。原力致力于将突破性的基础生物医学研究成果转化为具有国际竞争力的创新药,解决患者未满足的医疗需求。


礼来亚洲基金合伙人林亮表示:“我们看好孙勇奎博士为首的原力管理团队, 很高兴有幸能参与到公司成长发展的关键过程。大湾区的战略崛起为原力提供了巨大的发展机遇,我们将全力支持原力取得成功。”


欲了解更多信息,请登录原力生命科学官网: www.ionovabio.com



礼来亚洲基金 (LAV) 成立于 2008 年,是领先的专注于生命科学和医疗健康行业投资的风险基金,在中国上海、中国香港和美国硅谷均设有办公室。礼来亚洲基金致力于成为杰出创业者寻求智慧资本时的可靠伙伴,共创以突破性产品战胜疾病并改善人类健康的伟大公司。






IONOVA raises US$17 million Series A funding to accelerate oncology pipeline development

IONOVA LIFE SCIENCE CO., LTD., China -- October 15, 2019 – IONOVA, a biotechnology company located at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and focusing on developing novel medicines for cancer treatment, today announced it has completed $17 million Series A financing. The financing was led by LILLY ASIA VENTURES, and included participation from existing investor DYEE CAPITAL.

IONOVA was founded by a group of pharmaceutical industry veterans who bring together a wealth of drug discovery, development and business development experiences. Dr. Yongkui Sun, Founder, Chairman of the Board and CEO of IONOVA, is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and has had an illustrious career at Merck & Co., Inc. for over 20 years in R&D and business development. The management team also includes Dr. Kan Ho, Vice President of Research and External Innovation, previously with Eli Lilly, and other senior executives who served leadership roles in multi-national pharmaceutical companies such as Sanofi, and in domestic conglomerates such as Eagle Holdings. IONOVA’s mission is to translate basic biomedical research discoveries into globally competitive novel drug candidates, progressing them through clinical and regulatory approval.

"The financing will enable IONOVA to move our pipeline from pre-clinical to clinical stage, and strengthen our portfolio going forward” said Dr. Yongkui Sun. “We are excited to complete this round of financing led by LILLY ASIA VENTURES, a leading biomedical venture firm. We are also delighted to have the continued support from our early investor DYEE CAPITAL. Together we aim to bring IONOVA innovation from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to the global marketplace to benefit patients worldwide."

"We are deeply impressed by the IONOVA management team led by Dr. Yongkui Sun, and thrilled to lead the Series A financing,” said Stephen Lin, Partner of LILLY ASIA VENTURES. “The rise of the Great Bay Area provides unprecedented opportunities to IONOVA. We are in full support for the company to achieve its success."

For more information about IONOVA, please visit www.ionovabio.com.



Lilly Asia Ventures (LAV) is a leading biomedical venture capital firm founded in 2008, with offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Palo Alto. The vision is to become the trusted partner for exceptional entrepreneurs seeking smart capital and to build great companies developing breakthrough products that treat diseases and improve human health.


Dyee Capital covers healthcare and sectors in modern service industries with high growth potentials. Dyee Capital’s team has years of experiences in capital investment, investment banking and other related industries. The team also has a history of successful entrepreneurial and managerial experiences. The mission is to assist talented entrepreneurs to create industry leaders. DYEE is proud shareholders of Zelgen, Allist, Borns, Ionova, Kyee and Innovision.



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