

CIDGA CIDGA 2022-04-23

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(1) 双边发展合作机构在面对国内巨大抗疫压力的情况下如何积极参与全球抗疫合作,帮助其他国家应对新冠疫情?

(2) 新冠疫情对当前发展合作工作造成了怎样的影响?

(3) 疫情是否会改变双边发展合作机构的运作方式?

(4) 后疫情时代发展合作的未来走向如何?


  • 冈包勒德·巴森扎布(Ganbold BAASANJAV),亚太经社会东亚和东北亚次区域办事处主任
  • 白淑熙(BAEK Sook Hee),韩国国际合作署副署长
  • 龚元石,中国农业大学副校长
  • 徐秀丽,中国农业大学国际发展与全球农业学院院长/教授
  • 田林,中国国家国际发展合作署国际合作司司长
  • 金玄元(KIM Hyunwon),韩国国际合作署气候危机和疫情防控司司长
  • 李小云, 中国农业大学文科讲席教授/中国国际发展研究网络主席
  • 周权赫(KWON Huck-ju),首尔国立大学教授/韩国国际发展合作协会会长
  • 山形辰史(YAMAGATA Tatsufumi),立命馆亚洲太平洋大学教授/日本国际开发学会会长
  • 西莉亚·雷耶斯(Celia REYES),菲律宾发展研究院院长
  • 孟致雅(Marzia MONGIORGI-LORENZO), 亚洲开发银行东亚局常驻中国代表处经济规划和战略研究部主任


(Special session of CIDGA/CIDRN Global Development Cooperation Webinar Series)

Development Cooperation in North-East Asia in addressing COVID-19 pandemic: 

Initiatives by development cooperation agencies in China (CIDCA) and Republic of Korea (KOICA)

  • What are the responses of the bilateral development cooperation agencies now to help other countries while their government is overwhelmed with domestic challenges?

  • How COVID-19 affected the current development cooperation work (e.g., suspended operation, expanded scale of cooperation, etc?)  

  • Has the current development cooperation changed the way and scale they operate?

  • What would be the direction of post-COVID development cooperation on health issues?

The outbreak of the COVID-19 posed serious threats to developing countries which have limited capacity to cope with the pandemic. The sense of urgency and call for cooperation is reflected in a resolution adopted by the governments of the Asia and the Pacific region at 76th session of the ESCAP Commission in May 2020. It calls for strengthened regional and global cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, with solidarity to support those most affected, particularly in developing countries. How to build back better from the crisis through regional cooperation will be the key theme for the discussion at the 77th Commission session in 2021.

China, Japan and Republic of Korea were one of the first hit by the pandemic and responded with various policy measures including the fiscal expenditures at the unprecedented scale for their population. While these countries seem ahead of the curve in containing the COVID-19, “no one is safe until everyone is safe” and supporting developing countries are common interest for the whole society.  

Responding to COVID-19 pandemic tests the fiscal resilience of most countries in the world. With shrinking fiscal space in both developed and developing countries, a key question for many developing countries would be the current and post-COVID landscape of international development cooperation. While the usual context of development cooperation, emergency assistance or humanitarian assistance, may be beyond the mandate /scope of the bilateral development cooperation agencies, the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly affected them in their operation, scope or scale.

Thus, the webinar aims to stock-take and share the latest stories of the bilateral development agencies in the North-East Asian countries on their responses to the pandemic, focusing on the questions above.


Thursday, 30 July 2020  

2:00 – 4:00 pm (Beijing)

3:00 – 5:00 pm (Seoul/Tokyo)


  • Mr. Ganbold BAASANJAV, Head, ESCAP East and North-East Asia Office

Special welcome:
  • Ms. BAEK Sook Hee, Vice President, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

  • Mr. GONG Yuanshi, Vice President of China Agricultural University 

  • Ms. XU Xiuli, Professor, Dean of College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University

Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic – experiences of bilateral development cooperation in North-East Asia
  • Mr. TIAN Lin, Director-General of Department of International Cooperation, China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA)

  • Ms. KIM Hyunwon, Director-General of Climate Crisis and Pandemic Response Department, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

Discussion: New landscape of post-COVID-19 development cooperation of North-East Asian countries?  


  • Mr. LI Xiaoyun, Lead Chair Professor, China Agricultural University/Chair of China International Development Research Network (CIDRN)

  • Mr. KWON Huck-ju, Professor, Seoul National University/ President of Korea Association of International Development and Cooperation (KAIDEC)

  • Mr. YAMAGATA Tatsufumi, Professor, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University/ President of Japan Society for International Development (JASID)

  • Ms Celia REYES, President of Philippine institute for development studies (PIDS)

  • Ms. Marzia MONGIORGI-LORENZO, Head, Economics and Strategy Unit, PRC Resident Mission, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank 







编 辑:张   瑶

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