悬浮映画按:C.J Lim是伦敦大学学院巴特莱特建筑学院的建筑环境与城市规划任教Unit10的教授。同时也是studio8 architects的创始人。他说带的Unit10的绘图风格更是独具辨识性且充满想象,以宏大的叙事场景来描述及还原方案的真实性。同时也关注未来的城市模式变化,阐述可持续设计应用于城市空间和现象学影响以及公民在相关社会空间生产中所发挥的作用。建立自然与建筑形式之间的生态共生关系。
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom
A speculative scenario that relocates human habitat from a land based system to a water based system.
Victor Moldoveanu
, Semesters 7+8, MA, Aarhus School of Architecture.
(由于方案图量过多,相关图片可在下方图片滑动查看,如果需要查看完整方案议题的可在公众号回复“The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom”获取完整方案PDF,悬浮映画同时也希望亲爱的你把文章分享你的朋友。)
The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom is a demonstration project concerning a regional environmental strategy addressing 23000 km2 of the Danish Territorial Waters and mainland Jutland Peninsula, with a focus study on the building of the Ministry. The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom is a project showing a model of embracing ocean level rise and consequently taking up life on water. The Ministry has a strategic approach to the foreseeable event of ocean level rise and it operates through a set of components that prepare, protect and provide for the population and the territory under threat of global ocean level rise. These components include habitation, transportation, natural environment, infrastructure, and logistics. Moreover, The Ministry represents and act of education about the ocean and its values: it mediates dialogue between people who part similar hardships and want to share knowledge with compassion and generosity.
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
Who influences you graphically?
I look very closely at the work of Hariton Pushwagner know for his urban and pop art and Heath Robinson, illustrator of comically absurd designs and life situations. Trough their style, they both display repetitions, iterations accompanied by scale variations.
我非常关注Hariton Pushwagner为他的城市和波普艺术所工作,以及插画家Heath Robinson画中荒诞的设计和生活情景。通过他们的风格,都显示着重复,伴随着尺度变化的重复
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
To what extent did the work of C J Lim effect the means through which you chose to reveal your project?
CJ Lim的作品在多大程度上影响您选择展示项目的方式?
CJ’s studio is learning about how the world works. By this, we mean to incorporate critical thinking in all stages of the design development – of course, I’m referring to concept design mostly. Whether this is investigated through the lenses of a Jules Verne novel, a Jonathan Swift essay or an article in The Guardian, we always challenge the premise of the project through contemporary ideological, political, social or environmental issues. We have made it our studio culture to be inquisitive and ask an awful lot of questions so, in this line, the project is revealed – almost collaged – through an energetic dialogue, a wide range of contextual references and by no means least, a bold attitude. As a result of this, we don’t end up having overly obsessed discussions about this mirage called “form” and I personally find this quite attractive. Then come the strategy and clarity of representation of the schematic design which ultimately leads to the detailed design.
CJ的工作室正在探索这个世界是如何运作的。由此,我们的意思是将批判性思维融入设计开发的各个阶段 - 当然,我主要是指概念设计。无论是通过儒勒凡尔纳小说,乔纳森斯威夫特文章还是“卫报”上的一篇文章,我们总是通过当代意识形态,政治,社会或环境问题探索项目的概念。我们已经使我们的工作室文化具备好奇,并且提出了很多问题,因此,通过这个项目,通过充满活力的对话,涉猎广泛的参考文献以及一个大胆的态度。 - 然后是方案设计的策略和清晰的表示,最终呈现详细的设计。
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
How does the graphic representation of the project relate to the actual proposal?
That’s quite funny: at the beginning, we started these drawings in grayscale. I wanted to produce clear images without any colorful distractions. As we worked our way through though, color began to play an important role, as the world of oceans started to be defined by blue and green tones. At this point, it seemed pretty natural to have the rest of the architectural tectonic language displayed in shades of brown – just enough to produce a sense of complementarity. You could also refer to these drawings as sepia drawings in which we balanced blue and green tones.
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
What defined the format?
The format of the images is defined by A0-sized layouts. There is nothing fancy about this, the layout is simple and bold to facilitate clear reading, and to let the details of the drawing stand out as a result of the layout size. Technical environmental, construction and procurement issues together with further design notes are displayed in an A3 booklet called The Design Realisation Report.
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
Plan & Facade
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
(© The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom)
(由于方案图量过多,相关图片可在下方图片滑动查看,如果需要查看完整方案议题的可在公众号回复“The Ministry of Ocean Wisdom”获取完整方案PDF,悬浮映画同时也希望亲爱的你把文章分享你的朋友。)
Special Thanks.
CJ Lim + Simon Dickens + Eva Rosborg Aagaard
(The Bartlett School of Architecture, London, UK)
Matthew Wells
(Techniker Structural Engineers, London, UK)
Markus Krauss
(Transsolar Climate Engineers, Munich, Germany)
Jette Birkeskov Mogensen
(Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects, Aarhus, Denmark)
丹麦奥胡斯Schmidt Hammer Lassen建筑事务所
巴特莱特建筑学院夏季展[研究生部分] UCL Bartlett Summer Show 2017│Archi
推荐/编号663 翻译/编号663 校对/编号663 编辑/托塔天王