

馆长也是Stanley也是馆长 悬浮映画 2022-04-21


悬浮映画按: “Archigram”小组是1960年代在英国形成的一个前卫的建筑组织,主要成员都来自建筑联盟学院( the Architectural Association, London),这是一个具有强烈未来主义色彩、反英雄主义、反权威、支持消费主义、从先进技术中吸收灵感的机构,目的是要摆脱现实的种种限制,能够探索出建筑设计、城市发展的新途径来。“建筑电讯”派的领军人物是彼特·库克(Peter Cook ),评论界有说他和“建筑典型”小组的对世界建筑界的影响可以等同于披头士(Baetles)乐队对摇滚乐的影响。作为英国实验建筑的设计团体。

《Archigram》创刊于1960年,开始的时候是包括库克在内的共六人的建筑家策划的,这本杂志和其他建筑杂志不同,里面有诗歌、设计、建筑概念,也有各种艺术评论和创作,这本刊物针对消费社会而展开新的建筑和都市构想,混杂了高科技、波普艺术型的和平面媒体手法,《建筑电讯》基本是一个乌托邦式的设计刊物和文化刊物,里面的建筑非常娱乐性,好像昆虫的脚一样的建筑,根据居住者的要求,在都市中向希望的场所移动,这就是所谓的“行走都市”(Walking City)。Archigram质疑、挑战甚至调侃传统建筑,引用科幻、漫画和广告中的形象,大量设计幽默的建筑和城市,给予世界的建筑家们和设计师的影响至今不衰。

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The Archigram Archival Project


(在之前悬浮映画已经推送过关于archigram的文章,此文主要讲述The Archigram Archival Project所收集archigram期间所做的相关杂志、展览及方案,导言内容参考了前一篇推文的内容。因方案过多,特意选有代表性的二十个方案展示,此为上篇的前十个方案。有兴趣得同学直接登入http://archigram.westminster.ac.uk/查看所有方案以及相关资料,悬浮映画也会在接下来的时间推出关于archigram相关专题和研究的文章。祝阅读愉快~)

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建筑电讯在那个年代被称为相当杰出的前卫建筑团体。他们有著一贯激进极端的理念和设想,描绘著放荡不羁的现代的景象。从仅仅为学生们设置的古怪研究项目开始,建筑电讯那些自1961至1970年在伦敦分九期发行的极度冗长的年鉴成为当地和全球激进建筑团体的焦点。建筑电讯这个小集团是由在1963年发行的第三期杂志中崭露头角的主要的六个成员(Warren Chalk,Peter Cook,Dennis- Crompton,David Greene,Ron Herron,Michael Webb)组成的非正式的协会,理所当然的,他们顺势用“建筑电讯”(Archigram)作为他们团体的称号。他们其中的三位刚刚结束他们令人刻骨铭心的血液,另外三个则是大伦敦地区建筑师协会(mighty London County Council Architects Department)中的老手。他们之间的关系形成于1962年至1965年受雇于Taylor Woodrow建筑公司、致力于广泛的教学和博览的合作的时候。1970年,建筑电讯的一些成员成立了一个叫做Archigram Architects事务所。这个事务所在他们的一个主要项目——蒙特卡洛娱乐中心——被搁置后,于1975年前后关闭。


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建筑电讯和它的主要对话者,批判历史学家Peter Reyner Banham选择性的劝阻人们对其进行激烈的批判和攻击。Banman在1972年写道:”Hard as it may be for the average Cand.Phil.from Gothenberg or Lisbon to comprehend,it’s all done for the giggle.”(此语语意不详)。“人们常常将计划方案和实际建筑区分开来,但是我不会这样,”Peter Cook在1970年的一次采访中评论道,“许多我们的计划都是相当严谨的,可是许多已建成的建筑实际上是些冷笑话。”即使是得到蒙特卡洛的工程项目并渐渐走上正轨,建筑电讯的工作也不是很顺畅,重复著的冲动、鲁莽和委托的项目都不断来要求著他们的事务所:“认真的(哈!),现在你们该了解我们的情形了。”建筑电讯对建筑领域产生了严重的影响吗?它应该受到这些对建筑历史、实践和建筑理论有著极大兴趣的人们的重视吗?

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Magazine,Slideshows,Talks,Exhibitions and Events/杂志、幻灯片、座谈、展览与讲座

Archigram Began Life as a Magazine produced at home by the members of the group, showing experimental work to a growing, global audience. Nine (and a half) seminal, individually designed, hugely influential, and now very rare magazines were produced between 1961 and 1974.

Slideshows, Talks, Exhibitions and Events form a big ongoing part of Archigram‘s work. This section features the ‘backup‘ of Archigram‘s shared slides, lists the venues of the ‘World Tour‘ of the Archigram Exhibition ‘Archigram: Experimental Architecture 1961-74‘, re-collects the group‘s exhibition and event projects, and will show a version of the ‘Archigram Opera‘ multi-media show.


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Design for a temporary pavilion for the Garden Exhibition at the Commonwealth Institute, Kensington, London.


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Speculative proposal for a strip of dwellings with fixed roof and frame and ‘drivable’ mobile walls, fittings and amenities. Early experiment with computer models and virtual environments.


Following the Robohouse, Ron Herron made a project called Studio Strip, continuing his fascination with the idea of the robotised building which began with an early Archigram project, Control and Choice, and with the House for the Year 1990 exhibition at Harrods. The idea was to make a strip or terrace of studio dwellings which consisted purely of a roof on a frame. The oddball thing was that the parts that made up the house – the walls, upper floor and screen elements – were entirely robotised so they could be driven into other positions to respond to the user. The screen on the garden side, for example, was a drivable curved video wall, some 15 metres long and 6 metres high, which could be hinged to open outwards. You could therefore see the real garden, or play a video on the wall of any environment that you wished to be in, or even drive the wall right out into the garden, taking the idea of indoor/outdoor architecture to an extreme.

The design was also of interest because it allowed experiments with early computer models, later an animation studio to animate it for Archigram. A video was made with Dennis Crompton, who did some trickery with the backcloths. This was eventually shown at the German Architecture Museum in the 1986 exhibition, Vision der Moderne. The video starts with an animated walk into the Studio Strip. Then you see Ron Herron sitting in the computer model with moving images on the video wall behind me – he is in a real space talking about real images. In the end sequence the screen opens and he is sitting in his own garden finishing the conversation.

This animation sequence was an early attempt of Archigram to simulate a real environment.

在Robohouse之后,Ron Herron开始了一个名为Studio Strip的项目,继续他对机器人建筑的想法的迷恋,该建筑开始于早期的Archigram项目,Control and Choice,和1990年Harrods的House for the Year年度展览。我们的想法是制作一个工作室住宅的条带或露台,它完全由一个框架上的屋顶组成。不同的是,构成房屋的部分 - 墙壁,上层和屏幕元素 - 完全是机器人化的,因此它们可以被驱动到其他位置以影响用户。例如,花园一侧的屏幕是一个可驱动的弯曲视频墙,大约15米长,6米高,可以铰接向外打开。因此,您可以看到真正的花园,或者你可以进入的任何环境的墙上播放视频观看。

该设计具有重大意义,因为它允许使用早期计算机模型进行实验,后来动画工作室为Archigram制作动画。一个视频是由丹尼斯克朗普顿制作的,他用背带做了一些特效。这最终在1986年德国建筑博物馆展览会上展出。该视频以动画走进Studio Strip开始。然后你看到Ron Herron坐在计算机模型中,在我身后的视频墙上移动图像 - 他在真实的空间里谈论真实的图像。在最后的序列中,屏幕打开,他坐在自己的花园里完成对话。


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Speculative proposal for a development including offices and entertainments, entirely camouflaged by landscape ‘lump’.


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Speculative project showing gradual accretions, growth and change to London, displayed by running a single ‘cartoon’ strip through the city.


Without question the city must endure.

Without question the city as [sic] a significant environment because it is total theatre and total experience.

Without question we must engage with the city with enthusiasm and resource.

Our project seeks to augment the events and the structures, the atmospheres and the manifestations, the incidents and the monuments.

This engagement must be made in a sense of architecture as being the ultimate choreography. The movements and the scenes and the mime by which the values of a society are played by strange concoctions of stone and concrete and screeching tyres and misty mornings. 

We present such a view by way of a single cartoon. Geographically it represents a cut through London from north to south. Evocatively it represents a progress from the established suburbs into the old, but still vital centre and out again. It is a sequence of scenarios. They each have their origin in different moments of history but they are alive now.

Our project seeks to augment.

Such an augmentation must be made with wit at the same time as sympathy. It must be made with audacity at the same time as empathy.

Where there is the hint of a new architecture it is shown in certain infiltrationary elements.






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5.IT'S A ...


Speculative proposal for extremely indeterminate facility which changes use, function, appearance, composite parts and names. Potentially an ‘invisible university’.


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Speculative proposal for holographic projection of environments, or virtual reality environment. Part of the Instant City project.

全息投影或虚拟现实的思索建议。Instant City项目的其一。


I had a holographic scene setter - a light space - switch on/walk around/3D/walk thro'/Hollywood Boulevard in my TV room/Death Valley on my patio/Tahiti in my pad/Laurel and Hardy in the morning/The 'Who' at night ... change film - new environment/switch on/off/there - not there ... what's real/it's observable/it's real when it's there/is it a dream? - a ghost? - a turn-on? ... Holographic ceiling - cloud - rainbow - cloud - people - John (pee on your shoes) - scenery - event - television ... great ... switch on the people/turn on the crowd/bring in the whole scene ... turn off the ceiling.


我有一个全息场景机器 - 一个小空间 - 在我的电视室/我的露台上的死亡谷/在我的垫子里的大溪地/劳雷尔和哈代在我的电视室里开/走/ 3D /走路'/好莱坞大道早上/晚上的'谁'...改变电影 - 新的环境/打开/关闭/那里 - 不存在的?什么是真实的/它是可观察的/它是真实的当它在那里/它是一个梦想? - 鬼? - 一个开关?..

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Speculative partner to Monte Carlo scheme using ‘expressionist games, purged’ from the ‘real’ design in proposal for entertainments/park facilities in Bournemouth, Dorset.


The Bournemouth Project carries on a dialogue with that of Monte Carlo: the culture of rich and well-heeled seaside with entertainments as a main function. A surrounding of cliffs or mountain with tees, gardens and rockeries and cream-painted hotels and villas. Bournemouth served as a blistering out of several expressionist games that we had purged from the Monte Carlo Scheme.
It extends an already existing pattern of shopping arcades that network the centre of Bournemouth. Through the scheme these develop into piers and decks and into the seafront scene. The seaside is traditionally the place where our notions of a flexible and 'responsive' environment are carried out: as the seasons and the weather change so do the functions and the architecture. the 'Steps' are formed by the piling-up of the shops and sheds and capsules that emanate front he arcades. The stepping is covered by undergrowth and extends the lawns and rockeries that are already there. The whole thing was designed very quickly with several hands at work, and proved to be exhilarating, if some what undisciplined. It throws up a characteristic of Archigram: the need for exuberance and freewheel designing as well as the demonstration of a thesis.



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Ninth Archigram magazine ‘Fruitiest yet’, green or seed issue, landscape theme. Eleven double sided coloured paper pages, stapled and folded. Packet of Night Scented Stock seeds included. 

第九期Archigram杂志“Fruitiest yet”,关于绿色或种子问题和景观主题。十一张双面彩色纸页,装订和折叠。还包含夜间有气味的种子包。

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Speculative design for remote controlled audio-visual entertainments robot.


Tired of supermarket shopping? Is it becoming a nightmare – up and down narrow aisles between high walls of brand-name uniformity, with the lights glaring down and canned music boring in, as you search desperately for one can of Cream of Mushroom, where every label reads Tomato?

Then you haven’t heard of MANZAK or the ELECTRONIC TOMATO.

MANZAK is our latest proposal for a radio-controlled, battery-powered electric automaton. It has on-board logic, optical range-finder, TV camera, and magic eye bump detectors. All the sensory equipment you need for environmental information retrieval, and for performing tasks.

Optional extras include response equipment for specific applications and subtasks to your own specification.

Direct your business operations, do the shopping, hunt or fish, or just enjoy electronic instamatic voyeurism, from the comfort of your own home.

For the great outdoors, get instant vegetable therapy from the new ELECTRONIC TOMATO – a groove gizmo that connects to every nerve end to give you the wildest buzz.

厌倦了超市购物?它是否已经成为一场噩梦 - 在品牌统一的高墙之间上下狭窄的通道,灯光眩目,罐装无聊的音乐,当你拼命寻找一罐蘑菇奶油,但每个标签上都写着番茄?




在您舒适的家中,指导您的业务运营,购物,捕猎或钓鱼,或享受电子般的怪癖。对于户外活动,从新的电子番茄获得即时蔬菜疗法(instant vegetable therapy)- 一个连接到每一个神经末端的凹槽装置,给你最疯狂的嗡嗡声。

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Extremely conceptual, ongoing speculative proposal exploring the implications of cones of vision and their interaction with an existing neoclassical ‘temple’ on the River Thames in Henley, Berkshire.


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Archigram是伦敦现代最具开创性,反传统和影响力的建筑群体之一。他们创造了一些20世纪最具标志性的图像和项目,重新思考了技术,社会和建筑的关系,预测和设想了信息革命几十年来,并重新构建了一种完整的建筑教育模式 - 因此产生了一个缝隙具有真正全球影响力的建筑思想。Archigram(建筑+电报)这个名字的发明是为了描述1961年由年轻建筑师Peter Cook和David Greene组成的自制杂志,首先与Mike Webb合作。这本自由形式的杂志旨在探索推翻20世纪60年代严格的现代主义指令的新项目和新思维。

Archigram的主要成员有彼得.库克、沃伦.查克( Warren Chalk)、朗.赫伦( Ron Herron)、丹尼斯.可朗普顿( Dennis Crompton)、迈克.韦伯(Michael Webb )、戴维.格林( David Greene)。这个组织后面的还有一个被称为“看不见的手”(the "hidden hand" )的人物,就是设计师西奥.克罗斯比(Theo Crosby)。克罗斯比担任《建筑设计》月刊( Architectural Design )的主编(1953–62),他给“建筑电讯派提供发表言论的版面、提供他们的概念设计的版面,等于给这个学派一个公开的平台。由于有了这个刊物,伦敦的”当代艺术院“( the Institute of Contemporary Arts ,简称ICA) 注意到他们,在1963年给他们举办了一个展览《活着的城市》(Living Cities),在 1964 年,克罗斯比请”建筑电讯“派在他为首的“泰勒.伍德罗设计组”(the Taylor Woodrow Design Group)做了一系列试验性的项目。 1961 年出版了《建筑电讯一》(the pamphlet Archigram I )这本小册子,是第一次完整的集中了他们的概念的出版物。





没有建筑的建筑 -Archigram │Culture

插电城市 -建筑电讯派(Archigram) │Culture


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©The Archigram Archival Project,由悬浮映画Memorypics翻译编辑


