

M君 MTI资料与资讯 2022-10-02




Day Day Up


旧石器时代 Old Stone Age

新石器时代 New Stone Age

部落联盟 Tribal Union

传说时代 Mythical history

三皇五帝 Three Sovereigns and Five Legends

黄帝 Huang Di, Huang Ti

炎帝 Yan Di, Yan Ti, Yan Emperor

华夏部 Huaxia Tribal Union

九黎部 Jiuli Tribal Union

三代 Great Reigns of Three Generations

尧天舜日 Great Reigns of Yao and Shun

禅让制 Abdicating and passing down the throne

大禹 Yu, the Great

夏朝 Xia dynasty

商朝 Shang dynasty

信史 Faithful history

殷墟 Ruins of Yin, Relic of Yin

甲骨文 Scripts on Oracle Bones

青铜年代 Bronze Age

周朝 Zhou dynasty

西周 Western Zhou

天命 Mandate of Heaven

天子 Son of the Heavenly King

周公旦 Duke of Zhou

分封制 Feudalism system

诸侯本人 Feudal lords

宗法制 Patriarchy

礼乐制度 Rites and Music Principals

周礼 Rituals of Zhou

成康之治 Great Reigns of King Cheng and King Kang

昭王伐楚 Campaign against Chu during King Zhao's Reign

穆天子之旅 Journey of King Mu

穆天子传 Tale of King Mu

国人暴动 Riot of people in the capital city

烽火戏诸侯 War Signal Drama

东周 Eastern Zhou

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period

战国 Warring States Period

春秋五霸 Five Hegemons

吴越争霸 Contention of Wu and Yue

战国七雄 Seven Warring States

百家争鸣 Hundred Schools of Thoughts

儒家 Confucianism

孔子 Confucius

孟子 Mencius

荀子 Xuncius

道家 Taoism

老子 Lao Tzu

庄子 Chuang Tzu

无为 Wu-wei, Action of actionless

墨家 Mohism

法家 Legalism

名家 Logicianism

阴阳家 School of Yin and Yang

纵横家 School of Diplomacy

小说家 School of Minor Talks

杂家 Syncretism

农家 Agriculturalism

医家 School of Medicine

兵家 School of Military

孙子兵法 The Art of War

孙子 Sun Tzu

四书五经 Four Books and Five Classics

论语 Analects of Confucius

大学 Great Learning

中庸 Doctrine of the Mean 

诗经 Classic of Songs

书经 Book of Documents

礼记 Book of Rites

易经 Book of Changes

春秋 Annals of Spring and Autumn

六韬 Six Secret Teachings

商君书 The Book of Lord Shang

管子 Guanzi

韩非子 Han Feizi

法经 Canon of Laws

尸子 Shizi

列子 Liezi

竹书纪年 Bamboo Annals

战国四公子 Four Lords of Warring States

食客 Retainer

商鞅变法 Reform of Shang Yang in State Qin

胡服骑射 Riding and shooting in nomadic dress

井田制 Hashtag-shaped-field system

都江堰 Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project

太傅 Grand Tutor

太保 Grand Guard

太师 Grand Preceptor


秦朝 Qin dynasty

秦始皇 First Emperor of Qin

兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors

焚书坑儒 Burning of Books and Burying of Confucianism Scholars

陈胜吴广起义 Dazexiang Uprising

郡县制 Administrative system with prefectures and counties

灵渠 Ling Canal

阿房宫 Epang Palace

封禅 Fengshan

楚汉战争 Chu-Han Contention

西楚霸王 Prince of Western Chu

汉朝 Han dynasty

匈奴 Xiongnu

冒顿单于 Modu Chanyu

军臣单于 Gunchen Chanyu

东胡 Donghu

游牧民族 Nomadic people

南蛮 Southern Barbarians

百越 Hundred Yue Tribes

文景之治 Great Reigns of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing

七国之乱 Rebellion of seven feudatory states

罢黜百家独尊儒术 (to) Promote Confucianism and suppress other schools of thoughts

史记 Record of the Grand Historian

二十四史 The 24 Official History Accounts

丝绸之路 Silk Road

龟兹 Qiuci

焉耆 Yanqi

疏勒 Kashgar

月氏 Yueh-Chi

康居 Sogdiana

大宛 Dayuan

拔汗那 Ferghana

大夏 Bactria

朝鲜半岛汉四郡 Four Commanderies of Han in Korean Peninsula

贵霜 Kushan

安息 Parthia

大秦 Roman Empire

河西走廊 River-west Corridor, River-west Aisle, Hexi Corridor

玉门关 Jade Gate Pass

罪己诏 Edict of Introspection

西域都护府(西汉) Western Region Protectorate

西域长史府(东汉)Western Region Chief Administration Bureau

高句丽 Goguryeo

新朝 Xin dynasty

光武中兴 The Reign of Emperor Guangwu

造纸术 Paper-making technology

黄巾起义 Yellow Turbans Uprising

吕布 Lyu Bu

赤壁之战 Battle of Red Cliffs

察举制 Cha Ju system

三公九卿 Three Councillors and Nine Ministers/Chamberlains

丞相/宰相 Chancellor

司马 Chancellor of Wars

司徒 Chancellor of Masses

司空 Chancellor of Constructions

太常卿 Minister of Ceremonies

卫尉卿 Minister of Defense

光禄卿 Minister of Imperial Household

廷尉  Minister of Justice

宗正 Minister of Royal Clan

大司农 Minister of Finance

刺史 Cishi, the provincial-level governor

州牧 Zhoumu, the provincial-level governor

太守 Taishou, the prefectural-level governor

县令 Xianling, the county-level governor

中郎 Inner Gentleman

中郎将 Leader of court gentlemen

汉赋 Rhapsody poetry of Han dynastyy

汉书 Book of Han

后汉书 Book of Later Han

盐铁论 Discourses on Salt and Iron

金缕玉衣 A jade suit with golden wires

九章算术 Nine Chapters of Mathematics

昭君出塞 Wang Zhaoju's Marriage to Xiongnu


三国 Three Kingdoms

六出祁山 Zhuge Liang's six northern expeditions/campaigns against Cao Wei

竹林七贤 Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest

三国志 Records of Three Kingdoms

晋朝 Jin dynasty

八王之乱 The War of Eight Princes

永嘉之变 Disaster of Yongjia

五胡乱华 Five groups of barbarians invaded Northern China

鲜卑 Xianbei

嚈哒 Hephthalite

罽宾(犍陀罗) Gandhara

十六国 Sixteen Kingdoms

祖逖北伐 Northern Expeditions of Zu Ti

兰亭集序 Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Poems

书圣(王羲之)Master of Chinese calligraphy

田园诗 Poetry of Chinese Fields and Gardens

山水诗 Poetry of Chinese Landscapes

清谈 Pure Conversation

淝水之战 Battle of Fei River

前秦 Kingdom of Former Qin

晋书 Book of Jin

南北朝 Southern and Northern dynasties

北魏 Northern Wei

东魏 Eastern Wei

西魏 Western Wei

北齐 Northern Qi

北周 Northern Zhou

南朝宋 Liu Song dynasty

南朝齐 Southern Qi

南朝梁 Liang dynasty

南朝陈 Chen dynasty

孝文帝改革 Reform of Emperor Xiaowen

汉化 Sinicization

鲜卑化 Xianbeilization

云冈石窟 Yungang Grottoes

龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes

鸠摩罗什 Kumarajiva

达摩 Bodhidharma

禅宗 Zen

净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism

华严宗 Flower Garland School

天台宗 Tiantai School

密宗 Esoteric School

法相宗 Faxiang School, Dharma Characteristic School

妙法莲华经 Lotus Sutra

柔然 Rouran

六镇起义 Riot of Six Military Towns

侯景之乱 Rebellion of Hou Jing

齐民要术 Essential Techniques for People's Welfare

水经注 Commentary on the Water Classic

世说新语 A New Account of Tales in the World

吐谷浑 Tuyuhun Kingdom

象雄 Zhang-Zhung

敕勒 Tiele

关陇集团 Military clans of Guanzhong and Longshan

士族 Nobel clans

庶族 Normal clans

府兵制 Local Militia system

玉树后庭花 Jade Tree and Backyard Flowers

南史 History of Southern Dynasties

北史 History of Northern Dynasties

魏书 Book of Wei

北齐书 Book of Northern Qi

周书 Book of Zhou

宋书 Book of Song

齐书 Book of Qi

梁书 Book of Liang

陈书 Book of Chen

玉台新咏 New Songs from the Jade Terrace


隋朝 Sui dynasty

开皇之治 Great Reign of Kaihuang

科举考试 Imperial Exams

大运河 Grand Canal

三省 Three Departments

六部 Six Ministries

二十四司 Twenty-Four Bureaus

中书省 Department of Imperial Secretariats

门下省 Department of Chancellors

尚书省 Department of Imperial Affairs

吏部 Ministry of Personnel

户部 Ministry of Revenue

礼部 Ministry of Rites

兵部 Ministry of National Defense

刑部 Ministry of Justice

工部 Ministry of Constructions

突厥 Turks

薛延陀 Xueyantuo

土门可汗 Bumin Khan/Qaghan

达头可汗 Tardu Khan

启民可汗 Yami Khan

始毕可汗 Shibi Khan

颉利可汗 Illig Khan

杨玄感叛乱 Revolt of Yang Xuangan

瓦岗起义 Wagang Uprising

均田制 Equal-field system

新罗 Silla

百济 Baekje

隋书 Book of Sui

唐朝 Tang dynasty

玄武门之变 Xuanwu Gate Incident

贞观之治 Great Reign of Zhenguan

昭陵六骏 Six Steeds of Zhao Tomb/Mausoleum

高昌 Gaochang

吐蕃 Tibetan Empire

松赞干布 Songtsen Gampo

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

文成公主 Princess Wencheng

尺尊公主 Bhrikuti

苯教 Bon

莲花生大师 Padmasambhava

单于都护府 Chanyu Protectorate

安北都护府 An'bei Protectorate

安西都护府 An'xi Protectorate

北庭都护府 Beiting Protectorate

濛池都护府 Mengchi Protectorate

昆凌都护府 Kunling Protectorate

黑水都护府 Heishui Protectorate

安东都护府 An'dong Protectorate

安南都护府 An'nan Protectorate

安西四镇 Four Military Towns/Stations/Garrisons of An’xi Protectorate

熊津都督府 Ungjin Commandery

吐火罗都督府 Tocharian Commandery

条支都督府 Antiochia Commandery

碎叶 Suyab

别失八里 Beshbalik

拜火教 Zoroastrianism

厥特勤碑 Orhun Inscriptions

唐初十道 Ten Daos of Early Tang

长安东市 Eastern Market of Chang'an

长安西市 Western Market of Chang'an

大明宫 Daming Palace

曲江池 Qujiang Pond

宵禁 Curfew

京兆尹 Mayor of Capital City

武周 Second Zhou dynasty

武则天 Empress Wu Zetian

无字碑 Blank Monument of Wu Zetian

萨珊波斯 Sassanian Persia

倭马亚 Umayyad Caliphate

阿拔斯(大食) Abbasside Caliphate

怛罗斯之战 Battle of Talas

开元盛世 Great Reign of Kaiyuan

杨贵妃 Lady Yang

荔枝 Lychee

霓裳羽衣曲 The Song of Feathered Clothes with Colors of Rainbow

唐诗 Tang Poetry

李白 Li Bai 或者 Li Bo

诗仙 Master of Poetry

诗圣 Sage of Poetry

诗佛(王维) Buddha of Poetry

诗鬼(李贺)Phantom of Poetry

诗骨(陈子昂)Bone of Poetry

诗杰(王勃)The Outstanding Poet

诗奴(孟郊)Slave of Poetry

诗魔(白居易)Devil of Poetry

诗豪(刘禹锡)Elite of Poetry

诗狂(贺知章)The Mad Poet

诗瓢(唐求)The Calabash Poet

骈文 Pianwen, a type of rhythmical prose with perfect parallel lines

古文运动 Classic/Ancient Prose Movement

日本遣唐使 Japanese missions to Imperial China

开元占经 Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era

安禄山 An Lushan

安史之乱 An Lushan's Rebellion

回纥汗国 Uighur Khanate

汗庭 Khan's Court

突骑施 Turgesh

葛逻禄 Karluks

黠戛斯 Kirgis 或者 Kyrghiz

节度使 Jiedushi

藩镇 Fanzhen

募兵制 Professional Militia system

折冲府 Zhechong Fu

十二卫军/十六卫军 12/16 divisions of Imperial Guards

盐业专售 Salt Commission

渤海国 Balhea

南诏国 Nanzhao

牛李党争 Factional Struggles between Niu and Li Parties

甘露之变 Ganlu Incident

唐蕃会盟 Tang-Tibetan Meeting

太监 Eunuch

会昌毁佛 Anti-Buddhism Campaign/Persecution in the Reign of Huichang

朗达玛 Langdarma

归义军 Guiyi Circuit

黄巢起义 Huang Chao('s) Uprising

旧唐书 Old Book of Tang

新唐书 New Book of Tang

边塞诗 Poetry of Military Service

唐会要 Institutional History of Tang

通典 Comprehensive Documents

酉阳杂俎 Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang

大唐西域记 The Grand/Great Tang Record on the Western Region

给事郎 Supervising Secretary

进奏院 Capital Liaison Office

按察使 Surveillance Commissioner


五代十国 Five dynasties and ten kingdoms

沙陀人 Shatuo people

幽云十六州 16 Prefectures of You and Yun

旧五代史 Old History of Five Dynasties

新五代史 New History of Five Dynasties

宋朝 Song dynasty

陈桥兵变 Incident of Chenqiao Station

杯酒释兵权 Dismissing generals from their duties during a banquet

路 Circuit

府 Prefecture

契丹 Khitan

辽朝 Liao dynasty

耶律 Yelu

阿保机 Abaoji

睡王(辽穆宗)The sleeping emperor

澶渊之盟 Treaty of Chanyuan

岁币 Annual Tribute

党项 Tangut People

西夏 Western Xia

于阗王国 Khotan Kingdom

黑汗 Kara Khanid

西州回鹘 Xizhou Uighurs

大理国 Dali Kingdom

西南夷 Southwestern Barbarians

唐宋八大家 Eight Prose Masters of Tang and Song

清明上河图 Along the River During the Qingming Festival

梦溪笔谈 Dream Pool Essays

熙宁改革(王安石变法)Reform of Xining

宋词 Lyric Poetry 

豪放派 Bold faction 

婉约派 Restrained faction

词牌 Cipai

花石纲 The shipping of rare rocks

女真 Jurchen

金朝 Jurchen Jin dynasty

完颜 Wanyan

猛安 Meng'an, the Jurchen chiliarch

谋克 Mouke, the Jurchen centurion

耶律大石西征 Expedition of Yelyu Dashi

西辽 Qara Khitan, Kara Khitai


卡特万之战 Battle of Qatwan

花剌子模 Khwarazmian kingdom

靖康之变 Incident of Jingkang

岳家军 Yue Fei's Army

绍兴和议 Compromise of Shaoxing

海陵王 Prince of Hailing

交子 Jiaozi, the paper currency

活字印刷术 Typographic Printing Technology

宋明理学 Neo-Confucianism

宋四大书 Four Great Books of Song

太平广记 Extensive Records of the Taiping Era

太平御览 Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era

文苑英华 Finest Blossoms in the Garden of Literature

册府元龟 Archival Palace as the Great Oracle

宋史 History of Song

金史 History of Jin

辽史 History of Liao

蒙古汗国 Mongol Khanate

蒙古帝国 Mongol Empire

大斡耳朵 Grand Horde

乃蛮部 Naimans

塔塔尔部 Tatars

克烈部 Keraites

蔑儿乞部 Merkit

孛儿只斤 Borjigin

成吉思汗 Genghis Khan

铁木真 Temujin

窝阔台 Ogedei

托雷 Tolui

贵由 Guyuk

蒙哥 Mongke

忽必烈 Kublai

金帐汗国 Golden Horde Khanate

伊尔汗国 Ilkhanate

察合台汗国 Chagatai Khanate

窝阔台汗国 Ogedei Khanate

高丽 Goryeo

元朝 Yuan dynasty

达鲁花赤 Darughachi

色目人 Semu people

汉人 Han people in the north

南人 Southerners

行省 Branch Secretariats

宣政院 Bureau of Buddhism and Tibetan Affairs

红巾起义 Red Turbans Rebellion

元顺帝 Emperor Shun of Yuan

元曲 Yuan Qu, a type of poetry based on tunes of music

授时历 Calendar of Fixing Time

宋朝时的吐蕃诸部 Era of Fragmentation of Tibet

西藏法王 Prince of Dharma

噶当派 Kadam

噶举派 Kagyu

格鲁派 Gelug

萨迦派 Sakya

宁玛派 Nyingma

觉囊派 Jonang

仲敦巴 Dromton

萨迦班智达 Sakya Pandita

八思巴 Phagpa

元大都 Khanbaliq或者Dadu

上都 Xanadu或者Shangdu

和林 Karakorum

王保保 Koke Temur

孛罗帖木儿 Bolad Temur


明朝 Ming dynasty

明教 Manicheism

胡惟庸案 Hu Weiyong Case

蓝玉案 Lan Yu Case

风闻言事 Impeach with hearsay

大学士 Grand Secretariat

靖难之役 Incident of Jingnan

燕王(朱棣)Prince of Yan

永乐盛世 Great Reign of Yong'le Emperor

永乐大典 Yong'le Encyclopedia

郑和下西洋 Zheng He's Voyages

仁宣之治 Great Reigns of Emperor Renzong and Emperor Xuanzong

土木堡之变 Incident of Tumu Fortress

夺门之变 The Restoration of Emperor Yingzong

大礼仪之争 The Great Controversy of Rites

倭寇 Japanese Pirates

隆庆新政 Reform of Longqing Emperor

张居正改革 Zhang Juzheng’s Reform

俺答封贡 The Investiture of Altan Khan

万历中兴 Reign of Wanli Emperor

万历三大征 Three Great Military Campaigns of Wanli Emperor

明末三大案 Three Cases of the Ming Court

东林党争 Factional Movement of Donglin Society

汉地十八省 China Proper

北元 Northern Yuan

鞑靼 Tatar Mongols

瓦剌(卫拉特)Oriats Mongols

奴儿干都司 Nurgan Military Commission

乌斯藏都司 U-Tsang Military Commission

朵干都司 Do-Kham Military Commission

帕木竹巴 Phagmodrupa

仁蚌巴 Rinpungpa

藏巴汗 Tsangpa

朝贡国 Tributary States

进贡 Pay the tribute

高丽 Goryeo

李氏朝鲜 Joseon

琉球王国 Ryukyu Kingdom

俺答汗 Altan Khan

蒙古左翼和右翼 Left Wing/Right Wing of Mongols

亦力把里 Ili-baliq

叶尔羌汗国 Yarkand Khanate

吐鲁番汗国 Turpan Khanate

土默特部 Tumod

哈密国 Kara Del

厂卫 Secret police agency of Ming dynasty

东厂 Eastern Depot

西厂 Western Depot

李自成起义 Li Zicheng Uprising

郑成功 Kosinga

南明 Southern Ming

明史 History of Ming

宗人府 Imperial Clan Court

清朝 Qing dynasty, Tsing dynasty

满族 Manchus

满洲 Manchuria

爱新觉罗 Aisin Gioro

努尔哈赤 Nurhaci

皇太极 Hong Taiji

多铎 Prince Dodo

多尔衮 Dorgon

叶赫那拉 Yehe Nara

山海关 Shanhai Pass

林丹汗 Ligdan Khan

铁帽子王 Iron-Cup Princes

八旗制度 Eight Banners

内务府 Office of Imperial Household

扬州十日 Ten Days of Desperate in Yangzhou, Yangzhou Massacre

三藩之乱 Revolt of Three Feudatories

鳌拜 Oboi

准噶尔汗国 Dzungar Khanate

噶尔丹 Galdan Boshugtu Khan

塔里木盆地 Tarim Basin

塔克拉玛干沙漠 Taklimakan Desert

和硕特汗国 Khoshut Khanate

喀尔喀蒙古 Khalkha Mongols

乌里雅苏台 Uliastai

唐努乌梁海 Tannu Uriankhai

宁古塔 Nimguta

康乾盛世 Great Reign of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Emperors

四库全书 Complete Book Collection in Four Sections

军机处 Grand Council of State (originally for military emergencies)

军机大臣 Military Chancellor

尼布楚条约 Treaty of Nerchinsk

文字狱 Literary Inquisition

汤若望 Johann Adam Schall von Bell

南怀仁 Ferdinand Verbist

大小和卓之乱 Rebellion of Altishahr Khojas

和珅 Niohuru Heshen

避暑山庄 Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde

鸦片战争 Opium War

南京条约 Treaty of Nanjing

割地 Cede

太平天国 Taiping Rebellion

天王(洪秀全)Heavenly King/Prince

捻军 Nian Rebellion

湘军 Xiang Army

第二次鸦片战争 Second Opium War

北京条约 Treaty of Peking

商埠 Treaty ports

租界 Concessions

中法战争 Sino-French War

洋务运动 Self-Strengthening Movement

汉阳兵工厂 Hanyang Arsenal

安庆内军械所 Anqing Imperial Arsenal

江南机器制造总局 Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau

左宗棠 Zuo Zongtang

同治陕甘之变 Dungan Revolt

洪福汗国 Jetti Shahar Khanate

戊戌变法 Wuxu Reform 

北洋水师 Beiyang Fleet

甲午战争 First Sino-Japanese War 

马关条约 Treaty of Shimonoseki

三国干涉还辽 Triple Intervention

义和团 Boxers

八国联军 Eight-Nation Alliance

辛丑条约 Boxer Protocol

东南互保 Mutual Protection of Southeast China

慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Cixi

兴中会 Revive China Society

预备立宪 Constitutionalization Movement

辛亥革命 Xinhai Revolution

孙中山 Sun Yat-Sen

总督 Viceroy of + 地名

千总 Company commander of 1000 men

把总 Commander of 400 men

清史稿 Draft History of Qing


谥号 Posthumous name (比如汉武帝的武、晋元帝的元)

庙号 Temple name(比如唐太宗的太宗、元世祖的世祖)

年号 Era name 或者 Reign name(比如贞观、嘉靖、康熙)

尊号 Regnal name(比如武则天的则天)

姓 Surname 或者 Family name

氏(先秦)Secondary surname 

名 Given name

字 Courtesy name

号 Art name

名讳 True name

乳名 Birth name

法号 Dharma name

训名 School name

避讳 Taboo of names

爵位 Nobility rank

太子 Crown Prince

九爵 Nine orders of nobility

亲王 Prince

郡王 Prefecture/Commandery Prince

国公 Duke

郡公 Prefecture/Commandery Duke

县公 County/District Duke

侯爵 Marquis

伯爵 Count

子爵 Viscount

男爵 Baron

世袭的 Hereditary

封建 to enfeoff

皇后 Empress

妃 Consort 或 highly-ranked imperial concubines

品秩 Grade/Rank in the Bureaucracy

正一品 First Rank Officials

从一品 Sub-First Rank Officials

正四品上 Upper Fourth Rank Official

正四品下 Lower Fourth Rank Official

从四品上 Upper Sub-Fourth Rank Official

从四品下 Lower Sub-Fourth Rank Official

奉朝请 People who qualified for imperial audiences

千牛卫 Imperial personal guard

千牛备身 Swordsmen in the personal guard

食邑 Feudatory land

官 Bureaucrat

吏 Government staff

四民 Four occupations

凌迟 Death by a thousand cuts

腰斩 Death by cutting the waist

绞刑 Death by hanging

车裂 Death by dismembering the body

廷杖 Tingzhang, a type of punishment that the guilty official would be spanked by wooden planks

流放 Be banished/exiled to + 地名

追封 Posthumous enfeoffment

钦差大臣 Imperial government inspector

监正 Supervisor of xxx directorate

诏书 Edict

奏章 Memorial to the emperor

俸禄 Salary for imperial officials

中央集权 Centralization of authority

龙袍 Panlong Robe 或者 Chinese Imperial Dragon Robe

衙门 Administrative Office

中书令 Secretariat Director

中书舍人 Secretariat Drafter

中书门下 Secretariat-Chancellery

同中书门下平章事 Joint Manager of Affairs with the Secretariat-Chancellery

中散大夫 Grand Master of Palace Leisure

大理寺 Imperial Court of Justice

鸿卢寺 Office of Foreign Affairs

光禄寺 Office of Imperial Kitchen

著作局 Editorial office

转运使 Transport Commissioner

处置使 Supervisory Commissioner, an official that arranges and disposes of matters

黜陟使 Personnel Evaluation Commissioner, an official that evaluates, promotes or demotes other officials

国子监 Directorate of Education

将作院 Imperial Manufactories Commission

御史台 Censorate

法司 Judicial office

翰林院 Hanlin Academy, an organization in the central court with scholars who did drafting and editing works for the emperor

京兆尹 Metropolitan governor of capital city

教坊司 Imperial office of music

东宫 The House of Crown Prince

谏议大夫 Supervisory officer

光禄大夫 Grand Master of the Palace

主簿 Recorder

主书 Assistant drafters

主事 Director/secretary of xxx section in xxx ministry

主司 Examiner

漕运 Caoyun

茶马交易 Tea-Horse Trade

羁縻制度 Jimi system

进士 Nominees who passed the highest-level Imperial Examinations 

贡士 Nominees who passed the national-level Imperial Examinations

举人 Recommendees/nominees who passed the local-level (provincial-level) Imperial Examinations

秀才/生员 Scholars/Educated people (qualified for local-level Imperial Examinations)

童生 Scholars haven't qualified for the local-level Imperial Examinations

冈仁波齐 Mount Kailash

葱岭 Pamir Plateau

兴都库什山 Hindukush Mountains

燕然山 Khangai Mountains

华阳国志 Chronicles of Huayang

三字经 Three Character Classic

百家姓 Hundred Family Surnames

千字文 Thousand Character Classic








    往期精选 Editors' Choice










