EJNMMI︱耶鲁大学蔡正昕团队开发首例脑穿透型PARP PET显像探针,并在大鼠胶质母细胞瘤和非人灵长类动物中进行临床前评价
在这项研究中,作者开发并评估了一种新型的脑穿透性PARP放射性示踪剂 [11C]PyBic,用于健康大脑和RG2大鼠胶质母细胞瘤模型的PARP PET显像和活体定量。PET显像结果显示,相对于大鼠脑的其他部位,原位RG2胶质母细胞瘤的示踪剂摄取较高。应用分子生物学方法和生物分布分析对PARP1进行定量分析,证实PET显像结果。在PET显像和生物分布分析中,PARP1/2抑制剂Veliparib可显著降低[11C]PyBic的摄取,表明该显像剂具有体内结合特异性。[11C]PyBic在健康NHPs中的高脑-血浆比值表明了其在NHP中的高脑通透性和特异性结合,支持其作为脑PARP PET成像探针的使用。
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【3】会议通知︱2023年成瘾与脑科学国际研讨会暨中国药物滥用防治协会成瘾与脑科学分会第一届学术会议(2023年4月9-10日,深圳)【4】会议通知︱2023中国衰老科学大会第一轮通知(2023年4月21-23日,北京)【5】会议通知︱中国神经科学学会神经影像学分会2023学术年会(2023年5月19-21日,广州)【6】学术会议预告︱Novel Insights into Glia Function & Dysfunction(2023年4月24-28日,日本)【7】会议通知︱第六届中国神经科学学会神经退行性疾病分会年会会议通知(2023年4月7-9日,湖南长沙) 参考文献(上下滑动查看) 1. Lord CJ, Ashworth A. PARP inhibitors: Synthetic lethality in the clinic. Science 355, 1152-1158 (2017).2. Alavi A, Lakhani P, Mavi A, Kung JW, Zhuang H. Radiol Clin North Am 42, 983 (2004).3. Chiarugi A, Moskowitz MA. PARP-1--a Perpetrator of Apoptotic Cell Death? Science 297, 200-201 (2002).4. Delgado-Lopez PD, Corrales-Garcia EM. Survival in glioblastoma: a review on the impact of treatment modalities. Clin Transl Oncol 18, 1062-1071 (2016).5. Arvanitis CD, Ferraro GB, Jain RK. The blood–brain barrier and blood–tumour barrier in brain tumours and metastases. Nature Reviews Cancer 20, 26-41 (2020).6. Petterson SA, Sørensen MD, Kristensen BW. Expression Profiling of Primary and Recurrent Glioblastomas Reveals a Reduced Level of Pentraxin 3 in Recurrent Glioblastomas. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 79, 975-985 (2020).7. Arvanitis CD, Ferraro GB, Jain RK. The blood-brain barrier and blood-tumour barrier in brain tumours and metastases. Nat Rev Cancer 20, 26-41 (2020).8. Sarkaria JN, et al. Is the blood-brain barrier really disrupted in all glioblastomas? A critical assessment of existing clinical data. Neuro Oncol 20, 184-191 (2018).9. Murnyak B, et al. PARP1 expression and its correlation with survival is tumour molecular subtype dependent in glioblastoma. Oncotarget 8, 46348-46362 (2017).10. Schaller BJ, Modo M, Buchfelder M. Molecular imaging of brain tumors: a bridge between clinical and molecular medicine? Mol Imaging Biol 9, 60-71 (2007).11. Histed SN, Lindenberg ML, Mena E, Turkbey B, Choyke PL, Kurdziel KA. Review of functional/anatomical imaging in oncology. Nucl Med Commun 33, 349-361 (2012).12. Dunet V, Pomoni A, Hottinger A, Nicod-Lalonde M, Prior JO. Performance of 18F-FET versus 18F-FDG-PET for the diagnosis and grading of brain tumors: systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuro Oncol 18, 426-434 (2016).13. Chen W, et al. Imaging proliferation in brain tumors with 18F-FLT PET: comparison with 18F-FDG. J Nucl Med 46, 945-952 (2005).14. Scott AM, et al. PET changes management and improves prognostic stratification in patients with recurrent colorectal cancer: results of a multicenter prospective study. J Nucl Med 49, 1451-1457 (2008).15. Kraeber-Bodere F, Bailly C, Chérel M, Chatal JF. ImmunoPET to help stratify patients for targeted therapies and to improve drug development. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 43, 2166-2168 (2016).16. Han S, Woo S, Kim YJ, Suh CH. Impact of (68)Ga-PSMA PET on the Management of Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Eur Urol 74, 179-190 (2018).17. Götz I, Grosu AL. [(18)F]FET-PET Imaging for Treatment and Response Monitoring of Radiation Therapy in Malignant Glioma Patients - A Review. Front Oncol 3, 104 (2013).