

xueshan199 科研共进社 2021-12-21







A. 以Photosynthesis为主语,

1) Photosynthesis fixes CO2 from the air by using sunlight.

B. 以Nature为主语,

1) Nature succeeds in transforming COinto carbohydrates by photosynthesis (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 10253 –10255)

2) Nature uses CO2 to make over 200 billion tons of glucose by photosynthesis each year (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 11018-11019)

3) Nature uses carbon dioxide, on a massive scale, as a one-carbon building block for the synthesis of organic molecules. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 12749, 17196-17197)

C. 以Photosynthetic organisms为主语,

1) Photosynthetic organisms harness solar radiation to build energy-rich organic molecules from water and CO2. (Science 2016, 352, 1210-1213)

2) Photosynthetic organisms use solar energy to generate reducing equivalents and incorporate atmospheric CO2 into organic molecules. (Nature Biotechnol. 2009, 27, 1177–1180)

3) Photosynthetic organisms capture sunlight very efficiently and convert it into organic molecules. (Chem.Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 185-196)

D. 以storing light energy为主语,

1) Making sustainable fuels and storing light energy in chemical bonds, through the transformation of CO2, using only the sun, water, and carbon dioxide, is the coveted holy grail. (ACS Energy Lett. 2016, 1, 281−282)

2) Utilizing solar energy to fix CO2 with water into chemical fuels and oxygen, a mimic process of photosynthesis in nature, is becoming increasingly important.  (Chem 2017, 3, 950-960)



从上面的总结可以看出,要表达同一个意思,仅通过变换主语即可实现多种变化。以例句为例,“光合作用可以将CO2转化为碳水化合物”可以采用“photosynthesis”, "Photosynthetic organisms", "Nature", "storing light energy"等四种不同的主语来进行表达。从中文的意思来考虑,分别对应1) 光合作用可以将CO2转化为碳水化合物; 2) 植物可以利用光合作用将CO2转化为碳水化合物; 3) 大自然通过光合作用将CO2转化为碳水化合物;4)光能可以通过光合作用转化为化学能/CO2可以通过光合作用进行固定等四种说法。从这个意义上来说,语言的多变性并不要求有多棒的英语能力,只需要将基础语文知识充分利用起来。

B. 同义替换

同义替换最简单的是词/词组的替换,比如"harness solar radiation", "use solar energy"和"capture sunlight",实际上是动词harness, use, capture的同义替换;

稍微复杂一点,如“succeeds in transforming COinto carbohydrates” 和“uses CO2 to make over 200 billion tons of glucose”,其实是词组"transform into"和"use...to make..."的同义替换;

此外,还可以利用具体数据来替代表示"程度"的短语,比如"over 200 billion tons of glucose" 与"on a massive scale".

C. 扩充与缩减

1) Photosynthetic organisms capture sunlight very efficiently and convert it into organic molecules. 

2) Photosynthetic organisms use solar energy to generate reducing equivalents and incorporate atmospheric CO2 into organic molecules. (Nature Biotechnol. 2009, 27, 1177–1180)

这两个例句中,如果把"capture sunlight"和"use solar energy"当作一致的话,两者的唯一差别就在于,例句2在例句1的基础上进行了扩充,扩充的内容为" to generate reducing equivalents and incorporate atmospheric CO2". 扩充前后的侧重点也会不太一样,扩充前重点在于"sunlight", 扩充后则兼顾了"CO2".

D. 拆分与重组

1) Making sustainable fuels and storing light energy in chemical bonds, through the transformation of CO2, using only the sun, water, and carbon dioxide, is the coveted holy grail. (ACS Energy Lett. 2016, 1, 281−282)

2) Utilizing solar energy to fix CO2 with water into chemical fuels and oxygen, a mimic process of photosynthesis in nature, is becoming increasingly important.  (Chem 2017, 3, 950-960)

例句1可以拆分为以下几个部分:"Making sustainable fuels and storing light energy in chemical bonds", "transformation of CO2""using only the sun, water, and carbon dioxide", "is the coveted holy grail."

例句2可以拆分为以下几个部分:"Utilizing solar energy", "fix COwith water", "chemical fuels and oxygen", "becoming increasingly important".


"Making sustainable fuels and storing light energy in chemical bonds"="Utilizing solar energy"+"chemical fuels and oxygen"; 

"transformation of CO2"+"using only the sun, water, and carbon dioxide" = "fix COwith water";

"is the coveted holy grail" 等效于"becoming increasingly important"





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