上海天空万科广场-解锁未来生活新方式Impressive Integration Define’s Vanke’s Vision
Recently, Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall in Qingpu, Shanghai officially opened with more than 100 brand stores in full operation.
This is Vanke’s first TOD, or public transportation oriented development, commercial complex in Shanghai, and an exciting example of the latest generation of Vanke Malls proudly launched by Vanke in Shanghai.
From an overhead perspective,Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall is not only the core of the whole Shanghai Vanke Uni City, but also the first large-scale shopping center after the subway line 17 enters Qingpu.
The surrounding area brings together an incredible mix of aspirational young families, international workers of many professional backgrounds, educated urban white-collar workers as well as more trendy and fashionable clientele.
上海天空万科广场所在的万科·天空之城项目在设计上充分发挥Transit Oriented Development公共交通引导发展(简称TOD)的优势,使城市建设和运营紧密地围绕着以商业为中心的15分钟步程范围展开,从而达到低碳出行导向下的可持续发展。
设计之初提出的 “水、绿、光”三轴动线,把周边分散的住宅、办公、学校、公园等不同地块串联起来,使得人流可以通过不同友好步行轴线便捷到达。
The Vanke Uni City project, where Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall is located, is designed to give full play to the advantages of Transit Oriented Development (TOD for short), so that urban construction and operation are closely centered around a 15-minute walking range centered on business, thus achieving sustainable development under low-carbon travel orientation.
space is preserved for specific activities, thus creating a unique space with a clear DNA and impressive diversity. This helps to ensure the sustainability and quality of life of the surrounding community while also contributing to the city as a whole. In recognition of this impressive achievement it has been awarded LEED Gold pre-certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.
Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall is rightly positioned as a ‘new urban TOD commercial and viability growth center’, and the overarching business plan focuses in on three key concepts of parent-child relations, sports enablement and socialization. In order to achieve these ambitious goals a number of actions have been taken, including setting up a modern and fashionable retail area, digital home area, food and beverage area, parent-child experience area, cute pet life area, trendy sports area, leisure entertainment zone, lifestyle zone, etc. It will bring new business concepts and rich brand contents to fill and establish the status of district-level one-stop commercial center.
LOS PACOS帕库墨西哥餐厅是兰巴赫旗下最新推出的墨西哥餐连锁品牌,首店选址上海天空万科广场。奔放明快的色彩、原生态的家具、点缀其间的盎然绿意,打造出一片热带花园,享受都市快节奏中的慢生活。
LOS PACOS Paco Mexican Restaurant is the latest Mexican restaurant chain brand of Lumbach, and the first store is located in Shanghai Sky Vanke Plaza. With bright colors, original furniture and lush greenery, it creates a tropical garden to enjoy a slow life in the fast-paced city.
LOS PACOS帕库墨西哥餐厅的菜单由美国资深大厨精心打造。菜单精选墨西哥多彩的美食和德克萨斯烧烤,还有地道的玛格丽特、精酿扎啤和葡萄酒更是让美食增色,于悠然氛围中度过帕库的美好时光。
The menu of LOS PACOS Paco Mexican Restaurant is crafted by a veteran American chef. The menu features a selection of colorful Mexican cuisine and Texas barbecue, as well as authentic margaritas, craft beers and wines to enhance the food and the relaxed atmosphere of Paco's.
MLB是韩国F&F旗下街头生活运动品牌 ,拥有150年历史的经典传统,是街头文化和国际生活方式的领导者。MLB品牌以浓郁的棒球文化为背景,以美国街头时尚文化为元素,成为潮流运动领域的领导者——平均每6.3秒钟便售出一顶MLB CAP 。
MLB is a street lifestyle sports brand owned by F&F Korea, a leader in street culture and international lifestyle with 150 years of classic tradition. With the background of rich baseball culture and American street fashion culture, MLB brand has become the leader in trendy sports - an MLB CAP is sold every 6.3 seconds on average.
At the same time, MLB brand has also become a closet of young and independent people who are keen on expressing themselves. It helps consumers better shape their fashionable personalities while conveying young people's trendy attitudes of non-conformity, non-obedience and positive independence.
Life is made of moments. As our italian tradition teaches, no matter how busy your day is, you should always take at least one moment to have a break and relax.
在 MOMÉNTI,提供手工新鲜的意大利面和地道的意式咖啡来照顾好你的胃和心!
At moménti, we promise to take care of you and of your moments by serving you handmade fresh pasta and real italian coffee.
Buon appetito!
During the recent opening celebrations of Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall, from September 30th to October 2nd Mickey and Minnie Mouse from Shanghai Disney Resort made a surprise appearance at Vanke Sky City, to the delight of the gathered crowds. They joined in the fun and celebrated with the guests, bringing with them the magic and joy exclusively produced by Disney’s most famous and beloved characters!
上海天空万科广场还携手TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE茑屋,带来TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE茑屋快闪店。「从土壤到天空」主题快闪店精选3000余册国内外图书,覆盖艺术、生活、人文、文学、ACG等多个领域,超过500种家居杂货工及艺品,通过不同材料、工艺,感受大自然的素材和匠人手工技艺的魅力。
Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall also joined hands with TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE to bring TSUTAYA BOOKSTORE flash store. "From the soil to the sky" theme flash store selected more than 3,000 domestic and foreign books, covering a variety of fields such as art, life, humanities, literature, ACG, more than 500 kinds of household groceries and art products, through different materials, crafts, feel the charm of nature's materials and craftsmen's handicraft.
With its positioning of as a ‘center of growth power’, it is the commitment of Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall to spread the vitally important considerations of environmental awareness, low carbon living and environmental protection, demonstrating an excellent sense of corporate responsibility. With the central theme of ‘Regeneration’ Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall has established an important partnership with Tongji University School of Design and Creativity to the domestic emerging environmental protection installation artists to create the opening of the Sky's Yuan Qi Art Exhibition, focusing on the concepts of aesthetic art and healing, advocating the creation of an artistic dream world belonging to the sky.
In addition, an inspirational season of artistic activities was launched on schedule, with art used as a medium for improving parent-child relationships and increasing the opportunities for inspiration and interaction with hundreds of possibilities for colliding with art.
With the benefit of many distinctive, on-trend and diverse brands available to customers, Shanghai Uni Vanke Mall will become a leisurely shopping destination rich in internationally famous brands and full of fun and creativity. As a destination for the conscientious consumer who prioritizes both environment and fashion, it is certain to become a priority for years to come!
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