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中英双语:“夺回美国”的关键 ​| The Key to "Taking Back America"

保守时评 北美保守评论1 2020-08-18




何清涟离开中国后,撰写了专门研究中国政府控制媒体的专著《雾锁中国——中国大陆控制媒体策略大揭秘》,因其资料详实受到中国研究界与中国国内新闻业者高度重视。美国《商业周刊》于1999年6月14日“亚洲之星”专号曾将何清涟评为“亚洲之星”(50 Leaders at The Forefront of Change,THE STARS OF ASIA)。



  • 《人口:中国的悬剑》[6],四川人民出版社,1988年

  • 《经济学与人类关怀》,广东教育出版社,1998年

  • 《现代化的陷阱:当代中国的经济社会问题》,今日中国出版社,1998年

  • 《我们仍然在仰望星空》,漓江出版社,2001年

  • 《20世纪后半叶历史解密》(Decoding History : 1950s~2000s),博大出版社,2004年

  • 《中国改革的得与失》(The Gains and Losses of China's Reform),与程晓农合著,博大出版社,2007年

  • 《雾锁中国——中国大陆控制媒体策略大揭秘》

  • 《中国:溃而不崩》,与程晓农合著,八旗文化,2017年

  • 《红色渗透:中国媒体全球扩张的真相》,八旗文化,2019年

  • The Key to "Taking Back America": Rebuilding Education

    Authored by He Qinglian

    Translated by Jack Jiang

    The Black Lives Matter movement in the United States has received strong support from the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party’s highest strategy is: to create all chaos, try to exaggerate the epidemic, delay the economic restart, and combat Trump’s chances of being re-elected. 

    The mainstream media fully supports this, and big social media companies such as Youtube and Twitter have taken on the responsibility of monitoring national news. They did not hesitate to remove videos of comments that are not conducive to the Democratic Party. However, even with the protection of the Democratic Party’s political power and the favoritism of the media, the BLM participants’ intolerance of different speeches, hatred of American history, and the BLM leader Hawk Newsome in the Greater New York region said in an interview on June 24. The United States "don't give us what we want, then we will destroy this system", exposing the BLM's disregard of public opinion, the use of violence to implement political blackmail and naked demands for political power, plus the smashing they have made all over the United States. 

    The Americans were shocked by the violent activities of looting and killing, and then they were alert, realizing that this movement is different from many previous movements in history. Even the closest anti-Vietnam War in 1969 did not try to distort and twist the history of the United States, which has been treasured since its founding, let alone declaring to destroy the United States.  Some brave people finally shouted: “Take America Back!”

    The key to retaking the United States is education

    The left hates capitalism and hates the only remaining capitalist bastion, the United States. Compared with Europe, the United States maintains some of the characteristics of competitive capitalism, which is called "America alone." The leftist monopoly of education will naturally make young Americans hate their own country.

    On July 4, U.S. President Trump bluntly pointed out in his National Day speech at Mount Rushmore that American public schools educate children to hate their country. The slogan in the BLM movement shows that more and more young Americans are not only ambivalent about American nationality, but also completely hostile. The Politico/Morning Consult poll published on July 21st showed that nearly half of the respondents (49%) said they believed that the cancellation culture had a negative impact on society, while 27% of the respondents said that they believed that the cancellation culture had a positive impact on society. 40% of people responded that they participated in canceled cultural activities, and about one in ten said that they "frequently" participated in canceled activities. 

    The survey shows that people of different age groups have very different attitudes towards cultural cancellation. Age is a factor!  Among voters aged between 18 and 34 (Generation Z and Millennial), 55% of them expressed participation in canceled cultural events, and 32% of voters over 65 expressed opposition.

    In his speech on the National Day of the United States on July 4, President Trump said that American children are being taught that the people who built our country are not heroes, but villains. This remark aroused strong criticism from the Democratic Party. On July 19, Fox News conducted a poll on this issue, asking voters what they think of the founder of the United States. It turns out that there is indeed such a disturbing trend among American youth: 63% think they are heroes, while 15% think they are villains. Another 15% of the respondents said it depends on the situation, while 7% of the respondents did not comment. But when the digits are broken down by age, the opinions are completely different in different generations. Americans over the age of 45 almost universally regard the founders as heroes, and only a very small number of people regard them as villains. However, among Americans under the age of 45, almost the same proportion think that the founders of the United States are villains, not heroes. . This is directly related to the increasingly left-leaning American education in the past two decades.

    Since the introduction of speech control, most of those who control speech have been authoritarian kings, governments, and religious forces. But a peculiar phenomenon has emerged in the United States. In addition to the prevalence of the "cancellation culture" that prohibits speech, at Pittsburg University, a black student group alliance "Black Pitt" published an open letter, asking that the school is required to dismiss any employees who are called "racists" by the black student union, and to terminate the employees’ speech immunity. Immunity of speech is the core principle of academic freedom in public universities, as well as the protection of scholars in public universities under the First Amendment of the Constitution. These students regard themselves as a higher existence than the constitutional amendment. This kind of thing is not only one in the United States, but hundreds of cases.

    This of course is the result of the long-term monopoly of American university education by the left. But the problem is far more than that. Because the college students who were trained by leftist education teach in elementary and middle schools after graduation, K-12 education in the United States has been severely eroded by the leftist ideology.

    The problem of American education starts from K-12

    The GC movement has one characteristic in common with the Taliban and ISIS: using children and young people in political activities. Teenagers are generally immature, not good at thinking, and tend to listen and believe. One of the reasons why Karl Popper was able to write "The Open Society and Its Enemies", which is known as "the most thorough and difficult criticism of Marxist philosophy and historical doctrine," is that he was once a believer of Marxism. Popper participated in the student movement when he was a student, so he abhors the use of youth to achieve political goals by the left, and made very sharp criticisms. In the anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong, I have also unceremoniously criticized the opponents' use of ignorant young children.

    The U.S. Democratic Party is particularly good at using young people, and even pinned its hopes of victory on the increase in the number of young first voters. In this BLM movement, many high school teachers encouraged students to participate in protests. California is now even trying to pass a bill to allow 17-year-old youth to vote in the general election.

    However, the general leftism of the younger generation has made some clear-minded Americans sound alarm. The retired admiral William McRaven is a former Navy SEAL commander, the former commander of the US Special Operations Command, and former superintendent of the University of Texas . On June 29, 2020, he said at the Aspen Ideas Festival : "When I was a school supervisor, I would hold a lot of conferences. During the meeting, someone would always ask this question: "What is your number one national security issue?" His answer was: The biggest national security issue facing the United States now is the issue of the K-12 grade education system. Here, let me first explain the meaning of the so-called K12 or K-12, which is short for kindergarten through twelfth grade, which means from kindergarten (Kindergarten, usually 5-6 years old) to grade 12 (grade 12, usually 17-18 years). These two ages are the two ages at the beginning and end of free education in the United States, Australia and English Canada. They are used to refer to the basic education stages of the United States and Canada.

    McRaven used an American euphemism to point out the problems of K-12 education in the United States. "Unless we provide high-quality education opportunities for young men and women in the United States, we will not be able to cultivate the ability to contribute to our national security with people who make the right decisions".  They will not be able to understand different cultures; they will not be able to understand different viewpoints; they will not become thinkers with critical thinking ability." Therefore, "in America, we must have an education system that is truly educating and cultivating the independent thinking ability of young men and women so that they can see the world outside their own ‘micro world'. If we do not cultivate these outstanding talents, in the long run, our national security will face tremendous danger." 

    Why did he say this? Of course, since this year's BLM movement, the young Americans have shown their paranoia towards eradicating history, their intolerance to any dissent, and their blind obedience to the leftist's notions of political correctness.

    His speech echoed that of the former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. As a member of the Education Working Group of the Council on Foreign Relations in 2012, Rice helped write a report stating that "the K-12 education crisis is our biggest national security crisis today", "The failure of education will threaten the future economic prosperity of the United States, global status and personal safety... Human capital will determine the power of this century, and the inability to produce such capital will harm the security of the United States."

    Today, if Americans want to take back the United States (Take America back), the core issue is to take back education. Now most public schools have been controlled by the extreme left. They unscrupulously pursued a progressive education policy, removed traditional scientific and cultural knowledge education and patriotic history education from the syllabus, and used racist theories that deny American history and culture and a sense of preference. The pedagogical theory of learning takes its place and turns the school into a community center that instills "progressive" values in students. The result is bound to be that the younger generation loses their love for the country and does not have the ability to build and defend the country. The model for this kind of education is Snowden and Manning. These people neither know that they work in government departments and organizations, which requires them to keep secrets and abide by professional ethics, nor they know what national interests are all about. They casually leak their country secrets. Snowden even deliberately leaked to countries hostile to the United States, causing huge losses and security breaches.

    The United States has long been a major exporter of education. According to information released by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the global flow of international students has increased from 600,000 in 1975 to 5.1 million in 2017. The United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and France have accepted nearly half of all foreign students in the world. The United States ranks first. Most foreign students in the United States come from developing countries and newly industrialized countries, and more than half of them are from Asia. Many of these overseas students go back to work in the education sector, which has led to a general leftist trend among the younger generation all over the world. Taiwanese youth and Hong Kong youth are examples.

    This time the performance of American youth in the BLM movement finally made Americans realize that by allowing the left to monopolize the education system and using political correctness to control speech, the United States has lost its young generation. For any country, losing the young generation means losing the future. Even if Trump wins the 2020 election, how to change the leftist side of the education system will be a great challenge.


    美国的Black LivesMatter运动获得民主党鼎力支持。民主党的最高策略是:制造一切混乱,尽量渲染疫情,拖延经济重启,打击川普获选机会。主流媒体对此全力支持,Youtube与Twitter等社交媒体大公司充当起了监督全国新闻的责任,他们毫不犹豫撤掉不利于民主党的言论视频。但是,即使有民主党的政治势力保护以及媒体的舆论偏袒,BLM参与者对不同言论的不宽容、对美国历史的痛恨,以及6月24日大纽约地区BLM领导人Hawk Newsome在采访中说的如果美国「不给我们想要的东西,那么我们将毁掉这个体系」,暴露了BLM罔顾民意,用暴力实施政治敲诈、赤裸裸地索求政治权力的图谋,加上他们在全美各地制造的打砸抢烧杀暴力活动,美国人先是震惊,继而是警醒,意识到这场运动与以往历史上许多运动不同,就算最接近的1969年反越战也未试图扭曲和歪曲美国建国以来的历史,更未声明要毁掉美国,一些勇敢的人终于喊出了「Take America Back」(夺回美国)!



    7月4日,美国总统川普在拉斯莫尔山(Mount Rushmore)的国庆日演讲中直言不讳地指出,美国的公立学校教育孩子仇恨自己的国家。BLM运动中的口号,表明越来越多的年轻美国人不仅对美国的国籍持矛盾态度,而且完全怀有敌意。Politico/Morning Consult poll在7月21日公布的调查显示,近一半的受访者(49%)表示他们相信取消文化对社会产生了负面影响,而27%的受访者表示,他们认为取消文化对社会产生了积极影响。40%的人回答说他们参加了取消文化活动,大约十分之一的人说他们「经常」参加取消活动。该调查显示不同年龄段的人对取消文化的态度有很大差别,年龄也是一个因素,年龄在18至34岁(Z世代和千禧一代)之间的选民中,有55%的人表示参与了取消文化活动,而65岁以上的选民中有32%的人表示反对。


    从有言论管制以来,管制言论者多为专制君王、政府以及宗教势力。但美国现在出现了一个奇特的现象,除了禁制言论的「取消文化」盛行之外,在美国匹兹堡大学(Pittsburg University),一个黑人学生团体联盟「黑匹大(Black Pitt)」发表一封公开信,要求学校解雇任何被这个黑人学生会称为「种族主义者」的员工,并要求终止员工言论豁免权。言论豁免权是公立大学学术自由的核心原则,也是宪法第一修正案对公立大学学者的保护。这些学生将自己看作比宪法修正案要高的一种存在,这种事情在美国并不止一起,而是发生了上百起。


    美国教育的问题从K-12 开始



    但是,青年一代的普遍左倾让美国的有识之士发出警告。退役海军上将威廉•麦克瑞文(William McRaven)是前美国海军海豹突击队(Navy SEAL)指挥官、美国特种作战司令部(US Special Operations Command)司令,曾经担任德克萨斯大学的校监。2020年6月29日,他在阿斯彭思想理念节(Aspen Ideas Festival)上说:「当我是校监的时候,我会召开很多大会,与会期间,总会有人问这个问题:『你们的头号国家安全问题是什么?』」他的回答是:美国现在面临的最大国家安全问题是K-12年级教育体系的问题。在此,我先解释一下所谓K12或K-12的涵义,它是kindergarten through twelfth grade的简写,是指从幼稚园(Kindergarten,通常5-6岁)到十二年级(grade 12,通常17-18岁)的整体教育架构,这两个年龄是美国、澳大利亚及English Canada的免费教育开头与结束的两个年龄,用来作对美国、加拿大等基础教育阶段的通称。

    麦克瑞文用一种美国式委婉指出现在美国的K-12教育的问题,「除非我们给美国的青年男女提供高品质的教育的机会,否则我们将没有能力培养出能为我们的国家安全做出正确决定的人才」,「他们将无法理解不同的文化;他们将无法理解不同的观点;他们将不会成为有批判性思辩能力的思想者。」 因此,「在美国,我们必须有一个教育体系是在真正地教育和培养青年男女独立的思考能力,能够看到在他们自己的'微观世界'以外的世界。如果我们不培养这些优秀的人才,从长远来看,我们的国家安全将面临巨大的危险。」他为什么要讲这番话?当然是今年BLM运动以来,美国青年一代表现出来的对消除历史的偏执、不能容忍任何异议的偏狭与对左派那套政治正确观念不加思考的盲从。

    他的讲话与前国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯(Condoleezza Rice)的讲话相呼应,作为2012 年对外关系委员会教育工作组的成员,赖斯帮助撰写了一份报告,指出「 K-12教育危机是当今我们最大的国家安全危机」,「教育失败使美国未来的经济繁荣,全球地位和人身安全受到威胁,……人力资本将决定本世纪的权力,而不能生产这种资本将损害美国的安全。」

    如今,美国人要夺回美国(Take America back),核心问题就是要夺回教育。现在多数公立学校已被极左掌控,他们肆无忌惮地推行进步主义教育方针,将传统的科学文化知识教育、爱国主义历史教育从教学大纲中剔除,用否定美国历史文化的种族主义理论和凭感觉偏好学习的教学理论取而代之,把学校变为给学生灌输「进步主义」价值观的社区中心,其结果必然是年轻一代丧失对国家的热爱,也不具备建设国家、保卫国家的能力。这种教育的样板就是斯诺登与曼宁,这些人既不知道在政府部门以及需要保守秘密的机构里任职,必须遵守职业操守,更不知道国家利益为何物,很轻易地就将本国机密外泄,斯诺登甚至是故意泄露给对美国有敌意的国家,造成巨大的损失与安全性漏洞。










关闭课堂教学”--- 这是完全错误的!(含音频)

